G'day Major Khan, I was wondering when somebody would bring up the .22 Hi Power (5.6x52 Rimmed). It was a well known red deer cartridge in Scotland in the old days, and was used in double rifles.
A great uncle had a Savage 99 Lever gun in that caliber which was excellent on feral hogs, but I would love one in a double. They have taken down everything up to and including Tigers and Cape Buffalo, which is absolutely crazy, not sporting at all, I am totally against small bores for big game, and hunters
should avoid deliberately going out of the way to wound things.
Here's a double off the internet.
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Good day , Dinosaur . During my 10 year career as a professional shikaree ... I have had the good fortune , to have clients bring BOTH the Savage Model 99 AND double barreled rifles ... Which were chambered in 5.6 × 52 mm Rimmed .
How ever , the double barreled rifles were ALL built by John Rigby & Co .
I must give you a word of warning , how ever . Yes , Reverend Caldwell ( Author of " The Blue Tiger " ) DID dispatch 1 tiger with a Savage Model 99 ... Which was chambered in 5.6 × 52 mm Rimmed . How ever , what most people do not know , is :
> He only killed 1 tiger with this calibre .
> The tiger was an Oriental tiger , which is FAR lighter than a royal Bengal tiger ( Royal Bengal tigers weigh 500 pounds . Oriental tigers weigh only 400 pounds ) .
> His shot was able to dispatch the tiger ... Only because he shot it in the stomach , and it's stomach was FULL of food ( A half digested mongrel ) . The resulting explosion of gases in the brute's stomach ... Was what killed it .
And yes . Karamojo Bell writes about witnessing a gentle man lay low 23 African buffaloes ... With a Savage Model 99 , which was chambered in 5.6 × 52 mm Rimmed . How ever , what most people do not know is :
> The buffalo , which were dispatched ... Were West African forest buffalo . These are the smallest species of African buffalo . FAR smaller than a Cape buffalo .
> The herd was full of females and immature bulls . Not large fully mature West African forest buffalo bulls .
> The shooter wounded all of the animals with lung shots . When the buffaloes saw blood on the other buffaloes ... They went insane ( Like all bovines do , when they see the colour red ) and began to gore the wounded buffaloes to death . The shooter simply kept wounding each member of the herd , with lung shots . By the time the last few buffaloes were left standing ... They were SO weakened by blood loss ( From the lung shots and also from getting wounded by the other members of the herd ) , that finishing them off ... Became a straight forward affair .
To conclude ... The 5.6 × 52 mm Rimmed is NOT a dangerous game calibre !