
@MauserM03Blog here’s a good link for you. Maybe after you get the third world and developing countries to limit CO2 emissions and clean up their environment, then come talk to me about giving up my Ford F350 Crewcab diesel truck that I use daily in my outfitting business! Until then, you can shove the wind farms, solar farms and unreliable, underpowered EVs where the sun doesn’t shine.


Have you ever even been to Africa or other third world or developing places? Please list them. If you have, then you should know that the US is much cleaner and spewing far less CO2. I have been to Tajikistan, the CAR, Cameroon, Senegal, Botswana, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Ethiopia and South Africa. Some of those more than once. We could go to zero CO2 emissions and it wouldn’t matter compared to most other countries outside of Europe and the US. Why do you think African sunsets are so beautiful to photograph? It’s because the whole continent is on fire in the remote areas. Billions of acres of grass are burned and the skies are full of smoke all the way to the dirty cities. The major roadways are full of smoke-spewing vehicles and trucks like you’ve never seen. It can be difficult to breathe on these roads. Ever been to China? I have traveled throughout China. Incredible pollution there. I landed in Beijing one time and couldn’t see the terminal from the parked plane!

The vast majority of people in the above countries are just trying to survive the day. They will NEVER give a damn about climate change! Their governments can’t even provide basic services! Meanwhile, your ilk are trying to bankrupt the US and Europe with over-reaching ridiculous climate policies that will not make a dent. Wake up to the reality and give up your guilt complex you were taught.
It's not about guilt. It's about leadership and opportunity. Providing cleaner, greener and more comfortable ways for people to live is good business. Ask any Chinese solar panel or lithium battery manufacturer if they're making good money from collecting and storing sunlight.

You know that per-capita CO2 emissions of Americans dwarf those of Africans. The ratio is 14 to 1.

Yes, China generates a lot of pollution. However, they are taking steps to address this and will surprise us, just as they have in other ways. They haven't thrown in the towel like some.

Americans used to be admirable. As a kid I watched the space race, cheering them on, knowing we were helping with tracking stations. I did a school project on it. They didn't say, 'It's too hard.'
It's not about guilt. It's about leadership and opportunity. Providing cleaner, greener and more comfortable ways for people to live is good business. Ask any Chinese solar panel or lithium battery manufacturer if they're making good money from collecting and storing sunlight.

You know that per-capita CO2 emissions of Americans dwarf those of Africans. The ratio is 14 to 1.

Yes, China generates a lot of pollution. However, they are taking steps to address this and will surprise us, just as they have in other ways. They haven't thrown in the towel like some.

Americans used to be admirable. As a kid I watched the space race, cheering them on, knowing we were helping with tracking stations. I did a school project on it. They didn't say, 'It's too hard.'
14:1 is BS and doesn’t apply the burning to people.

"Climate change is not a hoax. It's bizarre to see a large number of people deciding that it is, because it suits them. It doesn't work this way. We don't get to decide that something isn't happening, when clearly it is."

Actually what I have read in many responses - and I agree - is that whether you believe it or not, many of us feel it's a lost cause. Way too many people and countries do not care, do not have the capacity to care, or (most likely) both. Talk about and its dangers all you want if it suits you. It ain't getting turned around.
14:1 is BS and doesn’t apply the burning to people.

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You made me laugh out loud. Well done.

Chances are the burning you saw in Africa was done in the cool season, to reduce the build up of fire hazards and catastrophic fires in the dry season. This results in less CO2 being released overall. It's measurable. The same thing is done here in the Northern Territory. Undertaking managed, cool season hazard reduction fires results in carbon credits which are tradable. The land is rejuvenated. The buffalo love it.

We're familiar with hot season, catastrophic fires and the CO2 they release. To be avoided. Due to climate change, they're happening in cool seasons in some places. Perhaps somewhere near you?
I would love to know which genius is coming up with this nonsense. All this will do is make our own forces less prepared and far less experienced at combined operations. I am sure all MAGA world is jumping up and down for joy. "We'll show those Europeans - let's cut off our right leg!"

Truly can not make it up.
The MAGA movement is about the narrow view many americans posses towards everything outside the US. So when Trump decides to cut of europe for good many americans wouldn’t really be able to put into a context to anything anyway.
Hi gearguy.

