Yes, I do. I never could own one in those days - they were out of my price range - but they are built to last.
Chris Sells, the General Manager (I think ?) of Heym USA calls them "East German tractors: ugly but indestructible", which is funny knowing that they were made in West Germany, but it says plenty...
Admittedly they do not have the gracile refined "English" look of the modern Martini Heym, but - to each their own - to me their beefier stock fits very well my concept of robust DG rifles. What is for sure is that many Martini Heym stocks will crack at the wrist before one of these do. Not that I expect the Martini Heym stock to crack, mind you, they have great reputation, but this is meant to convey that the much sturdier stock of the original Heym Express is likely a lot stronger. This may (?) explain why they keep their second hand value so high among people in the know...
I, for one, would buy the original Heym Express over the Martini Heym, for pure functionality, never mind half the price...
I agree with this whole heartedly, and Lord knows a factory CZ 550 can be so easily tuned up into a bulletproof DG rifle by one who does not have 2 thumbs on each hand. I have done it myself several times, and a lot has been posted on this subject... But if someone wants to spend $8k, I would not even think twice about grabbing the Heym Express over a AHR CZ 550. The main value AHR offered was their Upgrade Package #1 which was very reasonable priced. To me, the packages #2 and #3, which were a LOT more expensive offered significantly diminishing return for the money, but, again, to each their own. Package #1 was about functionality, packages #2 and #3 were about looks.
PS: Reportedly AHR sold the ZKK 602 / CZ550 upgrade part of their business to Matrix Gunsmithing in Colorado. I do not have an opinion regarding the Matrix Gunsmithing upgraded CZ 550 because I never saw one, never mind shoot one.
As to the defunct CZ "Custom" shop, Triple River Gunsmithing in Warsaw MO, their quality was dismal. Believe you me, I tried and know what I am talking about...