My family on both sides came from Ireland in the 1840’s. Most Irish jokes are insulting, however when I look at my relatives I can attest that they are also true and yes I do think that God invented whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world.

My family on both sides came from Ireland in the 1840’s. Most Irish jokes are insulting, however when I look at my relatives I can attest that they are also true and yes I do think that God invented whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world.
Come on now, just a taste or so of an 18 yr old Tullamore DEW will settle the mind and body for a wonderful night's sleep.Damnit, all this talk of my heritage has got me going to the fridge for a cold beer and of course I only have three.
Aye, I've got to get up a wee bit too early in the morn to get into the whiskey!
I know a bunch of people that are going to crap themselves if Trump wins………. And I for one will laugh…….Expect the libtards to go batshit crazy when the orange Nazi wins the election.
growing up in az plenty of mex cars had those little mex flags in the back . and most where born here.Pride in a country you wanted to escape from.? Got it!
Kind of like the Mexicans that come to live here, but still wave their Mexican flags.
I know and knew plenty of Americans who call themselves Democrats in some shape or form.
Some of them have served this country to protect the constitution and to enable people like you to speak their mind and degrade them.
Some of them are in Arlington rolling in their graves when they hear people thinking like you.
Last time I looked we were a republic where people can express themselves freely by voting whoever they like for whatever reason.
To call more than half of our citizens evil and think we have nothing morally or culturally is absurd to say the least..
We call those sort of democrats "default liberals."I stand by my comments 100%.... What I find absurd is an individual like you who is in denial, or indifference to the threat the current democratic party poses....
Pre-Obama, I would never have entertained the possibility of such a profound and radical change in the ideology of the democratic party. Obama introduced the new order subtly masked by his articulate charm... Withing the last 10 years, charm and subtly of executing their agendas has been replaced with blatant indoctrination propaganda to be executed at any cost...
I'm certain that among the 49% of the voters in this county who are registered as democrat there are hundreds of thousands who are well-intended folks who are simply uninformed or misinformed citizens who are swallowing the BS hook, line, and sinker.... Many are probably so politically unaware they are not even sure why they are registered democrat... They unfortunately lack the common sense and/or the civic responsibility to fully understand what ideologies they are supporting... The very few self-proclaimed dems I have had the occasion to speak with fall into this category, but that is no excuse considering the harm they are a part of either directly or passively... Regardless of whether they are simply ignorant, or naive, their collective tolerance or indifferences are just as significantly dangerous if they continue to support the democratic agenda with their vote...
There are hundreds of examples of this dangerous and harmful indifference that I am referring to, but I will offer the one that shocks me the most... How can any democrats stand by silently and indifferently when Jewish students in American universities are being violently attacked by terrorists waving Hamas flags and burning American flags...? The lack of collective outrage by the so-called party of inclusion and tolerance is the ultimate hypocrisy... Do you really think the individuals who are lying in Arlington fought for this?
If I were a gambler that is what I would bet on.The continued Nazi, Hitler, fascist comments by the left about Trump make me wonder if they aren't preparing for a Trump victory and putting that stuff out as justification for actions they might take to deny him the Presidency.
The fly in the ointment on that style paper ballot is *what is the scanner recording?". It doesn't matter what you marked on-screen that generated your piece of paper, which recorded what your actual votes for, it's the scanner itself that's potentially hack-able.A few of things I noticed when voting early in Texas yesterday....
1. ID required - they checked the address on my ID
2. Paper ballot - Inserted the paper ballot and made the selections on the screen, printed and checked the ballot and everything was correct and handed to the man running the scanner.
3. No party line voting - Apparently straight ticket voting is out and you have to select every candidate you vote for.
4. I was in and out in 5min
I left the polling center thinking this is exactly how this should happen nation wide; ID check, paper ballot and out the door.
May be, but at least there is a paper record.... not like when I voted in Austin and the polling machine recorded it with no paper what so ever.The fly in the ointment on that style paper ballot is *what is the scanner recording?". It doesn't matter what you marked on-screen that generated your piece of paper, which recorded what your actual votes for, it's the scanner itself that's potentially hack-able.
As was discovered in 2020.The fly in the ointment on that style paper ballot is *what is the scanner recording?". It doesn't matter what you marked on-screen that generated your piece of paper, which recorded what your actual votes for, it's the scanner itself that's potentially hack-able.
I don’t know what brand of voting machines we use BUT our Secretary of State CLAIMS they aren’t connected to the internet so are not hack-able.The fly in the ointment on that style paper ballot is *what is the scanner recording?". It doesn't matter what you marked on-screen that generated your piece of paper, which recorded what your actual votes for, it's the scanner itself that's potentially hack-able.