
So President Crapshispants just levied “Harsh” sanctions on Russia for killing Navalny as Putin thumbs his nose at the rest of the world. The Russians haven’t paid attention to the other sanctions and I have doubts they’ll pay an attention to Crapshispants over the new ones.
What am I missing? I just heard the details of the Biden administrations student loan forgiveness.
have been repaying for at least 10 years and took out less than $12000.
I guess my question would be what the hell have these people been doing not to be able to pay back 12 grand in 10 years?
I would imagine that most have nice cars and live in better than average housing. If they can’t pay back that amount in 10 years I would say their diploma isn’t worth what it’s printed on.
I’m sure it’s just a ploy for more votes but is very aggravating.
Anyone that believes their student loans have/will be forgiven is a fool. From the last forgiveness promise, only 2% of loans were forgiven. (those undertaken via fraud in the inducement of contract)
Michigan Primary Ballot:
Democrat's: 3
  • Doug Burgum
  • Chris Christie
  • Ron DeSantis
  • Nikki Haley
  • Asa Hutchinson
  • Vivek Ramaswamy
  • Donald Trump
Including those that dropped out .. unreal.
Meanwhile back at the front, Ukraine has taken down another Russian A50 AWACS type command and control aircraft. Like the previous one, it was apparently taken out by a forward deployed Patriot launcher linked back to its control node. The A50 is an very rare and expensive asset.


The two clips were taken by Russians and posted on the Russian language telegram channel. Russian bloggers are identifying the aircraft as an A50. Ukraine has confirmed it was targeted. The look down radar on the aircraft would have seen the incoming missile some distance away. In the first clip one can see counter measure flares being deployed. They are useless with respect to Patriot because it does not use a heat seeking warhead.

Michigan Primary Ballot:
Democrat's: 3
  • Doug Burgum
  • Chris Christie
  • Ron DeSantis
  • Nikki Haley
  • Asa Hutchinson
  • Vivek Ramaswamy
  • Donald Trump
Including those that dropped out .. unreal.
They haven't actually "dropped out." They have suspended their campaigns. That means they stay on the ballots and should Trump be forced out for some reason, they are still in the running.
What am I missing? I just heard the details of the Biden administrations student loan forgiveness.
have been repaying for at least 10 years and took out less than $12000.
I guess my question would be what the hell have these people been doing not to be able to pay back 12 grand in 10 years?
I would imagine that most have nice cars and live in better than average housing. If they can’t pay back that amount in 10 years I would say their diploma isn’t worth what it’s printed on.
I’m sure it’s just a ploy for more votes but is very aggravating.
Because many of them got their degrees in such career oriented fields like underwater basket weaving, studies of the ancient Antarctican natives and the ballistic tables of the .35 Whelen. So, they've been working their self described "lazy girl job" careers while living in their parents' basements , running up credit cards and buying/enjoying the finer things in life. Must be nice! I have two of those twenty something "entrepreneurs" living on either side of me.
we (all nations) need controlled immigration.. to bring in certain skills/capabilities.. to keep the population growth patterns in line with certain economic growth patterns, etc.

as an example... whether we like it or not.. very, very few current US citizens want to work at a Purdue Farms chicken processing plant for any wage.. but.. US citizens sure do like having affordable chicken available at the grocery store... so.. Purdue has brought in Haitian workers by the thousands (legally) to do the work and to take the jobs that they simply cant find anyone else to do..

I would respectfully disagree with you there. Perdue would find US citizens to work for them if their wages were higher and more competitive. Immigration legal and illegal is being used as a stopgap by employers to avoid raising wages. I understand importing technical knowledge, but most of what i see is people being too cheap. In my area as soon as they up the starting wages US citizens start lining up.
They haven't actually "dropped out." They have suspended their campaigns. That means they stay on the ballots and should Trump be forced out for some reason, they are still in the running.
I though Nikki Haley was only the one that is still campaigning.
from January, ie ...
I would respectfully disagree with you there. Perdue would find US citizens to work for them if their wages were higher and more competitive. Immigration legal and illegal is being used as a stopgap by employers to avoid raising wages. I understand importing technical knowledge, but most of what i see is people being too cheap. In my area as soon as they up the starting wages US citizens start lining up.
I’m getting my 10 H2A workers tomorrow, this is one govt program that is really useful, in our part of the country we have to pay around $14.50 an hour while some regions pay more and some less. I guess it’s based on cost of living.
Our farm probably couldn’t survive without them. By law they can’t make more than a citizen and even offering $17 an hour Americans still won’t apply and if they do they last around a month at most. During the busy season March-October we average about 65 hours a week so there is ample opportunity to make some pretty good money.
I though Nikki Haley was only the one that is still campaigning.
from January, ie ...
“Two months ago, I made clear that under Michigan law, anyone generally advocated by the national news media to be a candidate for the Republican or Democratic nomination for president is listed on the ballot for the February 2024 primary unless a court rules otherwise,” Secretary Benson said. “Accordingly, today, as required by statute, we are publicly posting the names of the candidates who qualify under Michigan law to be listed on the ballot as a candidate for president in their respective party’s primary. Barring a court order, these candidates will be included on Michigan’s presidential primary ballot in 2024 unless they withdraw their names from consideration.”

