7mm rifles, whats your thoughts, favourites


Might it be enough to just say the 7mm-08 is “my favorite” and move on? A hair can only be split so many times.


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Because I honestly don't have a "favorite". I have posted I've been quite pleased with my .25-06 I used on my two most recent hunting trips, for whitetail and feral hogs, but not that is my favorite. Refer to Sgt.Friday.

BTW, I like your post's pic, but I'm betting I can't take that varmint eliminator design to California, much less Western Europe even if I took sea passage to get there instead of air travel!
Here's the reminder @rookhawk. So, what reloading tables were you consulting when you came to this position? Can you post a link to such?

For Europe & Africa, I posted my choice in 7mm would be 7X64mm but not for elephants or any other dangerous game, not for me.
Well, here are the American reloading tables published by Nosler, an American company, for the Made in USA 7mm 175 grain Partition projectile mentioned, simple impartial data.


Maximum table velocity is 2623 fps (American units) for 7mm-08.


Maximum table velocity is 2574 fps for 7X57mm.

I see those as equivalent with the known dispassionate scientific principles of repeatability and reproduceability, especially when lot-to-lot variations in batches of propellant are logically considered. Nothing I can see qualifies as "neutered" in either set of data to my American vision and cognition.

I am open to reviewing honest independent chronograph data. I have absolutely nothing "against" any specific cartridge or projectile from any particular corner of the globe. The Norma and PPU loaded ammunition and component projectiles I have purchased and posted about should be enough for rational evidence to discern this, whether 7X57mm, 7mm-08, or 7X64mm,in just 7mm / .284 alone amongst things I personally own.

Swift, another American company, also finds sufficient market to offer their 7mm-08 projectile in what Swift labels High Grade Ammunition, in 140 grain A-Frame, 150 grain Scirocco II, and 160 grain A-Frame for consumers to choose from. As an aside, 6.5X55mm ammo is also available with both A-Frame and Scirocco II projectiles for consumers.


I would have expected someone with such vitriol for American things to use RWS H-Mantel projectiles or 173+ grain FMJ RN projectiles instead of relying on any American projectile manufacturd in the USA to provide acceptable results to begin with, much less over a 20 year period.

I will have Reed's in OK load some 7mm-08 ammo for me with 170 grain Norma Oryx projectiles if someone using 175 grain Nosler Partition 7X57mm ammo would join me for a Texas feral hog hunt to directly compare terminal effects of sufficient projectile stability. Or even 7mm-08 175 grain Speer Grand Slam projectiles if a comparison with a European bonded technology projectile is viewed as less than sporting. Norma lists 170 grain Vulkan load data for a starting point, and Speer lists 7mm-08 data for the 175 grain Grand Slam.



I will use my only 7mm-08 firearm with barreled action manufactured in Serbia, with Boyd's stock, Timney trigger, and Sig Sauer scope mounted on EGW scope base.

Mr. Moulds, you have no enmity from me. I find your post factually based and well reasoned. I enjoy such framing regardless of where it originates nor what citizenship it springs forth from.
BTW, I like your post's pic, but I'm betting I can't take that varmint eliminator design to California, much less Western Europe even if I took sea passage to get there instead of air travel!

Put a rainbow sticker on it and you’ll be fine.
Even Wikipedia shows muzzle velocity and muzzle energy for a 7mm-08 cartridge with 175 grain Nosler Partition projectile, among others.


As with all my posts this thread, these are my thoughts, as solicited by the OP, regardless of how others choose to take anything I post, here, or anywhere else.

If anyone honestly reads what I've posted that should be clearly evident. I don't expect any honest answers to my direct questions will ever be posted at this point. There's certainly been plenty of opportunity to do so.
It's still unproven what a 7mm-08 cartridge can attain with respect to muzzle velocity in my 7mm-08 rifle. Manufactured by Zastava, it may well be non-typical, just as having the same size magazine box and bolt length (and bolt travel length) as my 7X64mm and .30-06 Springfield rifles manufactured by Zastava. But there's no rational reason for me to go to the expense to explore that ultimate edge of the envelope without someone taking me up on my 7mm-08 & 7X57mm Texas feral hog hunt offer. I'll stick to my posted plan to load projectiles such as the 7mm 155 grain Federal Edge TLR and 170+ grain 7mm projectiles for use in my 7X64mm rifles.

