AH ambassador
Fair enough, what started me on my soap box (I make no excuses for what I have said) had more to do with Joe’s comment about names and the snarkyness that followed that comment. Fox took offense to my first post as he and I have had several disagreements over the past and he can’t seem to get over them. I get under his skin which causes him to bark at me at which point it goes south from there.
I do apologize for hijacking the thread but I do not apologize for what I’ve said nor do I apologize for speaking out against people belittling others which is exactly what happened.
Sure I could have let it go but a few folks could have held their tongues and not made belittling comments which had absolutely nothing to do with the OP’s question.
Again if he’d asked what people think about buffalo hunting in RSA that would have been one thing but he didn’t nor anything close to that. He asked if two bulls were good bulls FOR South Africa in a thread about Buffalo in Limpopo with a South African PH he’s hunted with before. That’s a pretty specific question and in no way warrants a couple of people tripping over each other to be the first to belittle him, the outfitter, and an entire industry of which 3/4 of the sponsors of this very website belong to.
It is nothing more than the opportunity for a few to take a jab at people and a perfectly legal and ethical industry they don’t agree with. It further more added nothing constructive to the original question as asked.
If I am to blame for being considered as starting it than so be it. As Joe said, “I’d say it again”.
I do 10000% agree with your statement of the hunt being as important if not more than the animal itself. But I think the problem lies in that, that means different things to different people. I want everyone to be successful in their dreams and endeavors. I am also very happy for those who accomplish their dreams and goals, that includes people who I may disagree with their methods (provided they are not doing anything illegal) I have my line in the sand on what I will and won’t do but that doesn’t mean I’m better than anyone else. Nor does it mean that I am not happy for them if that was their goal and they accomplished it. It simply means that I wouldn’t do it but “good on ya” and I’m sure not going to belittle someone over my differences of opinion.
I respectfully suggest you let it drop. If we haven’t run the OP off yet, he has more patience than most.