How can One qualify as a Presidential Candidate when they've officially dropped out of the race? .. What court decided this?
The GOP lost in an attempt to stop this ..
I though Nikki Haley was only the one that is still campaigning.
Why does this upset you? This is standard practice in nominating elections in both parties. They have technically suspended their campaigns - Niki Haley has not. That means they are no longer actively campaigning, but they remain on the ballots wherever they are qualified. They do that so they are still in the race should something happen to the front runner who, like DeSantis or Ramaswamy, they may have even endorsed.

This is the Texas sample ballot for 2024.

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I’m getting my 10 H2A workers tomorrow, this is one govt program that is really useful, in our part of the country we have to pay around $14.50 an hour while some regions pay more and some less. I guess it’s based on cost of living.
Our farm probably couldn’t survive without them. By law they can’t make more than a citizen and even offering $17 an hour Americans still won’t apply and if they do they last around a month at most. During the busy season March-October we average about 65 hours a week so there is ample opportunity to make some pretty good money.
Yes, our country along with many other countries can't survive without the employment of legal immigrants of all persuasions. The Hispanics in particular are hard working people that just want to work for a fair wage to support themselves and their families.

So if Trump can't even beat Biden, I wonder how he'll do when this guy becomes the Dem nominee?
Oh, we're screwed. Gavin "Free is For Me" Newsome with his $68 BILLION Californicated budget deficit can't wait to double our Federal $34 TRILLION budget deficit with every FREE social program known to the human race. And the braindead, groupthink voters will vote for him.
If you buy into the crap science of the man-caused CO2 driven global warming/climate change hoax, please explain the history of the planet which clearly shows multiple planet wide ice ages that were followed by planet wide warmings. Of course the invconvenient truth (slogan borrowed from none other than Al Gore) is that all these cooling-warming cycles happened well before man was even a bipedal, extremely low population blip on the total faunal load on the earth. Inconvenient facts do get in the way when trying to scientifically explain away these ice age-warming cycles that predate by hundreds of thousands to millions of years of any possibility of man's global climate CO2 influence. The earliest possible date of man's influence would be no earlier than about the 1850 industrial awakening.

The only carbon I would be concerned about is none of the so called green house gas forms of carbon... compelelty different. Those carbon gas and mixed hydro carbon molecules continuously are in cyclic flux though out the planet's carbon cycle system. The type of carbon I would fear is not even on the radar of the so-called "enlightened greenies" who seem to be blind, deaf and both intellectually and scientifically challenged. Elemental carbon in the form of carbon fiber and carbon nanotube fiber is the form to be cautious about. But guess what? it is the form that is becoming pervasive in our modern world because of its strength to weight ratio and happens to be the primary structural component of all the giant windmills all "greenies" are so fond of. Carbon fiber has a half life that certainly exceeds millions if not billions of years, cannot re-recycled using any known current technology and no one knows what to do with it after the lifespan of a carbon fiber structure is reached. Think of that stuff as a form of 21st century asbestos. I think of it as a ticking time bomb no one is even aware of because they are so preoccupied with virtue signaling about their anti-fossil fuel environmental cause. If you carefully watch technicians and engineers working with raw carbon fiber and carbon nanotube research, ever wonder why they are all wearing hazmat suits!! I'm
sitting here inhaling and exhaling 24-7, 365 a normal atmospheric percentage of CO2- low percentage in, slightly higher percentage out after lung exchange. Can't believe I've still alive! Also have inhaled various amounts of methane all of my life and still kicking!
Yes, exactly. Here’s my take on it that I sent to my daughter a while ago:

From the Pangola Ice Age 2.9 billion years ago to the current Late Cenozoic, there have been six major Ice Ages. Within them there are glacial periods when ice builds and interglacial periods when ice recedes. We are in an interglacial period now during the Holocene epoch. The Holocene started 11,700 years ago.

Before the Holocene was the Pleistocene epoch. The Pleistocene started 2.5 million years ago until 11,700 years ago. Some people call it the Ice Age but as I said above, there have been 5 other major ice ages. This is our most recent period of repeated glaciations. Midway through this epoch, the glacial cycles changed from 41,000 year periods of thinner ice with less amplitude to longer, 100,000 year cycles with longer lasting bigger changes to loss and formation of ice sheets. Longer cycles and more severe changes made climate variation more extreme. For example, 125,000 years ago during the last interglacial period, summers were completely ice free. That is a blink of an eye in the age of the earth but nobody talks about it now. I wonder why?? Then we entered a cooling phase and only about 5500 years ago, thick, old ice became prevalent again. Sea levels were 120 meters lower than today. Now we are warming again.

Before the Pleistocene was the Pliocene from 5 million years ago to 2.5 mya. Global temperatures were 4-6 F higher than today with similar CO2 levels as today. Seas were 25 meters higher. Ice sheets were of even shorter duration compared to the later Pleistocene epoch. During this epoch, the first hominids and baboon-like monkeys appeared. Crocodiles died out in Europe as the climate cooled. Oceans cooled and the Arctic ice cap formed and stayed for a while, even during the summers, for the first time in a long, long time.

