I can tell you what is a very common thought among many Americans, FUCK Ukraine. How many billions have we sent to that dip shit country? We don't even have an idea of where all the equipment or money has gone. Exactly how much has all the European countries actually given? It would seem if you looked on a map Ukraine and the Russian forces are way closer to them than us.
This is unacceptable.
I'm no fan of draining resources for foreign countries unless it's clearly in our national interest.
"National interest" is like the world "reasonable" for attorneys. It can mean different things for different people and they all seem to have a knack for convenient definition change.
My opinion (worth everything you paid for it) is that it's not in our national interest to help Ukraine.
If they were Lithuania, Sweden, or some other country that's above board most of the time, I may feel differently. But they're not. They've been heinously corrupt for a long time.
Also, it's arguable that they have been involved in loading the gun to shoot themselves in the foot since the mid-90's. But let's leave that alone for the sake of this post.
Regardless... there are still people dying. Real people. Have a little respect.
I don't like Ukraine's leader or the corrupt leadership they've had for some time, I believe there are a lot of solid, upstanding people there that are genuinely of the mindset that they are fighting for their independence or to protect their homeland.
Just like Americans, most of them probably aren't fully aware of the big picture and most, like Americans, are swayed by media propaganda. More's the pity.
I feel heavily for the Ukraine people. And for the Russian soldiers. They also probably believe they're doing the right thing.