AH ambassador
Just venting a little Phil...A guy can hope, can't he?
Sure, I hoped for that outcome too at one point. But as the manager of my work campus once said, “Hope is not a strategy.”
Just venting a little Phil...A guy can hope, can't he?
Apparently the US and Russia are considering restarting the Nordstream pipe and the russian foreign minister wants US to apply leverage on Europe to force them to no longer resist buying russian gas. It will be interesting to see what Trump does.
"There is talk about the Nord Streams," Lavrov told Russia’s state-controlled Channel One TV station, according to a readout shared by his ministry Wednesday. "It will probably be interesting if the Americans use their influence on Europe and force it not to refuse Russian gas."
Also I wondering how much leverage he still has over Europe since he has basically allready ruled out US adhering to article 5 in case of a conflict against Russia and also allready started a trade war with europe, what more can he threat to do at this point? Perhaps start to supply Russia with weapons against Ukraine but hopefully that is not on the table.
Russia and US discuss restarting Nord Stream pipelines, Kremlin says
EU countries are against reviving the ruptured gas links, which experts say will also prove legally difficult — even if there’s an American
I don't think anyone in the USA on this board or otherwise is defending Putin. We know he's a dirtbag.
My question for you is what would be a satisfactory end to this war and how would you accomplish that?
Look what Reagan did to the soviets...he started a massive rearmament and thus crashed the soviet economy.. It worked.. History shows that Reagan really understood who he was dealing with and acted accordingly.
Europe has started a massive will take years but it will happen.. What Europe lack is a firm political leadership.. That is why we need provide leadership and a heavy military pressure.
Who said America should continue the war..? Sufficent military and political/economic pressure will force Russia to give in..
If Ukraine and Europe cave in you will be left with a very short list of friends globally..
The differemce was Soviets had much bigger zone of influence to maintain (entire eastern Europe, plus number of proxies), and communist economy system.Look what Reagan did to the soviets...he started a massive rearmament and thus crashed the soviet economy.. It worked.. History shows that Reagan really understood who he was dealing with and acted accordingly.
Your words...but what can you expect when you decide to throw us under the bus..? And the benefits have been both ways..
An odd way of looking at things..but are an isolationist..
If Hegseth reduce your military by 40%, as promised, your military will suffer greatly..then you may have to pull out of Europe anyway..
You know I have great respect for you, but I do not believe it is possible for me to fully articulate what a complete misreading of history those statements represent.For the past 80 years America has provided military protection for Europe and Europe has not come close to paying for the cost.
For the past 80 years Europe has excluded American products with tariffs, VAT, etc.
This is not close to benefits flowing both ways in any form of equality.
Removing an 80 year old child from the American tax payers teat is not throwing them under the bus. It is kicking them out of the house to be responsible for themselves 60 years late and living with the insufferable temper tantrum that goes with it.
The article by Malone news reveals the real reason UK farmers are behind the 8 ball and leaving England, as testified by one AH member in a thread recently....the government wants them out and governmental controlled operations to replace them! Hence, the ever increasing, ruinous taxes on farming in the UK. Raising those pesky methane farting animals--we recommend crickets, or whatever else is du jour. And it's just not cricket, lol. Thank God, a little sanity just in time for me to try the carnivore diet.As both medical science and climate science are gradually freed from the censorship of the last couple of decades, I suspect we will see an ever increasing flood of peer reviewed evidence that populations truly were being fed a set of "Beliefs" rather than the results of scrupulously researched scientific conclusions. The same process has taken place in the social/cultural environment where nations are awakening to the catastrophic effect of unassimilable ethnic minorities and their impact on public safety and culture.
The recent release of Yale University's peer reviewed analysis of the adverse effects of the Covid vaccines seems to be opening the floodgates of what was essentially forbidden research for the better part of three years.
Peer reviewed research like that below is also beginning to lift the veil on what passes for a pseudo religious scientific climate belief rather than "settled science." Both the commentary and actual paper (link within) are worth reading - particularly by those so unquestionably devoted to their efforts to personally save the planet.
The Climate Scam is Over..
Peer-reviewed AI analysis completely debunks all of the "man-made"
The public reaction to this growing and extremely healthy scientific skepticism of "settled science" will be interesting to observe. As Western societies have become ever more skeptical of the divine, the need for a "Belief" with a capital B has to be vested somewhere.
We see it in much of the discussion in this thread. Climate alarmists speak with a the arrogant certainty of the Roman Church shortly before Martin Luther nailed his theses in 1517. Go back several hundred posts and you will see the same unquestioning "Belief" in masks, vaccines, school closures etc. Others become committed in their "Belief" in a politician or political movement.
Because of such commitment to a "Belief," those who question those beliefs become an enemy imbued with all the evils of Satan. I can point to dozens of posts in this thread as illustrations.
The catch is that this works only so long as the skeptics and non-believers are kept silent. For a couple of decades scientific control was possible in this country thanks to a collective liberal ownership of the sources of information. However, like the scientific and intellectual blossoming of the reformation and enlightenment, that is changing and changing rapidly due to a new era of freedom of thought and expression happening first here in the US, but a movement that will likely spread throughout the West as Europe's ever more repressive efforts to dictate thought inevitably fail - perhaps dramatically.
NO! We should keep our promises (just not be suckers) and it does matter that we are moral.What about the Pacific theatre, Taiwan, Japan, the Phillippines..South Korea..states that USA have promised to stand by..
Should all be left to fend for themselves..?