Tattoos... advice from those so adorned

58 going on 23... I'm good to go. (y)
@Tundra Tiger
You will soon be at the stage where the brain says your good to go and the body says bullshit.
The brain loves having jokes on the body says your good to go and you go but when you stop you realise you AIN'T 23 ANYMORE. You don't bounce like you used to you now break things instead. After three miles of hike you start dreading the next step, hills get steeper and rifles get heavier and the body doesn't recuperate as quickly.
Hmmm. Nine hours of "annoying" torture? This might explain why most of the tattoo parlors here have a marijuana store set up next door. :D
Lol, well I can’t speak for the pot store but on the tattoo part it’s hard to describe.
Yes it’s uncomfortable but there is something very satisfying about it. I guess you gotta be into a little pain. It’s certainly not torture. I generally put some head phones on and get some music going then sit back and enjoy the ride.
People that talk about how bad it hurts really are being melodramatic. I’ve had some pretty tender spots inked and it’s not that bad; uncomfortable in certain spots sure, but torture, no. It’s one of those things you have to experience to get it. Some folks love it, others don’t. Nothing wrong with either way.
My son absolutely refuses to get one, I’ve always been very proud of him for that. He refuses to give in to peer pressure. My daughter got her first on her 18th birthday. I went with her and got one at the same time. My wife has 4, all either are or can be covered as are my daughter’s. The fact that my son won’t budge I’ve always respected him for.
Lol, well I can’t speak for the pot store but on the tattoo part it’s hard to describe.
Yes it’s uncomfortable but there is something very satisfying about it. I guess you gotta be into a little pain. It’s certainly not torture. I generally put some head phones on and get some music going then sit back and enjoy the ride.
People that talk about how bad it hurts really are being melodramatic. I’ve had some pretty tender spots inked and it’s not that bad; uncomfortable in certain spots sure, but torture, no. It’s one of those things you have to experience to get it. Some folks love it, others don’t. Nothing wrong with either way.
My son absolutely refuses to get one, I’ve always been very proud of him for that. He refuses to give in to peer pressure. My daughter got her first on her 18th birthday. I went with her and got one at the same time. My wife has 4, all either are or can be covered as are my daughter’s. The fact that my son won’t budge I’ve always respected him for.
When I got the outline of my first tattoo I actually fell asleep. The colouring took a while but I still didn't find it at all painful. The rattle of the tattoo gun made me doze off again until he hit a bony area but still not unpleasant.
But we are all different
@CBH Australia
I know that ain't yours you aren't that slender.
Not that your fat just not slender.
No, not me.
I’ve never had any desire to to have one and now to old and also too tight. No point buying something I don’t want either.

Now, fat on the other hand. Im surprised how much weight I put on working from a control room. Thought I had to watch my weight when I was actively working now gonna have to give up anything that tastes good because I’m not burning calories.
I am 58. I am considering getting my first tattoo(s). Frankly, I think it's a done deal but for the decision making.

Probably this won't happen until early summer. I have a surgery to go through first, and any tattooing would have to happen in Anchorage, so I actually have to travel to get it done.

My bestest hunting buddy has a bunch, and has been trying to talk me into it for years. My recently divorced ex was not a fan so I held off. Now? I think I am ready to take the plunge.

I do plan for whatever I get to be in locations I can cover - these are being done for me, not for a general viewing public. I have nothing against ones that can be seen; that's just not me.

I have ideas: my college mascot with a "Class of" attached to it... a number of hunting related ones, many tied to Africa and my hunting life in Alaska. And maybe a Bible verse and a possible quote. I want whatever I put on me to have meaning to me. For example, my college? I have been a proud Tiger for 35+ years and I will go to my grave a proud Tiger.

Those of you who have tattoos... can you relate to me your experiences? Things you like? Things you'd do different? Advice to a late-in-life first timer?

Thanks in advance.
I’ve got a fair number of tattoos and a brand - 2 full sleeves, chest, entire ribcage and about 1/2 of my back.

1) pick your artist carefully - The good ones aren’t cheap, and they’re typically booked out 6+ mo in advance. If you’re a good customer and close they’ll often call you about last minute cancellations.
2) look at their style and previous work - different artists have different styles of tattooing. Some do portraits well, others do black and white, some do color well.
3) use the same artist - once you start a piece, it’s bad form to have another artist do work on it and many won’t touch another artists work except for a cover-up. If you have a different piece it’s fine to switch artists and this comes into play more when talking about big multi session pieces or something like a sleeve.
4) pain - you know your pain tolerance. I personally don’t think they hurt and have even managed to take some great naps when having my back or ribs done. Typically areas right on bone and soft sensitive skin hurt. For me my ribs, elbows, spine, and wrist bones weren’t bad BUT getting into the armpit and chest were the worst for me. There are some numbing creams/sprays you can use (I never have) and some people will take a pain med before (again never have)
5) alcohol and some prescription meds - these thin your blood. Avoid these a day or so before a session. Not because you’ll bleed out but because it’s a little more messy for the artist requiring them to wipe/clean the area more and harder to see as they’re working. Not sure how true it is, but I’ve also been told your skin stretches and reacts differently. My artist could always tell when I was out the night before.
6) aftercare - follow your artists directions. Sunlight can fade them (especially color). Every artist has different stuff the recommend, i personally don’t use the expensive after tattoo type creams
7) hygiene - kinda self explanatory but make sure you shower before going. The artist is going to wash/disinfect and shave the area to be tattooed before working.
8) communication - talk to your artist, bounce ideas off them, see what they come up with to make the piece unique. They’ll do a stencil and put it on you so you can see how it looks. Don’t be afraid to ask for changes, it to be moved, turned, etc
9) Size - the more detail the bigger it needs to be. It’s very hard to do a lot of fine detail in a small piece because of how the skin stretches and moves.
10) tip - just like hunting or food, if you’re happy with the service tip them

I’m sure i forgot some stuff but these are some things I’d suggest someone think about
@Tundra Tiger
You will soon be at the stage where the brain says your good to go and the body says bullshit.
The brain loves having jokes on the body says your good to go and you go but when you stop you realise you AIN'T 23 ANYMORE. You don't bounce like you used to you now break things instead. After three miles of hike you start dreading the next step, hills get steeper and rifles get heavier and the body doesn't recuperate as quickly.

I'm not there yet Bob. ;)

Moose quarter last fall... It was only a quarter mile but I still made it happen. I'm not ready to get old.

I'm not there yet Bob. ;)

Moose quarter last fall... It was only a quarter mile but I still made it happen. I'm not ready to get old.

View attachment 659296
Good for you! I hunted grizzly with a tough old guide from Trapper Creek 20 years ago, George Faerber, who was around 60 back then and still going strong now in his 80’s! Think he still has his Alaska guide license.

Well you obviously need two tattoos, an Alaskan theme one and an African theme. Maybe a moose skull on one upper arm and a Cape buffalo skull on the other.
Lol, well I can’t speak for the pot store but on the tattoo part it’s hard to describe.
Yes it’s uncomfortable but there is something very satisfying about it. I guess you gotta be into a little pain. It’s certainly not torture. I generally put some head phones on and get some music going then sit back and enjoy the ride.
People that talk about how bad it hurts really are being melodramatic. I’ve had some pretty tender spots inked and it’s not that bad; uncomfortable in certain spots sure, but torture, no. It’s one of those things you have to experience to get it. Some folks love it, others don’t. Nothing wrong with either way.
My son absolutely refuses to get one, I’ve always been very proud of him for that. He refuses to give in to peer pressure. My daughter got her first on her 18th birthday. I went with her and got one at the same time. My wife has 4, all either are or can be covered as are my daughter’s. The fact that my son won’t budge I’ve always respected him for.

I find it more of a meditation thing for myself.

Close to the armpit does get you attention, upper shoulder felt like he was on my neck. That was one thing that caught me a little off guard. Your nerves, it will feel a little different. Especially if you can't see what's happening.
Yessir, when I had my chest pieces done it felt like he was tattooing my nipples. The elbow and inside of the wrist can certainly get uncomfortable.
I am 58. I am considering getting my first tattoo(s). Frankly, I think it's a done deal but for the decision making.

Probably this won't happen until early summer. I have a surgery to go through first, and any tattooing would have to happen in Anchorage, so I actually have to travel to get it done.

My bestest hunting buddy has a bunch, and has been trying to talk me into it for years. My recently divorced ex was not a fan so I held off. Now? I think I am ready to take the plunge.

I do plan for whatever I get to be in locations I can cover - these are being done for me, not for a general viewing public. I have nothing against ones that can be seen; that's just not me.

I have ideas: my college mascot with a "Class of" attached to it... a number of hunting related ones, many tied to Africa and my hunting life in Alaska. And maybe a Bible verse and a possible quote. I want whatever I put on me to have meaning to me. For example, my college? I have been a proud Tiger for 35+ years and I will go to my grave a proud Tiger.

