Without mentioning your name, he told me about you yesterday
@Philip Glass
He said "another hunter" has asked for a similar set of boots.. but has brought rhino hide..
He was crazy excited about your shoes and the fact that he was getting to work with rhino again..
I told him about AH, told him he should become an active member here, and that I thought he would gain quite a few customers quickly.. you really cant beat customer service, price, quality of work, and the speed that the work is done on a bespoke set of "africa" style hunting boots..
I bet I talked to a dozen boot makers, and surfed at least 25 websites before selecting James Leddy... Everyone either wanted insane amounts of money, had super long wait times (12-18 months seemed pretty typical for some of the larger well known shops), or frankly, they were rude... and many were willing to "try" to make a safari boot.. but admitted they had never done it before (that wasnt super interesting to me either)..