FWIW I ran some stability calcs at 1800 fps for the 175 grain Nosler Partition projectile since that's Nosler's published minimum impact expansion velocity. The results show the projectile is still predicted to be in a stable regime whether possessing rotational velocity from that imparted by a barrel with 1:10 inches twist rate or 1:8.67 inches twist rate. I see no rational reason to pursue calculations at velocities below Nosler's published minimum impact expansion velocity for the 7mm 175 grain Made in USA Nosler Partition.
is that 1800 fps a muzzle velocity, or velocity at a range having decayed from a higher muzzle velocity?
if it is from a higher muzzle velocity, how do you calculate the stability at the lower velocity.
I suspect there is more spin decay than some realize, but do not know how to calculate it.
Aberdeen proving ground did establish an amount of spin decay for a 308 win load, and from memory it was about 10%, at 1000 yds, but that could be wrong.
muzzle velocity is part of the stability formula, but I don't think anyone would use an mv of 1800 fps in anything but a pistol.
is that 1800 fps a muzzle velocity, or velocity at a range having decayed from a higher muzzle velocity?
if it is from a higher muzzle velocity, how do you calculate the stability at the lower velocity.
I suspect there is more spin decay than some realize, but do not know how to calculate it.
Aberdeen proving ground did establish an amount of spin decay for a 308 win load, and from memory it was about 10%, at 1000 yds, but that could be wrong.
muzzle velocity is part of the stability formula, but I don't think anyone would use an mv of 1800 fps in anything but a pistol.
It was a rough-and-ready assumption that spin rate of decay was almost negligible thus a a muzzle velocity.

Using 10% rotational velocity decay (at what distance or at what linear velocity as a % of muzzle velocity would be good to know), a 1:10 inches ratio would then be a 1:11 inches twist rate, correct?

Using 1:11 inches ratio and 1800 fps (muzzle but not really) velocity yields the following result using a model with the Miller twist rule, no polymer tip, 175 grain Nosler Partition, 1 atmosphere, 59°F, 50% humidity (reasonable representative South Texas Whitetail season conditions for my use), the progam spits out the following results.

"While theoretically stable, you're on the edge. A faster twist is suggested to ensure a suitable margin of safety."

If we use Wikipedia's value of 2595 fps for a 7mm-08 cartridge, 1800 fps is 69% of muzzle velocity, and using same atmospheric conditions and without introducing variable wind conditions, Fereral's ballistics app shows 1805 fps occurs at 380 yards from the muzzle. Of course, lower muzzle velocities will decay to 1800 fps at a shorter distance from the muzzle and simultaneously a higher % of muzzle velocity. This would bring into play the importance of the basis of 10% rotational velocity decay with respect to distance traveled from the muzzle and / or % of muzzle velocity where the 10% rotational velocity occurs, as well as the + or - bracketing of where the 10% rotational velocity decay occurs.

Of course all sorts of additional modeling requirements and refinements can be put into such models and cranked through, but again, what is the expected influence of such refinements on the actual rsults, and also within the precision of the model itself? Thee is a concept of Significant Figures that should be applied whenever building and using such models, plus the ability to actually repeatedly measure and validate the precision of such refinements.

My model framing is hunting use within "reasonable" - typical? - hunting target rnge applications with the 7mm 175 grain Nosler Partition projectile which has a published G1 BC = 0.387. If the discussion was framed around long range metal silhouette shooting with custom 7mm-08 rifles with barrel twist rates of say 1:8 inches or faster with projectiles such as the Federal 7mm 155 grain Edge TLR projectile the model precision and levels of appropriate refinement would be completely different.

So within the bound of what would be professionally described as my engineering judgement, the rough-and-ready modeling I performed for this example within the framework of use of the model and its results, my approach & results rmainvalid after adding a 10% generalized rotational velocity decay at an undefined distance from muzzle or % of muzzle velocity envelope of applicability of validity a generalized 10% is applicable at. Note the projectile minimum impact expansion velocity is a fixed value independent of muzzle velocity (and therefore distance from muzzle and % muzzle velocity) as well as atmospheric conditions.

If there is additional definition of the envelope where a rotational velocity decay of 10% is applicable, my engineering judgement is this is unlikely to significantly affect modeling predictions within the confines of the model and circumstances used to define the use of the model and its results unless a high sensitivity between rate of rotational velocity decay vs % of muzzle velocity (and by extension distance traveled from muzzle) is shown to radically change the generalized additional refinement basis of 10% rotational velocity decay introduced. (This is what is called a sensitivity analysis in my profession.)

I hope that's helpful not only from a perspective of adding a generalized refinement with undefined sensitivity, as well as directional effects of other refinements in general with respect to model use and framework of any model (as well as the concept of significant figures and by extension significnce of effects). But all of this is absoutely useless if pedantic adherance to the definitin of the trm "muzzle velocity" is insistently slavishly adhered to rather than conceptual use of extrapolating use of the model at any condition other than specifically what the assignned model terms are.

Take it for what itis, or reject it absolutely in the absence of a model based on an empirical data set with many many measurements taken mid-flight at 1800 fps for this specific projectile.

I never said my model extrapolations and results were in any way absolutely accurate to a defined number of significant figures. Instead what I alluded to erroneously thinking it went without explicit statement and demonstration, was my use of such model provides reasonable results in my engineering judgement within the context and framework of use of that model in the absence of me finding a model explicitly based on an empirical data set measured directly at the defined point of 1800 fps mid-flight.

I find the approach and results reasonable for my purposes and applicability of the general regime indicated by the rsultswithn two digits whch is the regime where changes to the regimes occur within the model, as well as a rational basis of how I extended the defined terms of the model I used by not being constrained by pedantic definition of one model input term. YMMV.

Edit: I guess I should add: is there is an element of risk this post will cause you to define yourself as my enemy? I honestly don't know of a better response and demonstration of the rationale of this response, plus rationale of any prior post I've made.

