The .500/.416 Nitro Express 3-1/4”


AH fanatic
Apr 1, 2014
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The history of double rifle cartridges is a long and colored one; many of them were developed in the black powder era, and others in the transition-era, when Cordite was the propellant du jour. These cartridges were largely designed around the heavy-for-caliber cup-and-core round nosed and full-patch bullets of yesteryear, and the guns were regulated for relatively close shooting. Almost all of the designs were rimmed cartridges; the rimmed case giving just about the best headspacing available. While the rimmed cartridges didn’t work very well in the repeating rifles, they work just fine in the single-shot and double rifles.


There are some double rifles chambered for the rimless and belted cartridges, but the rimmed cases offer the easiest and most positive extraction. The reputation and performance the .416 Rigby - and later the .416 Remington – was undeniable, and while there are doubles chambered to these cartridges, Kreighoff saw the wisdom of a rimmed cartridge using a .416” diameter bullet. Early in 1996, Kreighoff unveiled the .500/.416 Nitro Express 3 ¼”, based on the proven .500 Nitro Express case, with a nice, long neck for good bullet tension, a good taper for easy feeding under duress, and enough case capacity to mimic the performance of the rimless .416s. The result was a winner – the .500/.416 NE pushes a 410-grain bullet at 2,325 fps, for just under 5,000 ft.-lbs. of energy at the muzzle. This ballistic formula has been used on the largest game on earth with great results, and in a double rifle, will allow for the reliable, immediate second shot that double rifle shooters have come to appreciate.

So, why choose the .500/.416 over the classic double rifle cartridges? What advantages does it have over the other, earlier calibers and designs? Well, here’s how I look at it: the classic .450/400 3” NE is one of my absolute favorite rimmed calibers, and probably continue to be so, for a couple of reasons. One, it offers a heavier bullet weight – 400 grains – than do the .375 and 9.3mm bores, and I like that better for dangerous game. Two, it offers less muzzle jump than does the .450 NE or the .470 NE, which allows the shooter to get back on target quicker for a much faster second shot, an important feature when it comes to dangerous game. Yes, I know about the arguments for larger frontal diameter and heavier throw weight, but I also recall the experiences I’ve had using the .416 Remington Magnum and .404 Jeffery on dangerous game. The .500/.416 NE bridges a huge gap between the .450/400 and the .450 NE, and offers a shooting experience closer to the .450/400, while giving plenty of power for hunting any and all dangerous game.


While I totally see the case for the larger bores if you are a Professional Hunter, I think that the .450/.400 and .500/.416 make a great choice for the traveling sportsman. When comparing the two, the .500/.416 offers a bit more frontal diameter (.416” v. .411”) and a considerable increase in velocity (2,325 vs. 2,050 to 2,125, depending on manufacturer), so it boils down to whether you desire a bit more reach-out-and-touch-‘em or the lesser recoil of the lighter cartridge. What I see in the .500/.416 NE is a double rifle cartridge with a performance level on par with the highly familiar .416 Rigby, yet available in the quick handling double rifles. The pair of 410-grain Woodleigh bullets – a soft point and a solid for the classic ‘right-and-a-left’ – has a high Sectional Density figure of 0.338, and will deliver the excellent performance that Woodleigh is famous for.

Available in Kreighoff and Heym double rifles, the Norma African PH ammo, loaded with those excellent Woodleigh projectiles, is one of the best sources of ammunition for this excellent newer cartridge.
My Ruger No.1 in 450/400 will meet and exceed the 500/416. But if I were to by a double this would be what I would want.
My Ruger No.1 in 450/400 will meet and exceed the 500/416. But if I were to by a double this would be what I would want.
A 500/416 NE handloaded in a Ruger No. 1 will shoot rings around a 450/400 NE on the same platform...

Moot point really both are double rifle a double the 500/416 NE will put the 450/400 NE nose down....

