Ontario Hunter
AH legend
I think you folks are cut from the same cloth as me and my late wife. Sounds like you have too much sense for a double rifle.I do have a decent job. A lot of it though is we are good with our finances. No debt other than a mortgage and we didn’t over spend on a house. It’s a nice house but not outside our means by any stretch. We don’t drive the newest trucks that cost $60k+, our vehicles are paid off, no student loans or anything, no credit card debt, no big expensive boats, or RVs. Don’t really eat out much, don’t have cable tv or a bunch of subscriptions like Netflix or anything. Basically we live well within our means. Which gives us some financial flexibility to buy some nice things once in awhile or afford to take a family of 4 to Africa for 10 days.

Here's the 404 Jeffery I built this past summer. I'm busy making a case for it now, using the lumber left over from the one I made for a Citori shotgun a couple years ago. I expect my grandson will take that rifle to Africa some day after I'm gone. Hopefully.