I'm well aware of abortion laws and restrictions in Europe having spent a lot of time there.
However none of the European countries are trying to punish doctors or question them when they make a medical decision about abortion unlike some states like Alabama, Texas vs. here.
Alabama is even declared frozen embryos as people...
If I were a doctor I would be pissed off, too and a lot of OB/GYN's are afraid and leaving those states.
Bottom line this issue will cause GOP a lot of votes and it's unfortunate.
I'm going to say something horrible here, but it's where my mentality is at.
You've all heard me say I believe we are living in the decline of rome era. My mission in life is to elect leaders to stall and delay what I believe is an inevitable collapse in the next 1-2 generations. You can judge me a pessimist in light of that view, but it's my view.
So what does this have to do with abortion? I've held staunch pro-life views my entire life, defensible and informed by an agnostic and cultural perspective, not reliant on any personal religious beliefs. I've changed my views for a fairly horrible reason in recent years. The people that are hedonists that want to abort their progeny to enjoy decadence and lack of duty are the very same people that will be leading us to civil unrest and civil collapse. I no longer hold a pro-life national policy position because I've come to conclude those aborted and their parents are the very people that will be shooting at my family in the next 1-2 generations. If they'd like to commit murder to thin their own numbers, it may delay the collapse of what was a once great Republic.
On a personal level, I still encourage the redeemable to rethink their choice to abort and have/would provide material support to help them raise a kid or surrender a child to adoption.
On the macro level? I'm done fighting, to my family's detriment, to discourage dangerous groups from destroying themselves before they raise the army of savages inside the nation. (And I don't mean any race or class, I mean a broad generational ideology of hedonists and radicals)