with this homemade wine, you would have forgotten all your worries in a flash.
Passed out in Bear country...... hmmmm.
with this homemade wine, you would have forgotten all your worries in a flash.
View attachment 274156
Firearms in my country.
A few incomplete, but essential remarks on firearms ownership in Germany.
In principle, only government employees are allowed to carry weapons in your service and people from various security services.
They are not allowed to take these for private walks.
Only marksmen and hunters are allowed to possess firearms, but only for this purpose.
A sport shooter must participate regularly in the shooting (minimum 18x in the year so authorities wish) and receives only the weapons + calibers in his club are also shot.
We hunters are allowed to get with a valid license.
2 pistols/revolvers and unlimited hunting rifles.
However, the law prescribes strict security obligations.
Who starts today as a hunter, needs a safe with a combination lock, the key problem one wants to deal with it. Children in the house always find everything.
The more rifles the more expensive the accommodation. We are also not allowed to store a revolver in the nightstand. Nobody, neither wife nor children may come to the weapons, unless they have a hunting license and then only about the safe.
If someone should break into my house at night, I must first open it to the safe and then hope it is not too late. If I have to shoot, I may also be accused of not calling the police first.
My rifles are only for hunting and I am only allowed to load them in the forest,or at the shooting range.
Our authorities generally want to disarm the citizens and punish every carelessness with extraordinary severity.
Alcohol at the wheel, 2x over a red traffic light, tax evasion, a cartridge by mistake in the jacket pocket fall out in the supermarket and your license is lost for sure.
Minimum 5 years. Nobody should be as law-abiding as a hunter in my country and yet he is often treated as a criminal.
To carry weapons outside our activities is strictly forbidden.
In Germany you do not get a weapon licence to protect yourself.
No matter how endangered you may be.
A small example; the city of Augsburg, Bavaria's third largest city with 286,000 inhabitants has allowed no citizen to carry a weapon for his protection.
Not even at home! There is a (meanwhile) known jeweller who is attacked in irregular intervals and the authorities are not interested in that.
Call the police, is always the answer.
It is hard to believe that there are not so few states in Europe that are even more restrictive than Germany.
I myself am quite glad, if I go into a Cafe or into the theatre, to have the consciousness, nobody carries a weapon there.
Fortunately very little happens to us with it, but the cases where someone freaks out with it weigh heavily and always tighten the regulations.The fertile massacre in a mosque on the weekend in NZ, could also change something in our country.
I find it remarkable that nobody loses as many weapons as the authorities (military, police, customs).
In thirty years they lost over 100,000 firearms.
If we hunters were so reckless with it, there would be no weapon possession for us for a long time.
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Glad to have a better understanding of the laws you have to deal with.
Laws in many countries are restrictive. It makes me thankful for the few laws we have in America, even though the trend is to clamp down on gun ownership.
That double rifle drilling is a magnificent thing. I particularly like the exposed hammers. I can't make out the markings on the barrel, but it looks like something Hartman & Weiss might create, except the stock is lighter than one of their typical finished rifles. Soooo, I am guessing it is a Ferlach creation?@Wheels
we hunters moan here more often under the official conditions which do not contribute to safety.
As I am living(arrested) in a different culture, I am still against introducing liberal weapons laws like we hear from many states in the USA.
A few days ago I red in AH from an American member, who wants to visit Australia and asked if he could take a pistol with him for his protection, because he always carries a gun at home.
I have thought about this sentence often and for a long time and it would be terrible for me to live in a city where I would always have to carry a gun for my protection. Here it is, although we are just as little holy as people with you unimaginable and also unnecessary (yet, but we have enough problems).
Some time ago I took part in a guided tour in the headquarters of the Munich- (capital of Bavaria) police and heared, that the last policeman in Munich was shot almost 25 years ago (he spared his killer).For policemen from Moscow, Johannesburg and Chicago this is not to be believed.But it is true.Crime we also have enough,but least by weapons,that's why we often react so irrationally when something happens,instead of intervening reasonably
No problem for a guest to bring a hunting gun to Germany .
You have to show your invitation letter and you get a Foreigner Hunting License(valid 14 day when I remember right),your hunting friend or outfitter will do that for you.
But then, you enter a gray area and I can't give you a binding answer to.
The best would be to hand it over to your hunting friend, so that he locks it in the safe until the hunt starts.
But on journeys with it ?
In the car you must not leave the gun unattended, unless you go to the gas station, but no longer.
In the hotel room also not, what to do ?
If it's not safely locked away, it should always be in your angle. Absurd.
Many hunters take the lock out of the gun and lock the gun in the car, hoping for extenuating circumstances if the gun and car is stolen
We have our problems with the same question.
@Red Leg
I'm happy to read that you was such an eager fox hunter and I brought back to you nice memories.
Our foxes didn't know the tape at that time and so they might have run after you like Geoge Clooney the girls
You have certainly seen on the photo that it is a rare double barrel Drilling.
2 barrels with the 9.3x74 R and a slug, better you can not be equipped for a lion or a big boar in the thick stuff, but unfortunately it cost as much as a safari
And yes, Bavaria and Austria are here the best corners (still)
Regards and Waidmannsheil you all