One central concept: if the model result indicates an unstable projectile, or stable projectile, does that mean that at any and every point in time (and distance) after thhe instant that projectile leaves the muzzle, does that really mean the projectile will be unstable, or stable, until forces of resistance of the fluid media the projectile is traveling through bring the projectile velocity to zero in all directions?

I posit if the model result says unstable, the answr is yes. If the model result says stable, the answer is no. Within the framework the model is used. Agree, or disagree?
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It’s all in the dialogue
It’s all in the dialogue
And having a slavish devotion to being pedantic doesn't support or facilitate dialogue or innovation.

It's extremely valuable to attorneys (barristers), and is useful in contract issues, but not really having much value in other theaters.
Might make for a good avatar, then we can all hear Sheldon read out loud in our heads when you make very clear your extensive and informative narrative on the topic when one disagrees with you.
I’m gonna practice off sticks before it’s dark, not long now, I’m going to Africa!
Might make for a good avatar, then we can all hear Sheldon read out loud in our heads when you make very clear your extensive and informative narrative on the topic when one disagrees with you.
Well I'd already loaded an avatar that matches my username. I *think* I leave the doors open for dialogue but a poll would provide data on whether that comes across here. On other forums I participate in I've had positive feedback in that regard.

I sincerely hope you & whoever you may be traveling with have a safe and enjoyable trip to Africa. If my body and the US medical treatment buraucracy cooperates better in 2020 with my ideas of what I'd like to do, maybe I'll book such a trip in 2021.
:A Way To Go: Keep writing, keep us informed and look after your health.
I didn’t think I would ever Hunt Africa but I found an opening and Redistributed some money putting other things on hold.
no enmity at all.
I am trying to come to grips with spin decay, and hoped you might have some knowledge on the matter.
I'm glad to learn that, and to learn in general.

If you can PM links of what you've reviewed as a starting point, I'll use that as a springboard to "geek out" on the topic and hold discussions via return PM or external email. I spend a certain amount of time as more or less a captive in my body these days and like to help keep sharp above the neck applying my inclinations and experience to various matters. "Jeapordy!" is just a trivia game and has way too many categories I'm not knowledgable in, and not really very interested in, to ever take too seriously for me.
:A Way To Go: Keep writing, keep us informed and look after your health.
I didn’t think I would ever Hunt Africa but I found an opening and Redistributed some money putting other things on hold.
I've never really thought about what voice anyone has in their head when they read anything I write, nor have I ever paid any attention to what sort of voice is in my head reading anything written by anyone that I never heard their voice. It honestly doesn't matter to me now that I have given it some thought. Maybe one day we can meet and actually see and hear each other. Until then, I look forward to reading your hunt reports and I'll try to remember to put a Paul Hogan voice in my head while reading them!
It's a given that all factory 7-08 rifles are relatively new/modern and many 7x57s aren't. The two major standard keepers for cartridge standards and specs are SAAMI and CIP. They determine the safe max pressure for cartridges including considering the rifles in which they may be used. When looking at factory ammo specs or reloading manual specs, it's a sure bet the MAX velocities are tested against the standard upper limits of MAPs (pressure) with statistical SDs under either SAAMI or CIP. It's perfectly understandable, given the constraints for older or possibly weaker rifles, that factory loads and max loads in reloading manuals for the 7x57 would be more conservative than those for the all-modern 7-08.

Here are the listed 7-08 and 7x57 standard MAPs measured by the piezo electric method so are in kpsi. They are rounded to the nearest higher kpsi.

The SAAMI number is left column and CIP is right column

Screen Shot 2019-12-23 at 7.51.12 PM.png
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Based on the figures listed on the Hodgson website, the new Winchester StaBALL 6.5 powder looks like the best thing yet to come along to utilize the 60KPSI (CIP) / 61 KPSI (SAAMI) piezo pressure limit of the 7mm-08 Remington cartridge, especially for projectile weights 145 grain and greater. Also claims low temperature sensitivity which I find useful for Texas where the season is open 24/7/365 for game such as feral hogs, Axis deer, Blackbuck antelope, etc.


Looks like the 7mm-08 Remington load data doesn't come across directly with a copy/paste of the web link.

Scroll to "7mm-08" in Step 1

Leave Step 2 set to "Any"

Set Step 3 to "Winchester"

Set Step 4 to "StaBALL 6.5"

Here are the listed conditions:

Case: Remington
Twist: 1:9.5"
Primer: Remington 9 1/2, Large Rifle
Barrel Length: 24"
Trim Length: 2.025"

Examples are upper range muzzle velocities around 3000 fps for 145 grain projectiles, 2900 fps for 150 grain projectiles, 2800 fps for 160 grain projectiles, 2776 fps for 168 grain projectiles, and 2669 fps for 175 grain projectiles. That's right on the heels, if not right alongside of, published Norma 7X64mm Brenneke and .280 Remington factory load figures at similar projectile weights!

To see all the published load data thus far for Winchester StaBALL 6.5 powder, set Step 1 to "Any" leaving Steps 2 - 4 set as above.
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Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!
mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell