
with the population of CA and NY, its almost a guarantee he will lose the popular vote IMO.. its incredibly hard to overcome those numbers..

which is why I am also incredibly thankful for the electoral college (as flawed as it might be in some ways)...

the last thing I want is for a bunch of nit wits in San Francisco and Los Angeles dictating how the rest of us live our lives..
The demand for cheap labor drives massive immigration, massive immigration changes the voting patterns within the Country, changes in voting patterns cause our politicians to betray Israel.

The Law of Unintended Consequences can bite you in the butt. :E Hmmm:
Oh my! Please do not put me, a baby boomer, in that bucket. I don't agree with anything the subject person stated... I don't think that anyone my age who I associate with does either. :)

No sir, never my intention.... Actually you remind me of the WWII generation, god I miss them!
No sir, never my intention.... Actually you remind me of the WWII generation, god I miss them!
Perhaps that is because WWII veterans were my mentors.
There was also an older group of men who lived and worked as best they could during the depression. One of the depression-era gentlemen, a part time gunsmith once told me, "During the depression all the deer were "shot out" (of my native Potter County, deer capitol of Pennsylvania) after the first year. Then, if you got a woodchuck (groundhog for my southern friends) you had a feast!"
"A woodchuck, a feast, why?" I asked?
He responded, "Woodchucks taste fine in a stew. They also have a lot of fat. Put em on a spit and the fat drips down. When it cools, it becomes lard. You could hardly buy lard to grease a frying pan. The same in World War II. They used lard (and other fats) in the manufacture of explosives."


That same gunsmith also schooled me on how much better a Mauser 98 action was than a 1970's Remington or Winchester. When I was 14, I had enough money saved and from him I bought a new Parker Hale 1200 Super in 30-06. Remingtons and Winchesters were and are fine, accurate rifles but I think the majority of AH'ers appreciate controlled round feed of a Mauser and later design rifles.

Fifteen years later I was shooting a 50 yard smallbore match outside of Prescott Arizona. If fact, I was shooting a Anschutz .22 I bought from the gunsmith. Anyway, my unit as tagged to deploy to Desert Shield the next month. A couple of my competitors were WWII veterans. Between relays we talked quite a bit. When saying goodbye they looked me in the eye as if they were the Lord Almighty and said, "I hope you don't go. If you do, keep your head down." As I think back, I wonder what those two old soldiers had been through.

There is a lot of logic in the hard learned wisdom of others...
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Perhaps that is because WWII veterans were my mentors.
There were also an older group of men who lived and worked as best they could during the depression. One of the depression-era gentlemen, a part time gunsmith once told me, "During the depression all the deer were "shot out" (of my native Potter County, deer capitol of Pennsylvania) after the first year. Then, if you got a woodchuck (groundhog for my southern friends) you had a feast!"
"A woodchuck, a feast, why?" I asked?
He responded, "Woodchucks taste fine in a stew. They also have a lot of fat. Put em on a spit and the fat drips down. When it cools, it becomes lard. You could hardly buy lard to grease a frying pan. The same in World War II. They used lard (and other fats) in the manufacture of explosives."

View attachment 641934

That same gunsmith also schooled me on how much better a Mauser 98 action was than a 1970's Remington or WInchester. When I was 14, I had enough money saved to and from him I bought a new Parker Hale 1200 Super in 30-06. Remingtons and Winchesters were and are fine, accurate rifles but I think the majority of AH'ers appreciate controlled round feed of a Mauser or later design rifles.

Fifthteen years later I was shooting a 50 yard smallbore match outside of Prescott Arizona. If fact, I was shooting a Anschutz .22 I bought from the gunsmith. Anyway, my unit as taged to deploy to Desert Shield the next month. A couple of my competitors were WWII veterans. Between relays we talked quite a bit. When saying goodbye they looked me in the eye as if they were the Lord Almighty and said, "I hope you don't go. If you do, keep your head down." As I think back, I wonder what those two old soldiers had been through.

There is a lot of logic in the hard learned wisdom of others...

Amen to that!.... They were my mentors also.

My grandfather was a combat veteran at 17yo having joined the Navy at 16 with a parental waiver! He never talked about it much, but would answer any questions I had; it wasn't until after his death that I found his journal and learned what a 17yo in a Navy PBM flying boat around Saipan dealt with, and subsequently why I hate the modern helicopter parents who raise idiot man children.
Looks like there is a pretty aggressive effort to identify the "leaker" of TS material on Israel to a pro-Tehran Telegram site. Based upon a previous incident, this woman should never have had a TS security clearance, much less the job she holds.

The previous incident.

