
I have voted every election for the last 57 years. I most often have had the privilege of voting for the person that I felt would be best for the Country and therefore for my family, which now includes 5 kids, 13 grand kids and 2 great-grand kids. Now, once again, I will have to chose the person who will do the least damage to the Country and therefore for my family. Not the choice I want to make but the choice I have to make.
Absolutely not true...

Trump could reverse an enormous amount of damage done by this current administration just on executive orders alone... Energy independence returns almost immediately, and the deliberately created disaster on the Southern border would be greatly mitigated. Furthermore, Trump's mere presence in office drastically changes the perspective of our enemies and the multitude of existential threats we face from China, Russia, Iran and North Korea...That alone is enough even without the House and the Senate, and we have legislative gridlock for 4 more years. No legislation is far better that bad legislation.

I have integrity too, but maintaining my personal integrity doesn't even compare when the future of this country and my family's well-being is at stake... I won't be the one telling my grandkids that I'm sorry that they can't afford a house, a car, or food and they must now live in a crime-ridden 3rd-world shithole, but at least their grandfather's integrity is intact..
Of course he will. And I will be delighted to explain to my grandchildren the difference between expediency and "core integrity."

Of course he will. And I will be delighted to explain to my grandchildren the difference between expediency and "core integrity."
Nope, your grandchild will go to a kindergarten where they will have drag queen story time, followed by a middle school where CRT is is the core thesis. If they make it through middle school without transgendering you'll have the pleasure of having them brainwashed into believing that the USA is inherently racists and their granddad is a racists. But then again they will won't know any better because by the time they get into college they will be goose stepping to what ever their liberal marxist professors fill their heads with.

But you'll still have your core integrity.
Nope, your grandchild will go to a kindergarten where they will have drag queen story time, followed by a middle school where CRT is is the core thesis. If they make it through middle school without transgendering you'll have the pleasure of having them brainwashed into believing that the USA is inherently racists and their granddad is a racists. But then again they will won't know any better because by the time they get into college they will be goose stepping to what ever their liberal marxist professors fill their heads with.

But you'll still have your core integrity.
You bet I will. And so will she.
Don't be overbearing and come off as a Neanderthal, but try to educate your children and grandchildren on the realities of life.

Don't try it when you've been drinking, or in a bad mood. (that's worse than not even bring it up).

Do it at breakfast, or midmorning, or during alone time.

My 25-year old son completely gets it!

My 23-year old daughter is 80% there.

No grandchildren yet...

I am very fortunate, in that my local school system, might as well be my Sunday School class!

Some actually are!

Georgia might be a great place to move, if you can find a way past our moratorium on outsiders moving in.

No teacher unions!
I'm getting the idea there is more to this story than meets the dim, gas lit eye of the MSM. This current cesspool of international transactions may date back to Carter, the Shah and the MSM, namely Babwa Wawa. There seems to be a lot more to BHO's connection to Iran than meets the dim eye. Perhaps Flynn knew too much therefore he was targeted. After all, BHO over saw the coordination of FBI and CIA resources to spy on the Trump campaign and key figures within the transition like Flynn. The only thing that could account for the rabid fervor of near hysteria and panic within the traitorous ranks of RINOS, closet Dems, antis-Trumpers, never-Trumpers and the generic TDS bunch is that Trump may win and come after them. There appears to be real panic in their ranks. Good grief, the nearly daily feature of Christie on CNN and a senile Carville being pulled out of a padded loony bin old folks home... They must stop Trump at all costs. I wonder therefore if the big secret still exists within and is being covered up connecting BHO (and Brandon his useful idiot), to a future ISIS/ISIL caliphate, an Iran connection and who knows which deep state players past and present. No wonder there's no love between BHO and Israel or the Churchill/ Thatcher legacy in the UK or Duterte in the Philippines, who told BHO not only to get out but get the hell out "now!" and never come back after their first, last and only meeting IIRC. US forces being attacked daily since Oct 7 with nearly no response other than the occasional 130 gunship shredding a hapless pickup truck running around with primitive rocket launchers in what appears to be an activity put on by the US mostly for show. Kind of reminds me of a friend describing the "turkey shoot" in the first Gulf War where even the last-in tank retrievers armed only with 50s had a field day shooting Izusu Trooper IIs (Iraqi frontline "APCs") as the "prestigious" Iragi army fled the battlefield while depleted uranium darts riddled Iraqi tanks hidden under feet of sand in igloo bunkers that offered them no protection. Seb Gorka may telling it like it really is. Ever wonder why Brandon and his sidekick stooge, Tony Binky, have been pressuring and posturing in public for Israel to agree to a ceasefire since day one of the Hamas War?? What a show and I don't think the last act has even started yet.
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Political expediency is the defining characteristic of the Biden administration. This obsession leads them to avoid anything that might dim their chances to retain power in 24. Evidently in their view pounding the crap our of some Iranian targets in retaliation for continued strikes against American targets in the region might jeopardize their political standing. The problem is regardless of the reasoning their actions come across as cowardly in a region that puts a high premium on strength.