The 500/416 NE is a brilliant development, I am very surprised it has not been more fills a huge gap between 450/400 NE and 450 NE and up cartridges....

Probably the holy grail for lion and buffalo hunting in a double.....

Could not imagine a better 2 barrel double rifle set than a 500 NE with a second set in 500/416 would be covered for all DG and some properly not marginally.....
I've long debated this cartridge's capabilities, in both doubles, and a Falling Block rifle; suspect its ability to reach out that little bit further in a D/R would outperform just about any and all D/R rounds ...
I have a kreighoff dr in this caliber. It has taken elephant, buffalo, hippo, zebra, kudu, sable, and impala. In fact it is so fun and accurate to shoot that it is the only gun I bring anymore. If I can’t get close enough to shoot the animal with the red dot, we move closer. It makes africa really fun to hunt now. I have shot most animals this there is no real pressure to fill a bag anymore. It will kill and stop anything effectively. Love it.
A bit of research has shown that Heym chambers it in their 89B as well; interesting indeed!!
This was a niche that actually needed filling, unlike some wildcats out there. Would be an interesting and effective choice!
Was shopping around for an 89b this evening and ran across this caliber and was really intrigued. So dredging up an oldie but I was wonder why they didn’t take the .500ne down to .423”? Bullet options?
Only wondering because the OP mentioned the .404 Jeff and its list of exploits…I’d love a Dakota in .404J and I’d been lusting after an 89b in .450/.400. Anyway just wondered if anyone new the details on why or why not the .500/.423 might have been a better option or no?
I guess I’m imagining the .416 probably filled the gap a bit more perfectly…I like .416 bullet chooses too.
Just building my never will get Christmas list have a good one ya’ll
The initial goal was to duplicate the performance of the cartridge 416 Rigby in a rimmed cartridge. That's why in my opinion the choice of caliber was already clear. By the way, I don't see any advantages of the caliber 423 over the caliber 416 and in addition more bullets caliber 416 are available than bullets caliber 423. However, the cartridge does not seem to have been very successful. It is certain that it was in competition with other rimmed cartridges of this caliber class that were well established for double rifles since decades.
The initial goal was to duplicate the performance of the cartridge 416 Rigby in a rimmed cartridge. That's why in my opinion the choice of caliber was already clear. By the way, I don't see any advantages of the caliber 423 over the caliber 416 and in addition more bullets caliber 416 are available than bullets caliber 423. However, the cartridge does not seem to have been very successful. It is certain that it was in competition with other rimmed cartridges of this caliber class that were well established for double rifles since decades.
And then for some reason Rigby have come out with the .416 Rigby No2. Sorry but the ship had sailed by then.
The cartridge 416 Rigby is a mythical cartridge but also a very efficient cartridge for big game hunting. It should stay that way. There are enough rimmed cartridges for double rifles so that we don't have to design new ones.
My kreighoff is such a good shooter and is capable of taking anything that walks. with it and my 9.3 chapuis, and 8x57JRS doubles I am set to hunt anything that comes within the range envelope of the platform and the abilities of the guy behind the stock. After I acquired my 500/416 I decided that I didn't need a 450, 470, or 500 double. I took my krieghoff to Mozambique this year to back up my wife on her buffalo and she didn't need any help. So all of my targets were plains game, sunni to zebra. I was very pleased with its performance.
Any ammo or reload recipes? The Nosler factory ammo shoots decently in my rifle, but regulation could be better.
I am hesitant to post loads online. Barnes has some data with H-1000. Chuckhawks has data with Accurate 5744. Norma of course has Norma Woodleigh data. I prefer A Frames and CEB Safari Solids both at 400gr. Norma brass is as good as it gets. I started by calling both the bullet and powder vendors I like and got their info. Also check your freebore but that should not be a thing on a double. Then ladder tests which is not all that pleasant with this round.
@analog_peninsula I currently have a house full of visitors. will get my reloading notes out in a DM once the holidays finish. Have loads that are safe and regulate in my rifle for 400gr aframes, nosler partitions, DGX, and CEB solids. along with 370 gr CPS northfork solids. As always these are safe loads loads in my rifle you should always follow safe loading procedures and start below these loads and work up to loads that regulate and don't show pressure signs.
I was looking at that 500/416 for a long time, but I never saw the point to invest so much money in a double rifle, which is spending most of it's time in the cabinet!
The 500/416 was the modern answer from Krieghoff to the song of praise about his 450/400 from John Taylor in his writings. The 416 caliber was choosen by Krieghoff because of the good bullet avaibility in this diameter. If there would have been plenty .411 bullets, they would have been on this track.