You're right, Harris and her executive might not have done a 'better' job, however:

- Harris would not have set up a mafia state, with wholesale sackings of inspectors general, judge advocates general, military chiefs, FBI bureau chiefs, etc, etc, along with intimidation of Congress members, judges, journalists, media organisations, etc;
- Harris would not have set about making enemies of just about every friend America has;
- Harris would not stabbed Ukraine in the back by cutting off intel, at the cost of many lives;
- Harris would not have prepped Russia that it was about to cut off intel for Ukraine;
- Harris would not have extorted Ukraine;
- Harris and her VP would not have conducted themselves like thugs with a visiting President whose country is suffering an aggressive invasion, in a media ambush;
- Harris would not have thrown tariffs around in a tantrum, confusing the crap out of business people and frightening worldwide markets;
- Harris would not have tipped off her mates to buy the dip, as the tariffs are coming straight off again;
- Harris and her partner would not have released meme coins as avenues for bribes a day before inauguration;
- Harris would not have been chaotic in general, with pretty well everything;
- Harris would not lie, knowingly, openly and uncaringly, every time she spoke;
- Harris would not have made it impossible for American tourists to get a coffee or a meal anywhere in Europe (and broadly every where else quite frankly) without a thick layer of ten cooks' and waiters' spit over the top of it.

I have just one request. Are those of you who are Trump supporters so blind as to not be able to see what is happening to the good governance of your country? Trump is copying Putin and is creating a mafia state. He's already done it! Do you really think this is a good development?

I ask these questions as a person who genuinely understands the need for a pivot in the US's attention away from Europe and towards Asia. No issue, in fact as an Australian I welcome it. Harris could easily have accomplished the same, without ruining America's prosperity, reputation, self-respect, civic pride, trade balance and the prospect of a future without civil war. Getting a tax cut is not worth this.
That's quite hilarious.

Harris doesn't know how to organize and run a campaign for an office which isn't being handed to her by the California DNC machine. And you think she'd be a capable executive?

The left is pearl-clutching, worrying Trump might become a tyrant. Harris already is a tyrant. Her record as California AG and San Francisco's district attorney are unmistakable.
You made me laugh out loud. Well done.

Chances are the burning you saw in Africa was done in the cool season, to reduce the build up of fire hazards and catastrophic fires in the dry season. This results in less CO2 being released overall. It's measurable. The same thing is done here in the Northern Territory. Undertaking managed, cool season hazard reduction fires results in carbon credits which are tradable. The land is rejuvenated. The buffalo love it.

We're familiar with hot season, catastrophic fires and the CO2 they release. To be avoided. Due to climate change, they're happening in cool seasons in some places. Perhaps somewhere near you?
Mauser, you are incorrect concerning just cool season burning, Scott and I have traveled extensively in Africa. You got to get out and stop reading some bullshit report
It's not about guilt. It's about leadership and opportunity. Providing cleaner, greener and more comfortable ways for people to live is good business. Ask any Chinese solar panel or lithium battery manufacturer if they're making good money from collecting and storing sunlight.

You know that per-capita CO2 emissions of Americans dwarf those of Africans. The ratio is 14 to 1.

Yes, China generates a lot of pollution. However, they are taking steps to address this and will surprise us, just as they have in other ways. They haven't thrown in the towel like some.

Americans used to be admirable. As a kid I watched the space race, cheering them on, knowing we were helping with tracking stations. I did a school project on it. They didn't say, 'It's too hard.'
I bet the Chinese manufacturers are actually making quite a bit of money..

Is China really taking steps? I find that laughable. Any evidence?

I think the space race is ramping back up..
Mauser, you are incorrect concerning just cool season burning, Scott and I have traveled extensively in Africa. You got to get out and stop reading some bullshit report

I’ve traveled much of the African continent.. both commonly hunted areas and others (South Sudan, Somalia, Guinea, Ghana, Sierra Leone, etc etc (many others), and have done so extensively for the past 20 years..

Cool season burning is not at all correct…

Other than when it’s cool outside, irresponsible people start fires, and then don’t maintain them, which results in massive amounts of acreage and grass getting burned every year..

Ask @spike t about fires in Zambia or any of the outfitters in Limpopo or the NW Province or the KZN about fires in their area..

They are very often a problem.. and not part of any intentional burn program…
You made me laugh out loud. Well done.

Chances are the burning you saw in Africa was done in the cool season, to reduce the build up of fire hazards and catastrophic fires in the dry season. This results in less CO2 being released overall. It's measurable. The same thing is done here in the Northern Territory. Undertaking managed, cool season hazard reduction fires results in carbon credits which are tradable. The land is rejuvenated. The buffalo love it.

We're familiar with hot season, catastrophic fires and the CO2 they release. To be avoided. Due to climate change, they're happening in cool seasons in some places. Perhaps somewhere near you?
The cool seasons are the dry seasons. The grass fires can be beneficial or catastrophic depending upon who started them, why they started them, and where they were started.
Going back to the ridiculous Freeland comment about getting the UK to give nuclear protection to Canada from US aggression…

I was reminded this morning of something I’ve known for a long time, but had forgotten about…

The UKs entire nuclear arsenal amounts to 4 submarines… they have roughly 225 nuclear warheads, of which about 110 are deployed at any time…

There’s a key problem with using them in any capacity against the US though..

The UK owns no delivery system..

All of their warheads are mounted on US trident missiles that are not just manufactured, but also maintained by the US.. the UK leases these missile from the US, and their nuclear arsenal relies on US support (all of the targeting and control and other support systems are also owned by the US)…
Going back to the ridiculous Freeland comment about getting the UK to give nuclear protection to Canada from US aggression…

I was reminded this morning of something I’ve known for a long time, but had forgotten about…

The UKs entire nuclear arsenal amounts to 4 submarines… they have roughly 225 nuclear warheads, of which about 110 are deployed at any time…

There’s a key problem with using them in any capacity against the US though..

The UK owns no delivery system..

All of their warheads are mounted on US trident missiles that are not just manufactured, but also maintained by the US.. the UK leases these missile from the US, and their nuclear arsenal relies on US support (all of the targeting and control and other support systems are also owned by the US)…

I’m not sure what delusions of grandeur freeland suffers from anyway. The liberals electing freeland would be akin to the apostles giving Judas run of the church.
Freeland is an ass and desperate. She represents that same dysfunctional group that decided to parade in pink for Trump’s speech. This was a group that held a disproportionate amount of political power that is (I hope) fading into the past.

On another note, I had dinner with an old friend who has returned from an extensive time in Asia. He was working in China as Xi ascended. He noted that Xi grabbed power by using legitimate concerns about corruption to removed anyone who was an obstacle to his plans. This is, for him, a cautionary tale about our current desire to unseat what we don’t like in our current regimes. The warning is that mass firings and aggressive trimming can hide other agendas if we are not diligent.
Freeland is an ass and desperate. She represents that same dysfunctional group that decided to parade in pink for Trump’s speech. This was a group that held a disproportionate amount of political power that is (I hope) fading into the past.

On another note, I had dinner with an old friend who has returned from an extensive time in Asia. He was working in China as Xi ascended. He noted that Xi grabbed power by using legitimate concerns about corruption to removed anyone who was an obstacle to his plans. This is, for him, a cautionary tale about our current desire to unseat what we don’t like in our current regimes. The warning is that mass firings and aggressive trimming can hide other agendas if we are not diligent.

No doubt.

It appears to be a fairly common tactic among controversial leaders honestly…

Putin originally can on an anti-corruption platform… so did Zelenskyy..

Putin in particular has infamously weaponized “corruption” against political rivals
Mauser, you are incorrect concerning just cool season burning, Scott and I have traveled extensively in Africa. You got to get out and stop reading some bullshit report
I flew from Germany to Namibia at night and I could see several fires over the continent of Africa. I figured they were clearing jungle for crops.
You made me laugh out loud. Well done.

Chances are the burning you saw in Africa was done in the cool season, to reduce the build up of fire hazards and catastrophic fires in the dry season. This results in less CO2 being released overall. It's measurable. The same thing is done here in the Northern Territory. Undertaking managed, cool season hazard reduction fires results in carbon credits which are tradable. The land is rejuvenated. The buffalo love it.

We're familiar with hot season, catastrophic fires and the CO2 they release. To be avoided. Due to climate change, they're happening in cool seasons in some places. Perhaps somewhere near you?
Your writing indicates you are an educated person. I would suggest expanding your reading a bit over the climate change debate. Let me quickly add that hardly anyone "denies" climate change, it has happened for 4 billion years. But the extent of man's contribution to that change deserves serious discussion by serious people. Much like any critical review of the worldwide response to the pandemic, your country and mine have done everything possible to shutdown any such debate of climate for generation. The persecutors of Galileo could hardly have been more diligent.

It is worth a bit of reflection that the current climate change mitigation industry is estimated to represent a 2.5 to 3 trillion USD annual investment worldwide. It is growing rapidly. Is it any wonder that any dissenting voices are crushed?

These are four excellent titles that I have read and which I would strongly suggest you read as you measure your certitude of man's culpability.