Those of you who have tattoos... can you relate to me your experiences? Things you like? Things you'd do different? Advice to a late-in-life first timer?

Thanks in advance.
I am 56 years old, I got tattooed back in the 1980’s when it wasn’t a trendy thing to do, they got a bunch if negative attention back in the day but I thrived on being rebellious.

Over the years I changed my way of thinking and they have been a huge burden to me, yes they are more accepted, even celebrated these days but not amongst the people I wish to hang with. I am thankful all mine can be covered but there has been many a swimming or boating party that I wore a shirt.

They do not have the negative connotation they once did, however believe it or not, are not celebrated amongst certain groups of people, The people who go on about my tattoos are people that I do not have a lot in common with,

They have become so mainstream they aren’t even a head turner anymore, I live in Colorado and it breaks my heart to see these young girls covered in tattoos, At one point in life I would have thought they were “hot”. Now I find it off putting.

I am not judging you or your desire to get a tattoo, just IMHO make sure it can be covered as sometime in life you may wish to do so.

By the way, mine were done by some famous people in Hollywood and San Diego, artists who tattooed Motley Crue and a bunch of rockers at the time LOL
Ive actually been surprised at some of the places that were sensitive vs places that really weren't all that bad at all...

I thought the outside of my calf would be completely painless.. its a thick, fleshy area, not close to bone, and not really full of nerves or sensitive.. but it was super uncomfortable.. much more so that my chest, close to the sternum.. which I was told was going to be a "painful" part of one of my tattoos (not really painful at all... eased right through that entire 8" square piece of art in a single (very long) sitting)..
No, not me.
I’ve never had any desire to to have one and now to old and also too tight. No point buying something I don’t want either.

Now, fat on the other hand. Im surprised how much weight I put on working from a control room. Thought I had to watch my weight when I was actively working now gonna have to give up anything that tastes good because I’m not burning calories.
@CBH Australia
Fortunately women are low calorie so you don't have to give up your wife mate.
I am 56 years old, I got tattooed back in the 1980’s when it wasn’t a trendy thing to do, they got a bunch if negative attention back in the day but I thrived on being rebellious.

Over the years I changed my way of thinking and they have been a huge burden to me, yes they are more accepted, even celebrated these days but not amongst the people I wish to hang with. I am thankful all mine can be covered but there has been many a swimming or boating party that I wore a shirt.

They do not have the negative connotation they once did, however believe it or not, are not celebrated amongst certain groups of people, The people who go on about my tattoos are people that I do not have a lot in common with,

They have become so mainstream they aren’t even a head turner anymore, I live in Colorado and it breaks my heart to see these young girls covered in tattoos, At one point in life I would have thought they were “hot”. Now I find it off putting.

I am not judging you or your desire to get a tattoo, just IMHO make sure it can be covered as sometime in life you may wish to do so.

By the way, mine were done by some famous people in Hollywood and San Diego, artists who tattooed Motley Crue and a bunch of rockers at the time LOL

Maybe Alaska is different? It seems like everyone up here has visible tattoos irrespective of occupation or social standing. For example, I seriously can't remember the last doctor's visit in Anchorage when I had a nurse that didn't have multiple visible tattoos.

Another example: our new federal wildlife officer is a former marine. SHE has two full sleeves, though her uniform covers them. But she is not shy about them. And I stand by my opinion that such tattoos look hot on women.

I appreciate your advice and sharing. But I have always been an introvert. I don't have people I wish to 'hang with'. My co-workers know I want to get some and are supportive. My closest friends are split, but tattoos would not affect those friendships. Frankly if someone is shallow enough that a tattoo causes a frown, they probably weren't someone I was going to get to know anyway, with or without a tattoo.

I plan to have ones that can be covered, not out of concern for what others might think but because these will be done for me. Choosing to share or not will be up to me.
I saw this one on Facebook yesterday. I'm not sure what to say about it, probably stands on its own without comment.

Definitely not for me…

But.. I have to admit… I laughed lol
Ive actually been surprised at some of the places that were sensitive vs places that really weren't all that bad at all...

I thought the outside of my calf would be completely painless.. its a thick, fleshy area, not close to bone, and not really full of nerves or sensitive.. but it was super uncomfortable.. much more so that my chest, close to the sternum.. which I was told was going to be a "painful" part of one of my tattoos (not really painful at all... eased right through that entire 8" square piece of art in a single (very long) sitting)..

Hmmm not comforting with what I have coming up next...haha.

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Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!
mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell