
My point was that compared to money that could have been saved with a GOP controlled Senate anything Biden could do with executive orders would pale in comparison.

I can relate to college costs for the kids. I paid for 4 years of Yale College and 3 years of Harvard law for my daughter and 4 years of Rice University for my son.

I don't know how spellcheck could turn "semantics" to "schematics". :ROFLMAO:
I was very fortunate. My boys went to USNA, my daughter went to UGA on scholarship.

After a medical discharge from the navy, my oldest decided he wanted to be a doctor, and ended up borrowing about 350K to put himself through med school. My daughter decided she wanted to go to law school, she borrowed about 150K. But undergrad for all of them was "free."

If I'd have had a half a mil to put them through professional school, I would have. I am a well-compensated, very senior cybersecurity nerd, just not that well-compensated.
luckily mine were far enough apart that they didn’t overlap. They both went to undergrad at “affordable“ state schools but the youngest just “had” to go to Emory that was a tough one for sure. Congratulations on raising kids that seem to have their heads on straight!

My daughter went to Mercer...
Apparently a massive phone outage is occurring now. AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile all impacted, according to news reports. Text still works. Wondering if this is a cyber attack. Get the foil hats ready!

I saw the online world all a-flutter about this earlier today; and being in corporate technology myself (large enterprise segment), I am more inclined to think it was a lowly contract worker pulling the wrong plug in a datacenter somewhere. When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras (I know, wrong forum to say that). ;-)
I was very fortunate. My boys went to USNA, my daughter went to UGA on scholarship.

After a medical discharge from the navy, my oldest decided he wanted to be a doctor, and ended up borrowing about 350K to put himself through med school. My daughter decided she wanted to go to law school, she borrowed about 150K. But undergrad for all of them was "free."

If I'd have had a half a mil to put them through professional school, I would have. I am a well-compensated, very senior cybersecurity nerd, just not that well-compensated.
My son got nominated to USNA by our Senator but couldn't get appointed.
Instead they gave him a full NROTC ride and he took it to Tulane chose the Marine option.
He also got a Masters from University of San Diego while stationed at Camp Pendleton.
He's still serving as an O5.
Saved me a lot.
Daughter in law still paying her medical school debts...
My son got nominated to USNA by our Senator but couldn't get appointed.
Instead they gave him a full NROTC ride and he took it to Tulane chose the Marine option.
He also got a Masters from University of San Diego while stationed at Camp Pendleton.
He's still serving as an O5.
Saved me a lot.
Daughter in law still paying her medical school debts...
My son is a surgical resident, his wife graduates law school in 3 months. He'll end up in a practice that settles much of his debt.

Tulane? Can be a tough place for goyim.
My son is a surgical resident, his wife graduates law school in 3 months. He'll end up in a practice that settles much of his debt.

Tulane? Can be a tough place for goyim.
Congratulations. Also, depending on the type of law she practices DIL could be making mid 7 figures in about 10 years even possibly surpassing her husband.
Congratulations. Also, depending on the type of law she practices DIL could be making mid 7 figures in about 10 years even possibly surpassing her husband.
She's a USAFA grad, she and my son were both Information Warfare at Ft. Gordon where they met. I've been trying to coach her into my sphere, cybersecurity. Even wet-behind-the-ears associates can get 350/hr there.

You can't find 1 lawyer in 100,000 who can even spell "DNS."
That's what IT departments are for. As long as she can spell "billable hours" she is good. :ROFLMAO:
Gotta be some lawyers who understand our lingo. And not many of them do, being poli-sci and English and philosophy majors, mostly.
Gotta be some lawyers who understand our lingo. And not many of them do, being poli-sci and English and philosophy majors, mostly.
lol, my daughter double majored in poli-sci and English. Her husband whom she met at law school used to be in computer club in high school, so he is computer literate even though his undergrad was in psychology.
This is an interesting chart but how did they come up with the numbers and how did they verify them? I’m with you @redleg, what’s the source?
Mayor Rudy?
Looks like this was posted in Saidit which is both a news aggradation site with community chat much Reddit? It seems to offer no supporting evidence or methodology there as well. One comment by mrwizzard did say "it is all legit, i can vouch for the chart" so it must be true?

It is quite possible, even likely, this is not the original source of the material, so perhaps there is supporting commentary elsewhere. There is apparently a three-year old source link in comments, but it is no longer functional. Nor is the link for the original post on a site called media.thedonald.win seemingly working. :E Shrug: If that date is correct it makes the detail of the analysis even more remarkable.

I have no doubt there were voting irregularities in the 20 election. It is hardly a new phenomena in American politics. What I see no evidence of is some sort of national conspiracy to flip the election for Biden. Did the democrats take advantage of the whole COVID mail-in ballot opportunity with ground game? You bet they did. Where those rules are still in place, they will be prepared to do so again, and I see little evidence that the republican party is any more ready to counter that with their own effort this year than they were in '20.
Wait a minute! I remember clearly all the Democrats, closet-Democrats, Neocons and RINOS lecturing the rest of us about the results of the 2020 election.... " Nothing to see here" "Move along" "Get over it" "May have been small number of voting irregularities, but not enough to change results", and similar mantra, on and on. Then smug silence or gleeful overt support of prosecution and arrest of those who dared to even question or investigate any election result. There were multiple opportunities to stand up and support multiple investigations of that election..... crickets. That was almost 3 1/2 years ago. There are common citizens still in jail who dared protest that election, having done nothing more than protest on the premises of the seat of government that belongs to them! A whole movement with your support is now attempting to complete the corruption and fall of our country where "lawfare" and a weaponized system justice can be used against a political opponent. There have been lives ruined and unjustly penalized for attempting to call attention to fraudulent voting or even investigating the possibility of fraudulent voting. The destruction of the basic fabric of our country continues to this day. But I suppose this thinking is typical of those, who from ivory towers of self-proclaimed wisdom, seem to like to have it and even demand to have this debate both ways. My memory is clear about this history but unfortunately many it seems will forever be victims of a history blurred by time and those who wish to distort it and weave it for their own purposes.

Nope! Can't have it both ways- refuse to acknowledge or even support investigation at the time, then later claim everyone's information is flawed, without basis because of the lack of reliable information that could have been gleaned from an investigation at the time. Nope, doesn't fly!
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There are common citizens still in jail who dared protest that election, having done nothing more than protest on the premises of the seat of government that belongs to them!

Are you talking about January 6 insurrection where so called citizens carried Confederate, Betsy Ross and Kekistan (derived from swastika) flags?

Do you also know how many election fraud claims investigated by GOP?

A lot....

This is just one of them, I can post more.

“We conclude that Donald Trump and his supporters had their day in court and failed to produce substantive evidence to make their case,” the group wrote.

The eight conservatives repeatedly condemned the election fraud claims, but said they have not switched their allegiance to the Democratic Party and have no “ill will” toward Trump nor his supporters.

The group consists of former Sen. John Danforth (R-Mo.); longtime Republican lawyer Benjamin Ginsberg; former federal Judge Thomas Griffith; David Hoppe, chief of staff to former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.); former federal judge J. Michael Luttig; former federal judge Michael McConnell; Theodore Olson, solicitor general under former President George W. Bush; and former Sen. Gordon Smith (R-Ore.).
Wait a minute! I remember clearly all the Democrats, closet-Democrats, Neocons and RINOS lecturing the rest of us about the results of the 2020 election.... " Nothing to see here" "Move along" "Get over it" "May have been small number of voting irregularities, but not enough to change results", and similar mantra, on and on. Then smug silence or gleeful overt support of prosecution and arrest of those who dared to even question or investigate any election result. There were multiple opportunities to stand up and support multiple investigations of that election..... crickets. That was almost 3 1/2 years ago. There are common citizens still in jail who dared protest that election, having done nothing more than protest on the premises of the seat of government that belongs to them! A whole movement with your support is now attempting to complete the corruption and fall of our country where "lawfare" and a weaponized system justice can be used against a political opponent. There have been lives ruined and unjustly penalized for attempting to call attention to fraudulent voting or even investigating the possibility of fraudulent voting. The destruction of the basic fabric of our country continues to this day. But I suppose this thinking is typical of those, who from ivory towers of self-proclaimed wisdom, seem to like to have it and even demand to have this debate both ways. My memory is clear about this history but unfortunately many it seems will forever be victims of a history blurred by time and those who wish to distort it and weave it for their own purposes.

Nope! Can't have it both ways- refuse to acknowledge or even support investigation at the time, then later claim everyone's information is flawed, without basis because of the lack of reliable information that could have been gleaned from an investigation at the time. Nope, doesn't fly!
So let's discuss this. I am happy to provide you what I know and what I believe. I don't expect to change your mind on anything, but you might wish to think through that their is a lot evidence supporting views about the election of 2020 and its aftermath other than those continuing to be argued - to the detriment of our country - by Donald J Trump.

Let's look at the capitol riot first. I do not agree with the notion that this was an "insurrection." If it was it was, it was the poorest planned revolt in the history of insurrections. But it was a riot, it was indeed violent, it did interrupt, if not obstruct, an official proceeding as members of Congress and the Vice president were forced to evacuate the building. In mid-December, the SCOTUS agreed to hear a legal challenge to the obstruction charge. It is worth noting, in spite of the media's fixation with the word insurrection, not a single person has been charged with that or treason or sedition.

But it was violent, there was property damage, many people were injured, two people were killed, and another one or two may have died of natural causes (heart attack/stroke) as a result of the riot. It was neither the revolt portrayed by the Jan 6 Committee nor the peaceful tour of the Capitol portrayed by Tucker Carlson. But it absolutely was a destructive riot.

The only reason it occurred is because Donald Trump, and no one else, called for a demonstration on Jan 6 to protest the Congressional certification of the election. He further urged the crowd to go to the capitol. Those two facts are indisputable. This mob resulted. Because of Trump, over 300 of our fellow citizens, many of whom are good decent if ignorant people who followed Trump's siren song to DC, are indeed in jail. A young veteran is dead, and an elderly woman was crushed by the crowd. It was quite a bit more than merely questioning an election and Trump owns it.

Of course his followers say "nothing to see here" and give him a total pass.



With respect to the election, I have no doubt that fraud occurred during the 2020 election. It has in all of our elections. LBJ's notorious senate runoff victory in 1948 is one of the most famous. What I have not seen is compelling evidence that would have changed the outcome. Yes, there are lots of charts by earnest self-appointed "election statisticians" operating from their basements, but hard compelling evidence is difficult to find.

It is also important to remember that the constitution gives to the states the power to actually hold elections - not the federal government.

Trump or his supporters filed suits in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The Arizona suit claimed "widespread" irregularities.

Arizona subsequently conducted audits of its four most populous counties finding no such widespread irregularities.

Georgia (a Republican state) was targeted over the use of Dominion voting machines and non-matching signatures on ballots. Georgia did a 100% hand retally reaching virtually the same result. They also selected one county, Cobb, and audited it for signatures finding a 99.9% matching result. In spite of this, Donald Trump, Sydney Powell, and Lin Wood continued their attacks on Dominion voting and managed to convince over 300,000 November Georgia Trump voters to stay home during the senate runoff handing the election by a thin margin to the two democrat candidates and thus the senate itself to Joe Biden and the Democrat party. As usual, Trump gets a pass for insuring the passage of the multi-trillion dollar Biden agenda.

I personally think the most technically compelling challenge was Pennsylvania. In 2019, Pennsylvania passed a law (Act77) granting every Pennsylvania voter the option to request and cast a mail ballot. Pennsylvania's GOP-controlled Legislature and Democrat governor supported the bill. Arguments, championed quite vocally by Josh Hawley (MO), were made that the bill, again supported by both parties within Pennsylvania, violated the Pennsylvania Constitution. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court unanimously rejected the case on a technicality (timeliness), but also noted to change the rules after the election would have disenfranchised millions of voters who had simply followed the law.

Michigan and Wisconsin law suits were dismissed largely due to lack of specificity which made the accusations as characterized by the court, little more than "generalized speculation."

So, on the whole, I do believe most of the charges about the 2020 election were exaggerated by Trump, his legal team, and his completely uncritical followers far more than RINOs, the media, and the courts were colluding to steal an election. I also believe that the Republican party better develop an effective ground game by November or the Trump loyalists will be screaming theft again this year.

What I do believe, would have served the nation well would have been a joint committee of the Senate to investigate US election integrity. It would certainly been more useful than the Jan 6 investigative debacle chaired in the House. But of course, that could not happen, because Donald Trump and his mouth pieces lost the country that opportunity in Georgia.
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Who was the second person killed on January 6 besides Ashley Babbit? Shot by a police officer. I know people said the man hit with the fire extinguisher was a victim but I thought he actually died from a heart attack, most likely caused by the stress. Other than that the post is an excellent summary of the events.
Who was the second person killed on January 6 besides Ashley Babbit? Shot by a police officer. I know people said the man hit with the fire extinguisher was a victim but I thought he actually died from a heart attack, most likely caused by the stress. Other than that the post is an excellent summary of the events.
Good catch. The woman who was supposedly crushed in the crowd was eventually ruled death as a result of an amphetamine overdose.

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Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

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