I read a lot about it and when visiting Hülsen Horneber in Nürnberg plenty years ago, he was busy doing those shells, in which development he was involved too, when I remember right, for a client.
So I had the chance to see the development of that great cartridge from the coin on. See below!



Now, I offered this parts in here somewhere to someone, who really cares about this sort of brass. If You want to have it, please contact me. Polished and mounted its a look at in Your gun room for sure!
I have a Krieghoff Classic Big Game in 500/416 and developed load combinations for which I've logged in data for each shot I’ve taken. The rifle was regulated to 2” at 50 meters with Norma factory ammo with 410 grain Woodleigh bullet at 2325 fps average muzzle velocity. Krieghoff’s regulation standard is both barrels hitting within 3” at 50 meters. To me this isn’t great regulation but I admit that for a 25 yard shot at an elephant of 50 yard buffalo, it is good enough. I have loaded several different 370 and 400 grain bullets that regulate within a 3” spread at 50 meters. Nothing wrong with my rifle…

Being a typical American infected with “magnum-itis” I wasn’t happy with my 2325 fps 500/416 loads producing only 4800 ft lbs of energy. I must have 5000 or else! Other examples of magnum-itis result in buying a 505 Gibbs. Thankfully I haven't gone that far but I do have a 450 Rigby...

At the top end of the velocity range my loads pushed 370 Cutting Edge Bullets Safari Raptors and 400 Nosler Partitions to 2450 fps and 400 gr CEB Safari Solids to 2425 fps. Needless to say those loads did not regulate to the 3” at 50 meters in my Kreighoff. The cases showed no visual signs of pressure being too high except a thin, faint ring around the case just ahead of where the case head started to increase in thickness. The ring indicated the cases stretched resulting in the case wall thinning at the ring. Measuring those cases some thinned only a thousandth or two of an inch, others were more than 5 thousands thinner than the case wall a millimeter ahead of the ring. The .002” or less thin under the ring I will mark and load once or twice again but not for maximum loads. Any cases that thinned 5 thousands (.005”) or more are taken out of service. I may however use some of them for dummy rounds.

Warning: Load cases to maximum level two or three times and watch out! You may have a case head ejected with the case body sticking in the chamber. There are those of us who have and those of us that will… :(

I measure all my 500/416 cases with case wall / concentricity gauges as shown below. Photos are of an old Creighton Audette made concentricity / case wall thickness gauge and one from NECO. The NECO are in production if anyone is interested.

I used stainless steel rod to make the anvil for inside the case since the gauge didn't come with any. The gauges were made to measure neck wall thickness. For case wall down thickness measuring, I crudely made (since I am not a machinist) rids with anvil ends. For those, I bent the rod, cut off excess, and ground the head into an anvil. It works!

I do not look for actual thickness, rather I measure looking for changes in case wall thickness. When a 500/416 stretches, there will be a thinner ring just ahead of the case head. The gauge needle will dip down from the case wall just ahead of the drastically increasing thickness of the case head.

If you do not have a modified case wall thickness gauge, just look for the ring ahead of the case head. The rings indicate stretched cases. Sometimes they’ve stretched by only a thousandth or two. I mark those with a Sharpie and continue to load a time or two at other than maximum loads. For hunting however, new brass only!

