North Fork Bullets Performance in Zimbabwe
Penetration and Power: The .416 CPS Performance ,
I was on a leopard and elephant hunt in Zimbabwe. This zebra was taken for bait with my .416 Rigby and the 400 grain CPS. The distance was about 70 yards, and the impact cracked like a baseball bat hitting a home run. Both shoulders were broke,n and dust lifted up all the way down the zebra’s back. I think that bullet is still going!
On the same hunt, we were tracking eland, and this one jumped up 20 yards in front of us. The 400 grain CPS entered the base of the tail and ranged all the way to the offside shoulder, which it broke and ended up just under the skin after penetrating over 6 feet of grass packed stomach, bone and muscle. The eland dropped on impact and slid about 10 feet. The PH said I love this bullet! The eland shot was the only .416 bullet recovered on this safari. All others exited.
On the elephant, he was on the other side of 8 bulls about 40 yards from me. There was no angle for the brain shot, so I took the left shoulder, which it broke and then exited. The bull tried to run but stumbled on the broken shoulder and was down in less than 40 yards from 1 shot. All of these were taken with the excellent .416 CPS bullet.
Accuracy? Here are the first 6 shots sighting in the new load with the 400 grain CPS. Quickest load development ever!
Bryan Pettet