When American service personal are attacked this country should be responding with unequal force. An administration truly concerned about American standing in the region would let Iran know that for every attack against Americans an Iranian asset would disappear in a cloud of fire and smoke. If such a course was followed it would not be long and either there would be a significant pause in the attacks or they would end all together.

It's probably a good thing I'm not either in charge or advising those in charge. If that was the case Iran would probably be short most of their navy and all of their air force. :confused:
The point is that I do have core integrity.

If the mechanism of power in US politics were to somehow take into account the popular vote, ie: if less people voted, less possibility for change (left or right), then I would tend to agree with your position.

However, as far as I understand it, it is still a “winner takes all” principle in the USA. Even if only 10% of the population voted, as long as one party has the majority, all decisions the majority party makes are equally valid as if 90% of the country votes.

Therefore, voting for Trump in my opinion is not so much an endorsement of his personal character or competence and rather a counterweight against the Democratic Party.

Agreed, if he wins (without majorities in the house/senate), he will be a lame duck president. But I’d still rather have 4yrs of nothingburger, than 4yrs of democrat ideologies being pushed.

If the mechanism of power in US politics were to somehow take into account the popular vote, ie: if less people voted, less possibility for change (left or right), then I would tend to agree with your position.

However, as far as I understand it, it is still a “winner takes all” principle in the USA. Even if only 10% of the population voted, as long as one party has the majority, all decisions the majority party makes are equally valid as if 90% of the country votes.

Therefore, voting for Trump in my opinion is not so much an endorsement of his personal character or competence and rather a counterweight against the Democratic Party.

Agreed, if he wins (without majorities in the house/senate), he will be a lame duck president. But I’d still rather have 4yrs of nothingburger, than 4yrs of democrat ideologies being pushed.
I really can't imagine what relevant advice you might offer me with respect to my individual vote and right to exercise it.
However, as far as I understand it, it is still a “winner takes all” principle in the USA. Even if only 10% of the population voted, as long as one party has the majority,
With respect to the principle's that govern our form of government, I would suggest a bit more study with regard to the system of checks and balances that function in this republic.

The only reason Biden accomplished what he did in this term is directly thanks to Donald J. Trump and his sycophant's successful efforts to convince many of his loyal if somewhat ignorant followers that their votes would not count in the senate runoff elections. Had that not happened, none of the Biden agenda would have passed in the form it did. In short, his attempt to cling to power was more important to him than the good of his country or his party. To make it worse, last year Trump championed senate candidates that couldn't defeat a walking vegetable in a hoodie or a valley girl wannabe. I will not reward him with my vote for that incompetency. I have little confidence that he will make anything better that will be worth the damage he will cause.
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I really can't imagine what relevant advice you might offer me with respect to my individual vote and right to exercise it.

My apologies, I had no intent to dictate/advise anything on the exercise of your voting rights. I only wanted to provide my opinion.

[QUOTE="Red Leg”]With respect to the principle's that govern our form of government, I would suggest a bit more study with regard to the system of checks and balances that function in this republic. [/QUOTE] I will do so.

[QUOTE="Red Leg”] The only reason Biden accomplished what he did in this his term is directly thanks to Donald J. Trump and his sycophant's successful efforts to convince many of his loyal if somewhat uninformed or stupid followers that their votes would not count in the senate runoff elections. Had that not happened, none of the Biden agenda would have passed in the form it did. To make it worse, last year Trump championed senate candidates that couldn't defeat a walking vegetable or a valley girl wannabe. I will not reward him with my vote for that incompetency. [/QUOTE] So you are saying that had all republicans voted anyway without regard to their belief if their vote counted or not, or without regard if the person embodying the Republican Party at that time was to their personal taste, a Republican president would be sitting in the White House now?

[QUOTE="Red Leg”] I am frankly stunned anyone believes he will really make it all better.[/QUOTE] I never said so. I explicitly said “gridlock is better than a train wreck”
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My apologies, I had no intent to dictate/advise anything on the exercise of your voting rights. I only wanted to provide my opinion.

[QUOTE="Red Leg”]With respect to the principle's that govern our form of government, I would suggest a bit more study with regard to the system of checks and balances that function in this republic.
I will do so.

