In US a business owner can’t find help. In Africa there is no shortage of workers to hire and find the good ones. I see no excuse.
There are places where there really is no good help in the south
Remember when we grew tobacco big time down here?
They would hire out convict time
Put them in camps/ Comuity what ever
The owners payed the man a 50$ bounty for every boy child he fathered and 20 $ for every girl
Didn’t matter if they were married or not
There is big time remanice of that coulture here today
When I went back to a public school my last 2 years of high school most girls had a kid or 2 a few had a lot like 12
Working the farms if you had a man you actually payed a bonus to
You knew who would be at work tomorrow and who you would see in a few days.
Seriously it is in all forms of work here
My cousin is a low level boss at one of the bigger city’s city work departments
He has crews worth of people that will call in sick at income tax time
When the stimulus money came in they did the exact same thing
In theses county’s if you fire them you still have to deal with the same behavior when you rehire
I have a buddy that moved here from alanta ga really not that far away
He could not believe what we had to work with
Well his crew are all Latin now where he does not have to deal with the locals