the hunt verification is a verification that is required by the province you hunted in, it works as follows. if you where hunting in the freestate and your trophies are at a taxidermist in the northern cape, the taxidermist must send all hunting information to the free state permit office they will then submit a verification form with all relevant hunting documentation attached. they check on things like if the hunt was legal, was the outfiiter and ph licensed as well as check that all documentation of the hunt is correct. if the hunting province is happy and all paper work is correct, t hey will then send the verification back with it stating that the trophies are recommended for export. the taxidermist of the exporting province will then submit that verification form to there province permit office and apply for export permit. a couple of years back the taxidermy use to apply for export permits from each province you hunted in, and get export permit from each province. but that has all changed now, for example if you hunted free state northern cape eastern cape, Limpopo, but your trophies are at a taxidermy in KZN, you will see that all export permits are from KZN. this has made the time frame on getting permits back longer, and frustrating. as some provinces you can wait up to a month to get the verification back, and some it can take a day. i hope it this helps.