Scott CWO
AH legend
With all due respect my friend, I get tired of hearing Ukraine’s proximity to Russia being compared to Cuba’s proximity to the USA and the Cuban Missle Crisis. It’s apples and oranges. The nuclear and conventional arms in Europe are a DEFENSIVE measure against Russia and the previous USSR, not offensive. When the USSR put missiles in Cuba, that was an offensive move. In addition, as my late uncle could attest, Mexico allowed the USSR to put listening posts and other intelligence gathering equipment in Mexico along the USA border. The USA did not invade Mexico.Not sure if there was an actual question there.
That said, if one cannot look at both sides and understand the opposition, no positive outcome is possible.
Putin doesn't want Nato encroachment. The US wouldn't want Russian, Chinese, or Iran encroachment in Mexico.
Can you imagine a Cuban missile crisis today? The Cheneys would be picking their chops however. This coming from a Bush/Cheney voter, albeit more informed 20 years later.