[QUOTE="Red Leg”] The only reason Biden accomplished what he did in this his term is directly thanks to Donald J. Trump and his sycophant's successful efforts to convince many of his loyal if somewhat uninformed or stupid followers that their votes would not count in the senate runoff elections. Had that not happened, none of the Biden agenda would have passed in the form it did. To make it worse, last year Trump championed senate candidates that couldn't defeat a walking vegetable or a valley girl wannabe. I will not reward him with my vote for that incompetency. I am frankly stunned anyone believes he will really make it all better.[/QUOTE] So you are saying that had all republicans voted anyway without regard to their belief if their vote counted or not, or without regard if the person embodying the Republican Party at that time was to their personal taste, a Republican president would be sitting in the White House now?[/QUOTE]

No, it’s a reference to Trumps negative impact on the Georgia Senate seats. IMO he cost us the senate through sheer narcissism.
My apologies, I had no intent to dictate/advise anything on the exercise of your voting rights. I only wanted to provide my opinion.

[QUOTE="Red Leg”]With respect to the principle's that govern our form of government, I would suggest a bit more study with regard to the system of checks and balances that function in this republic.
I will do so.

[QUOTE="Red Leg”] The only reason Biden accomplished what he did in this his term is directly thanks to Donald J. Trump and his sycophant's successful efforts to convince many of his loyal if somewhat uninformed or stupid followers that their votes would not count in the senate runoff elections. Had that not happened, none of the Biden agenda would have passed in the form it did. To make it worse, last year Trump championed senate candidates that couldn't defeat a walking vegetable or a valley girl wannabe. I will not reward him with my vote for that incompetency. [/QUOTE] So you are saying that had all republicans voted anyway without regard to their belief if their vote counted or not, or without regard if the person embodying the Republican Party at that time was to their personal taste, a Republican president would be sitting in the White House now?

No, that is not remotely what I was saying.

During each election cycle, a third of the senate seats are up for election. Because of the size of the republican field In November of 2020, both Georgia senate seats had to be settled in a run-off election in January. Following the November election, Trump began his efforts to overturn the outcome of the presidential election. Echoing Trump's claims, attorneys Lin Wood and Sydney Powell, among other prominent supporters of Trump, urged republicans in Georgia not the vote in the pending runoff because their votes wouldn't be counted and the election would be stolen regardless.

In the runoff, Ossoff won by 55 thousand votes and Warnock by 90 thousand. A quarter of a million Trump supporters who voted in November, did not vote in January.

Trump made minimal effort dispel that nonsense, and of course his self-indulgent attempt to stay in power simply reinforced that message. Had Trump actually cared about the country or his party half as much as he cared about himself, he would have made every effort to insure his supporters turned out to keep those seats republican.

Those two seats alone were the difference in the control of the senate, giving Biden both houses of congress to enact every part of his agenda. That disaster rests squarely at the feet of Donald J Trump and no one else.
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[QUOTE="Red Leg”]

In the runoff, Ossoff won by 55 thousand votes and Warnock by 90 thousand. A quarter of a million Trump supporters who voted in November, did not vote in January.

Trump made minimal effort dispel that nonsense, and of course his self-indulgent attempt to stay in power simply reinforced that message. Had Trump actually cared about the country or his party half as much as he cared about himself, he would have made every effort to insure his supporters turned out to keep those seats republican.

Those two seats alone were the difference in the control of the senate, giving Biden both houses of congress to enact every part of his agenda. That disaster rests squarely at the feet of Donald J Trump and no one else.

This is the major reason I detest Trump. GOP losing the Senate was why all the spending bills were passed, not to mention all the radical judge and cabinet appointments.

He caused the destruction of his own accomplishments in a desperate attempt to cling to power.

And he will give us another 4 years of Biden administration as the GOP nominee. Biden won by not being Trump and most likely will repeat it in 2024.
I found this interesting, “ we’re out of money”…
Pretty accurate isn't it? DOD and State have exhausted the most recent funding allocation, and unless the House under its new leader initiates another, Ukraine will loose support, particularly military support, of the United States. That obviously will embolden Putin and dramatically undermine the Ukrainian effort to preserve its independence. It also will directly cost lives as Russia begins its winter strategic bombardment of Ukraine's utility infrastructure and Ukraine quickly exhausts its supplies of air and missile defense munitions. I wonder how the openly devout Mike Johnson squares that each evening? But then again, I assume his real concerns are the Freedom Caucus and Donald Trump.

This nation failed in Afghanistan - a fiasco about which the populist brigades were duly angry. And now I guess they can take pride in authoring our failure in Ukraine. Putin will be thrilled, if likely puzzled.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!