True, sorta.
New bespoke guns, yes, you are going to pay $10,000 and resell it for $3000.
BUT, I'm the guy that bought it from you for $3000. And on a given day in the years to come, my family will sell it for $4500. It's the nature of almost every high end item. 1.) Massive depreciation, 2.) If desirable, slow increase in value from the deepest valley of value loss.
Same with Bamboo fly rods. Or 20 year old classic cars.
The difference is, the plastic and stainless stuff (in general, not just guns) never seems to have the "bounce back" that the premium finished and hand finished items have.
I realize we've gone a bit off target of the 27 nosler, but it sort of goes together. A rich man and a poor man can both own beautiful guns perfect for hunting that are "functional art". Just the same, the rich man and the poor man can buy plasticfantastic whether a $300 savage or a $3500 nosler. In both of the latter cases, no heir is fighting past a stream of others trying to get that $10,000 gunwerks rifle that's fifteen years old unless they really need tomato stakes in the springtime.