Actually, it is money well spent on condoms. There is a huge population explosion at Gaza and West Bank and anything to curtail it is well worth it. There is nowhere to go for the excess population as no country accepts them.
Considering that USAID, the World Bank, DFID, and a number of other agencies have been distributing birth control (specifically condoms) around the globe for the better part of 40 years.. and study after study after study proves that the rubber programs are completely and totally ineffective.. I'd argue the money is a) not well spent... and b) controlling Gazan population really isn't our business or responsibility... but c) if we think its our responsibility, we should seriously consider the above point that rubber programs simply have been proven over and over and over again to not work.. because our monkeys at USAID (and other agencies) tend to just drop things off, give each other high fives, pat each other on the back, tell the world they did a wonderful service.. and then walk away..
without proper education (specific to the local culture, religion, etc..etc..) and believe it or not, without proper training... you might as well give them 4" piece of panty hose... it has the same value...
and USAID has proven over and over and over again, its not really interested in educating people why unprotected sex is undesirable (whether the reason is population control, disease control, or anything else)..
and.... FWIW big families are seen as a HUGE positive in most middle eastern cultures.. just because we tell them they don't want 25 kids doesn't mean they buy into it.. even if we did offer education and training..
Something similar.. but to continue to prove the disconnect between MANY USAID programs and what is NEEDED vs what LOOKS GOOD..
I was in Burkina many years ago.. WAY out in the bush.. there was a tribe we were visiting that had a horrible HIV problem.. USAID had been distributing condoms to them for years and ZERO improvement was being seen...
An NGO figured out the problem... the tribe was big into scarification.. while yes, they were indeed having unprotected sex (you weren't going to get them to use a condom), that actually had very little to do with their HIV problem.. generally speaking this tribe was marrying off its girls young, and they were staying married and only having sex with their husbands.. they didn't have a big infidelity problem... HIV was spreading because they were sharing razor blades across the tribe during their scaring rituals..
so the NGO brought in a centrifuge and other equipment and started sterlizing the razor blades and started training and educating the locals about not sharing blades...
Within a matter of a few years HIV was still present, but under control..
USAID was still bringing in rubbers.. which were largely being used as temporary vessels for water or just being thrown away..
and USAID was still patting themselves on the backs, telling the US tax payers they had solved AIDS/HIV in Burkina...