What I’ve had to admit to myself during this process which includes over 200 rounds shot during load development is that while 2400 fps and 5000 ft lbs of energy may looks good in my spreadsheet, there is little need for it. The factory ammunition is NOT loaded to current maimum 416 Rigby velocities of 400 grain bullets at 2400 fps. Rather, 500/416 factory ammunition is loaded to velocities of 2300 to 2325. That is near or a little more than the original loading of factory 416 Rigby in 1911. The 416 Rigby of old gained a great reputation for penetration at 2300 fps using old design bullets that most of us would not even consider.

Additionally, 2300 fps is more than the 2150 fps pushing 400 grain bullets from the 450/400. Both the 450/400 and the original 416 Rigby loads have proved very effective on dangerous game. An added bonus of loading my 500/416 to 2300 to 2325 fps is that the brass lasts for a lot more loadings! Not too hard to figure that… :)

Meausuring case wall ahead of visable ring with old Creighton Audette wall thickness gauge
500-416 Ahead of Ring.jpg

Measuring at visable ring - notice dial indicator reading!
500-416 At Ring.jpg

Measuring just below the ring as case head starts to thicken
500-416 Behind Ring.jpg

Home made inside anvils for measuring case wall thickness

NECO Concentricity and Wall Thickness gauge with instruction manual
NECO Wall Thick with Manual.jpg

NECO gauge in use
NECO 500-416.jpg

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The ring indicated the cases stretched resulting in the case wall thinning at the ring. Measuring those cases some thinned only a thousandth or two of an inch, others were more than 5 thousands thinner than the case wall a millimeter ahead of the ring. The .002” or less thin under the ring I will mark and load once or twice again but not for maximum loads. Any cases that thinned 5 thousands (.005”) or more are taken out of service. I may however use some of them for dummy rounds.
Dear Sir,
reading Your post and looking at Your USMC History I think there is not much I could tell You, but
I think, I can add something here cause I had a similar issue once in Southern Africa!
I bought in those days a used goodlooking 300 H&H for small money, and I realised quick, why this bargain wasn't a bargain. This 300 was eating my expensive and scarce brass with great appetite and the shells didn't last more than 2 loading sessions and were then just scrap because of length expansion and so danger of separation.
Your pictured shell above shows the same signs like mine 300 cases did too! The neck is sort of blank, the rest in normal brass shine. The shell shoulder doesn't show any signs from the chamber.
In my humble opinion, Your shell seems being resized too much!
I my case the chamber was cut poorly (bit longer than usual) and so my cartridges were too short without touch of shoulder! Which makes my problem then equal to Yours.
It works like this: After ingnition the brass first hold fix on the neck in the chamber while building up pressure to max but then streeeeeetched in length till touch on on the bolt, which thins out the brass on the side wall.
I fixed that problem quiet easy by testing out, how deep I had to push the empty shell into the resizer die (not full length to the shoulder) until I was able to close the bolt on the action smoothly.
After that I got all empty shells on the exact same lenght and then feeding them into the before adjusted resizing die! Now, after ignition, the shell did grip the neck into the chamber then hit the bold face and then the chamber covered the side expansion to the healthy given max. No more stretching of material, but good burnmarks on the neck as they should be.
From this day on I could use this NORMA brass for 12 times and even more reloading sessions!
So if You cut all shells the same lenght, resize Your shells only so far until You can close the gun breach on them smoothly, there won't be any stretching of brass anymore except for normal wear!

Anyway, it's hard to understand Your Tryings to push a double rifle to the limits, Even when there are no pressure signs on the shell, a double rifle isn't thought or made for max loads, no, it will be even destroyed in short time and the action will not close dense anymore. That causes hot gas coming out of the closed breach, which nobody wants to have in the face, which is then quiet close when firing such a gun!
I have to add, that I was never sick of magnum mania and did always moderate reloading, being happy with good groups in the middle of advised min/max powdercharges. Besides high pressure also supports material flow and can weaken the walls of those shells too.
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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!