"The Deniers: The World-Renowned Scientists Who Stood Up Against Global Warming Hysteria, Political Persecution, and Fraud" by Lawrence Solomon (2008) It is a collection of interviews with highly credentialed scientists who hold that dissenting view. I should add, in keeping with my comments above, both the author and those he interviewed were broadly attacked by the climate industry when the book was published in 2008. Read it and draw your own conclusions.

"Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, the Missing Science" by Ian Pilmer. Plimer is an Australian geologist and professor emeritus at the University of Melbourne, so you may already be familiar with him. He too was vigorously attacked by the climate industry for lacking rigor in his research. I would suggest draw your own conclusions.

"The Chilling Stars: A New Theory of Climate Change" by Henrik Svensmark and Nigel Calder (2007) This work focuses on cosmic radiation as a far more likely culprit for temperature and weather patterns currently blamed on CO2. It is a tough slog from a readability perspective, but these are regularly peer reviewed authors. The climate industry essentially chose to simply ignore this work.

"Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global Warming" edited by Patrick J. Michaels (2005) Michaels, a climatologist and former research professor at the University of Virginia, has a PhD in ecological climatology and contributed to IPCC reports before becoming a prominent skeptic. He and his thesis drew particular ire most believe because he is perceived as a traitor to the industry.

Finally, if you really have curiosity in testing your certainty, I highly recommend googling some of the articles written by Richard S. Lindzen. He is a highly credentialed Emeritus Professor of Meteorology at MIT. He too has been the subject of criticism, but it would seem the technical complexity of his work was considered deterrent enough by the industry to mitigate him being widely read.

I do not know the answer to the question of the causes of climate change. I will note that I am suspicious of any consensus backed by a huge industry. I am even more suspicious of a theory where every hurricane, flood, or tornado is seized upon by the political class and their unquestioning followers as an example of man made climate change. I suppose it is easy with a population that knows no history. For instance, the most powerful and deadly hurricane to strike the US occurred in Galveston in 1900 killing as many as twelve thousand people. I am made further suspicious as "bomb cyclones" have made their bitter cold presence felt in North America over the last decade and "global warming" was quickly erased from the narrative to be replaced by "climate change" almost exclusively.

I do know that we will never understand any number of things when government, acting exactly as did the Catholic Church in 17th century silenced Galileo and his theory of Heliocentrism. The quickly unraveling of the certainty of our response to Covid should be another cautionary indicator.
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Carbon pricing:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Well, yes, carbon pricing.
We're talking tariffs.

The EU, UK, and Scandinavia (and likely Canada in the near future) all have a CBAM, a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, which imposes tariffs on goods from countries that do not have a carbon pricing system to ensure domestic production doesn't have to unfairly compete with goods.
Hi gearguy.

You're right, Harris and her executive might not have done a 'better' job, however:

- Harris would not have set up a mafia state, with wholesale sackings of inspectors general, judge advocates general, military chiefs, FBI bureau chiefs, etc, etc, along with intimidation of Congress members, judges, journalists, media organisations, etc;
- Harris would not have set about making enemies of just about every friend America has;
- Harris would not stabbed Ukraine in the back by cutting off intel, at the cost of many lives;
- Harris would not have prepped Russia that it was about to cut off intel for Ukraine;
- Harris would not have extorted Ukraine;
- Harris and her VP would not have conducted themselves like thugs with a visiting President whose country is suffering an aggressive invasion, in a media ambush;
- Harris would not have thrown tariffs around in a tantrum, confusing the crap out of business people and frightening worldwide markets;
- Harris would not have tipped off her mates to buy the dip, as the tariffs are coming straight off again;
- Harris and her partner would not have released meme coins as avenues for bribes a day before inauguration;
- Harris would not have been chaotic in general, with pretty well everything;
- Harris would not lie, knowingly, openly and uncaringly, every time she spoke;
- Harris would not have made it impossible for American tourists to get a coffee or a meal anywhere in Europe (and broadly every where else quite frankly) without a thick layer of ten cooks' and waiters' spit over the top of it.

I have just one request. Are those of you who are Trump supporters so blind as to not be able to see what is happening to the good governance of your country? Trump is copying Putin and is creating a mafia state. He's already done it! Do you really think this is a good development?

I ask these questions as a person who genuinely understands the need for a pivot in the US's attention away from Europe and towards Asia. No issue, in fact as an Australian I welcome it. Harris could easily have accomplished the same, without ruining America's prosperity, reputation, self-respect, civic pride, trade balance and the prospect of a future without civil war. Getting a tax cut is not worth this.
You do realize that you are talking about the most stupid woman in politics, right?

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!