Questions on London Gun Shops

Don't forget Anderson Wheeler while in downtown London. Here is an example of their work on Stan's 500J.

We frequent many of the same haunts Kevin. Hopefully some day we will end up there at the same time! That said, I must add the Harp to your list of pubs. Truly an iconic London pub.

One note of caution that I mentioned above, Heathrow is not what it once was. We have had folks getting stranded there. I was supposed to arrive home on an flight originating in Heathrow at 6 PM Wednesday night. I arrived home at midnight Thursday.

On a related note, I was fitted for a white tie outfit on this last trip as I have been invited to attend the Gunmakers dinner at Mansion House (Lord Mayor of London’s Official Residence) in November. One of my friends has been appointed as an assessor for the Order. Do any other AH’ers plan on attending?
What a treat to be invited to the Gunmaker’s dinner, very special, well done!
I would also consider a visit to Longthorne, and some the people that sale kit like Farlows and Cordings (owned by Eric Clapton!). Beautiful Beretta gallery in the area as well.

In general I find some of the shops don’t really appreciate browsers. Some do.
Wonder whatever happened to stan.......

He dropped off AH and the hunting scene after getting his 90 lb elephant. His next foray was the elusive 1,000 lb marlin. Last I communicated with him, he was planning to spend a 2-3 months a year for as many years as necessary in this pursuit.

Would be great if he popped back in occasionally.
I'd also recommend booking a table at Simpsons on the Strand; the roast beef is excellent.

When I was ten we were eating at Simpson’s. A loud Texan asked for ketchup! He was politely informed that they do not serve catsup in that establishment.

I totally agree with your point, Simpson’s is amazing, as is Claridge’s. We had thanksgiving dinner at Claridge’s a number of years ago. It was fascinating to see a European chef’s take on Thanksgiving dinner!
As many of us have stated, London is an unbelievable city. Even though all of us on this forum have a major interest in rifles and guns (although many of us can't afford the "good stuff" which London and Birmingham are noted for) it still doesn't hurt to ooh and ah at them when we are there. In my past I was able to get to London and Paris when I was contracting in the Middle East and Eastern Europe fairly often. During those times I had a major interest in book shops/libraries, antique shops and museums. If this is your first time, trust me and many others, London has it all. Before you leave, study maps and know where you want to go. If you are going with a wife or girlfriend that will add another layer of places you will want to visit while there. Since it has been six years since I was there, I am anxious to read a travel report once you return (including pics). Have a great time.

100%. We really enjoyed our 2019 trip and our daughter just asked when we could go back. It won’t be too long. Amazing place.
Last year I did Purdey, Rigby, William & Evans & Beretta. Hopefully get a few more next time I visit. Very special visit at Rigby. Ask them to take you back on the production floor. That was a real treat!!!

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My wife and I in the future want to visit the following UK gun shops next year: Rigby, Westley Richards and Holland & Holland. My questions please are the following:
1. What UK airport is closest?
2. How far apart are they…can I stay at one hotel and go to all 3?
3. What is a grand hotel to stay closest to them?

Thanks so much everyone for fantastic information. Last question. I want to stay close to say Purdy and H&H with the others close by…are there any reasonably priced castle type hotels in the area? We will only be staying two nights and 3 days then off for a week in southern France

Thanks so much everyone for fantastic information. Last question. I want to stay close to say Purdy and H&H with the others close by…are there any reasonably priced castle type hotels in the area? We will only be staying two nights and 3 days then off for a week in southern France


Not sure what you mean by a castle type hotel? There are wonderful places to stay within easy walking distance of Purdey, H&H, William Evans, and the Beretta Gallery. We tend to like Boutique style hotels with few guests and cozy friendly bars.

One final thing. Please don't wear jeans and a baseball cap. You will have a much better visit.
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I am a big fan of William Evans. If for no other reason, you can find an affordable jacket or sweater while looking at their wonderful on hand guns.

I have told this story here before, but several years ago I accompanied a friend and his spouse into Evans while they were looking for a used 20 bore for her. She really liked a perfect little gold name Westley Richards on the rack which had been built between the wars. The 14" LOP was exactly correct for her. The staff was extraordinarily patient with her as she fondled it and as my friend did math in a slightly cold sweat. We finally told the two delightful gun room salesmen that we would think about it over lunch and would be back in a couple of hours. They assured us it would be waiting on her when we returned.

To everyone's lasting credit, we returned to the shop though my friend was not sure what he would do. But as we walked downstairs, there was the gun on the long table laying across a dozen roses. She shoots it wonderfully to this day. :love:
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Thanks…business casual with a men’s jacket was my thought
These London, or let’s say British gun shops really appreciate a foreign hunter in shop. I normally dress in my khakis with a WR safari shirt and jacket, and of course Courteney boots. I go there to feel the ambiance of it all and a rare treat is to meet another hunter from elsewhere and share a story or two.

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CamoManJ wrote on dchum's profile.
Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


Jason Coryell
VonJager wrote on Mauser3000's profile.
+1 Great to deal with. I purchased custom rifle. No issues.
ghay wrote on Buckums's profile.
I saw you were looking for some Swift A-Frames for your 9.3. I just bought a bulk supply of them in the 285g. version. If Toby's are gone, I could let 100 go for $200 shipped you are interested.
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I am really fan of you