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Looks like there is a pretty aggressive effort to identify the "leaker" of TS material on Israel to a pro-Tehran Telegram site. Based upon a previous incident, this woman should never have had a TS security clearance, much less the job she holds.

The previous incident.

If found guilty, is she looking at prison time or can she be executed? (serious question)
If found guilty, is she looking at prison time or can she be executed? (serious question)

Treason would probably be a stretch (execution offense)…

Prison should absolutely be on the table… but I’d bet my next months wages they won’t prosecute… that would require the administration to admit they made a mistake in hiring her.. and made an even larger mistake keeping her around after the last incident..

They’ll try to sweep this under the rug pronto..

The press secretary will be dancing around this and avoiding answering any related questions to the best of her ability..
The Biden Regime has been undermining Israel all year with other leaks. This is just too convenient. That they blame her. She is just too obvious. Unfortunately 1000’s have access to this information.

She was on everyone’s radar already. And this just smells like a patsy play.

Looks like there is a pretty aggressive effort to identify the "leaker" of TS material on Israel to a pro-Tehran Telegram site. Based upon a previous incident, this woman should never have had a TS security clearance, much less the job she holds.

The previous incident.

The cynical side of me wants to draw one of two conclusions regarding Tabatabai:

1. The administration can't afford for Israel to strike Iran prior to the election and she was told to leak the information by a superior.

2. Israel knew the DOD had a leaker and used this information to flush her out publicly. With the Mosad's infiltration of Iran, they probably already knew who she was.

In reality neither of these is probably correct and she is simply an Iranian spy. It will be interesting to see if anything further comes of this. Early in a Biden administration or if Harris wins, she probably resigns and is safe from prosecution. If Trump wins she may rue the day she leaked the info.
I also think that is most likely.

Assuming she does turn out to be the actual culprit, I would offer a second motivational possibility that she is simply militantly anti-Zionist. Were she an actual spy, I would think that material would have been on the desks of her handlers in Tehran rather than posted on a pro-Iranian Telegram site.

Were it the US, we would have used such material to arrange a reception rather than publicize it to postpone what is likely the inevitable.
I also think that is most likely.

Assuming she does turn out to be the actual culprit, I would offer a second motivational possibility that she is simply militantly anti-Zionist. Were she an actual spy, I would think that material would have been on the desks of her handlers in Tehran rather than posted on a pro-Iranian Telegram site.

Were it the US, we would have used such material to arrange a reception rather than publicize it to postpone what is likely the inevitable.

I kind of agree with this assessment, she is just a true believer who said to herself, I am going to make a difference today.
Great schools, parents were both UCLA grads and my dad and uncle got their Phds from there as well. They were mad when I applied and got accepted to USC and did not consider UCLA at all.

Ended up going to Purdue instead as I couldn't get on campus housing at USC and at that time as a high school grad I did not know how to drive.
One of the most awesome things about this forum is the wide variety of people brought together here by this common interest.

For a break from current politics and college admissions..

In my World and especially at that time, it was nearly unimaginable that someone would leave high school without knowing how to drive or even without having a DL.

We had drivers ed taught in school during regular school hours. Took the written test right there in the classroom at the end of the course. They issued a drivers permit if you passed (majority did. Any who didn't were rescheduled to test again).. I remember being very upset because I fell for a trick question that i knew the answer to but it was written like a CA ballot initiative. So I had the blemish of one wrong. We were allowed 8 wrong and still pass.

Behind the wheel training before and after school and on Saturdays. Two students per car with an instructor. And talk about a different time, the instructor had a sawed off baseball bat he'd poke you with if you screwed up. It was my turn to ride in the back directly behind the driver, let's call him Jeff. Well Jeff was coming up to a stop sign on a back city street doing 30 and not slowing down. I glanced at the instructor who was scanning both ways, no cars coming. I braced up. Jeff flew past the stop sign and the instructor put his brake pedal to the floor. The car slid sideways through the intersection, tires screeching to a sudden halt. POW! Jeff got hit right in the head with the bat! ;)

Reality was us farm kids were mostly driving pickup trucks around the farm by the time we could sort of reach the foot pedals. My middle brother was short and would drive moms 1970 Chrysler New Yorker by looking over the dash but under the steering wheel. We had a pasture a mile down the road so a kid or two would get sent to check on the cattle water tank.. A deputy brought him and our sister home one day and told dad to buy them a Honda 3 Wheeler:)

I bought my first motorcycle at 9 and was driving on Township and County roads. Was on my 4th by the time i got out of High School. Bought my first pickup when I was 15. Got my driver's license on my 16th birthday;) Started making the 100 miles trip to the Twin Cities right after my 16th birthday hauling firewood and peddling it door to door in the more affluent neighborhoods. $250 to $300 per load. $20 for gas, $20 for a helper (between 14 -16 years old), $20 for food for all day for 2 of us. Cut and split wood in the winters Monday- Thursday, skip school at noon on Friday. Peddling a load per day Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Good work for a 16/17 year old October through February.