The next earliest epoch was the Miocene 23 million years ago to 5 mya. Climate was even warmer with slow global cooling that led to the Pliocene and Pleistocene glaciations, later. The tropical zone was larger than now. Sea ice was only perennial - comes and goes. The mid Miocene temperatures increased and this period has been suggested as a good analogue for future warmer climates that we may be headed towards now with similar CO2 levels. The late Miocene saw cooling again. There were still forests in Greenland but some glaciers started. Antarctica ice sheet approached present day size. Animals and plants established that are recognizable today. 100 types of apes throughout Africa, Asia and Europe. If we warm to this degree, what’s the big deal? Why do people think warming is automatically bad? Brainwashing??

The next earlier epoch was the Oligocene from 34 mya to 23 mya. It was warmer yet but was yet another time of general cooling. Sea levels dropped 105 meters from earlier epoch. A time of expansion of grasslands and regressions of tropical forests from the poles towards the equatorial belt.

The next earlier epoch was the Eocene from 55 mya to 34 mya. Started very warm with CO2 levels moving from 2000 ppm to 560 ppm (we are about 400 ppm now). Started with little to no ice on the earth. Lots of new mammals. Seas 150 meters higher. Due to two meteorite strikes (Chesapeake Bay and Siberia) and the drift of the Indian subcontinent, cooling became accelerated and caused glaciation of Antarctica. This caused a mass extinction event called the Grand Coupure. European primates went extinct as well as lots of other species.

Next earliest epoch was the Paleocene from 66 mya to 56 mya. Global average temperature of 76 F compared to 58 F now. Forests at poles. No ice caps, even in Antarctica. Atmospheric CO2 in Colorado was between 352 and 1110 ppm with Median of 616 ppm. There was a 200,000 year period when temperatures increased and poles exceeded modern tropical temperatures of 75-85 F. This was due to an ejection of 3500 gigatons of carbon into the atmosphere from methane due to North Altlantic tectonic activity. Non-avian dinosaurs were gone so there were emptied ecological niches. Mammals took advantage of this and new forms such as horses, whales, bats and primates emerged.

66 mya, an asteroid impact on the Yucatán Peninsula in MX caused the K-Py extinction event. 75% of plant and animal species disappeared including all non-avian dinosaurs (later became birds) and 83% of snakes and lizards. All other animals weighing over 55 pounds also disappeared. It took 3 years for temperatures to start to reverse and 30 years to go back to normal. The dust that prohibited photosynthesis lasted on full year. This all happened just before the Paleocene.

The Cretaceous period was from 145 mya to 66 mya. Very warm climate with 1400 ppm CO2 levels. High sea levels ice free. Ecothermic reptlies (cold blooded) in polar rain forests with dinosaurs 15 degrees from South Pole and at the North Pole. Mammals small and nocturnal to avoid dinosaur predators. Then the asteroid hit and the K-Py extinction event occurred.

Now, after all this, people want me to be scared or at least worried about the small amounts of climate change we are seeing? We do not have the power to change long term climate changes. Remove every automobile and CO2 producing man made system and it is a drop in the bucket. We would be much better off to prepare for the coming warming than to think we have any chance of stopping it. It is not necessarily a bad thing. Change isn’t always bad. The earth used to have tropical forests and then boreal forests at the poles. Life was very diverse. 70% of oil deposits existing today were formed in the Mesozoic age (252 to 66 million years ago). The Carboniferous Period lasted from about 359.2 to 299 million years ago during the late Paleozoic Era. The term "Carboniferous" comes from reference to the rich deposits of coal that occurred. These deposits of coal occur throughout northern Europe, Asia, and midwestern and eastern North America.

There were forests in the arctic and jungles in Gillette WY. That’s how the oil and coal got deposited. The climate will always change. We just need to adapt to it. That’s the challenge, not trying to change it.
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Scott, it’s amazing that the elites at Davos look past these “Inconvenient Truths”

Where I live there was 2 miles of ice above ground. That’s not that long ago to lose 2 mile deep ice that stretched across a very large swath.

It’s human arrogance to think the planet needs us or will miss us. Or can be harmed by us.
No Tanks I do not believe humans have a minuscule impact on the ozone.

This is still a politically motivated report. But it does point out that natural events have far more lasting impact
I think you could have opened every refrigerant and rock stars hair spray in the 70s and you would see zero notice to the ozone.

Compared to one major solar eruption or volcanic eruption. And all three combined still resolve themselves over time.

Not politicians trying to keep us in perpetual fear and divide. Only for them to invest in “Green” Pyramid schemes.

factors such as changes in solar radiation, as well as the formation of stratospheric particles after vol- canic eruptions, do influence the ozone layer.
Q14: Do changes in the Sun and volcanic eruptions affect the ozone layer?
National Oceanic and Atmos...
Thus, sunlight both destroys and creates ozone. The two reactions are in balance, so normally the amount of ozone in the upper atmosphere stays the same.
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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.