Speaking of RJ Rummel, here is what his wiki page, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolph_Rummel, says about his work:A final little fact for those embracing the whole Soviet Union/Russia is just a misunderstood nation being abused by the evil West led by the perfidious United States.
RJ Rummel is a highly respected researcher into the lethal history of socialism. His research has concluded that the Soviet Union was responsible for the deaths of 61,000,000 people - Russian people. 39,000,000 of those died in forced labor camps or through execution, and most of the remainder through starvation during collectivization. The Russians make the Nazis look like armatures.
This is the regime who the Russian apologists claim the US and the West have "villainized." I don't think even Saul D. Alinsky would have the nerve to claim that.
Putin has not resorted to mass murder. His killing and imprisonment, other than his own troops dying by the tens of thousands in Ukraine, has largely been focused on his political rivals. Whether Litvinenko or Skripal or Navalny, Putin's adversaries have been poisoned, thrown from windows, or vanished into the current penal system. If we count the poor citizens who dared to voice an objection to the Special Military Operation, the number runs into the hundreds of thousands. Yet this is the creature the Russian apologists paint as simply misunderstood.
"His figures for Communist governments have been criticized for the methodology which he used to arrive at them, and they have also been criticized for being higher than the figures which have been given by most scholars.[5][6][7][8][9][10][11]"
https://www.levandehistoria.se/site...e/research-review-crimes-against-humanity.pdf Go to p. 35 and 79
While Jerry Hough suggested Stalin's terror claimed tens of thousands of victims, R.J. Rummel puts the death toll of Soviet communist terror between 1917 and 1987 at 61,911,000. In both cases, these figures are based on an ideological preunderstanding and speculative and sweeping calculations. On the other hand, the considerably lower figures in terms of numbers of Gulag prisoners presented by Russian researchers during the glasnost period have been relatively widely accepted. ... It could, quite rightly, be claimed that the opinions that Rummel presents here (they are hardly an example of a serious and empirically-based writing of history) do not deserve to be mentioned in a research review, but they are still perhaps worth bringing up on the basis of the interest in him in the blogosphere."
Rummel's main argument was that "democracies" commit less democides than autocracies do. Yet it is funny that in his work he omitted what the British did to India. The British made both the Nazis and Soviets look like boy scouts.

How British colonialism killed 100 million Indians in 40 years
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