Never gave much thought to school, good place to socialize and grab lunch. :)
Treason would probably be a stretch (execution offense)…

Prison should absolutely be on the table… but I’d bet my next months wages they won’t prosecute… that would require the administration to admit they made a mistake in hiring her.. and made an even larger mistake keeping her around after the last incident..

They’ll try to sweep this under the rug pronto..

The press secretary will be dancing around this and avoiding answering any related questions to the best of her ability..
They will kep the lid on until after the election then find some halfassed excuse to blame Trump regardless of who wins.
The Biden Regime has been undermining Israel all year with other leaks. This is just too convenient. That they blame her. She is just too obvious. Unfortunately 1000’s have access to this information.

She was on everyone’s radar already. And this just smells like a patsy play.

Nothing like frienemies.

Whatever uncle sitnky finger's motivation is, I doubt very much it has to do with helping Harris. The Bidens seem to be doing what they can to undermine Harris' campaign out of pure hatred and spite. That's the way things go with such people. Smiles and back-slapping one day, a shank in the back the next.
In my World and especially at that time, it was nearly unimaginable that someone would leave high school without knowing how to drive or even without having a DL.
Well, I went to a boarding school in England, we had staples for people bringing their own horses and an equestrian training program, but no driver's ed. I actually took driver's ed during the summer break of my freshman year in college. My dad had promised me an Alfa Romeo Spyder for graduation present and once I had my license, it was purchased. I had it through college and when my first wife and I had a baby traded it in for a Landcruiser. When we divorced some years later I went back to sports cars and got a 911 Targa.

The Spider looked like this.

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One of the most awesome things about this forum is the wide variety of people brought together here by this common interest.

For a break from current politics and college admissions..

In my World and especially at that time, it was nearly unimaginable that someone would leave high school without knowing how to drive or even without having a DL.

We had drivers ed taught in school during regular school hours. Took the written test right there in the classroom at the end of the course. They issued a drivers permit if you passed (majority did. Any who didn't were rescheduled to test again).. I remember being very upset because I fell for a trick question that i knew the answer to but it was written like a CA ballot initiative. So I had the blemish of one wrong. We were allowed 8 wrong and still pass.

Behind the wheel training before and after school and on Saturdays. Two students per car with an instructor. And talk about a different time, the instructor had a sawed off baseball bat he'd poke you with if you screwed up. It was my turn to ride in the back directly behind the driver, let's call him Jeff. Well Jeff was coming up to a stop sign on a back city street doing 30 and not slowing down. I glanced at the instructor who was scanning both ways, no cars coming. I braced up. Jeff flew past the stop sign and the instructor put his brake pedal to the floor. The car slid sideways through the intersection, tires screeching to a sudden halt. POW! Jeff got hit right in the head with the bat! ;)

Reality was us farm kids were mostly driving pickup trucks around the farm by the time we could sort of reach the foot pedals. My middle brother was short and would drive moms 1970 Chrysler New Yorker by looking over the dash but under the steering wheel. We had a pasture a mile down the road so a kid or two would get sent to check on the cattle water tank.. A deputy brought him and our sister home one day and told dad to buy them a Honda 3 Wheeler:)

I bought my first motorcycle at 9 and was driving on Township and County roads. Was on my 4th by the time i got out of High School. Bought my first pickup when I was 15. Got my driver's license on my 16th birthday;) Started making the 100 miles trip to the Twin Cities right after my 16th birthday hauling firewood and peddling it door to door in the more affluent neighborhoods. $250 to $300 per load. $20 for gas, $20 for a helper (between 14 -16 years old), $20 for food for all day for 2 of us. Cut and split wood in the winters Monday- Thursday, skip school at noon on Friday. Peddling a load per day Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Good work for a 16/17 year old October through February.

Never gave much thought to school, good place to socialize and grab lunch. :)
Sounds a lot like my upbringing. Living on a farm we started driving by 5 or 6 years old peeking out through the spokes in the steering wheel. All stick shifts back then and no synchro gearbox so we had to learn double clutching. That was our driver's ed. Still do it today.
When I took my driving test for my license on my 16th birthday I had to borrow my aunt's car as it was a stick. Mandatory at that time. Our family car was auto and not allowed.
I really get a kick out of kids nowadays that think they are so hot but don't know how to drive sticks or double clutch. Best anti theft thing ever invented.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!