Wyatt Smith
AH legend
In Illinois the minimum is 20 gauge for hunting deer @Ridge Runner. I could see if working well in a bolt action however.
In Illinois the minimum is 20 gauge for hunting deer @Ridge Runner. I could see if working well in a bolt action however.
First WITHOUT researching any ballistics data what is the maximum range of a(ny) shotgun slug? Using deer and boar size game.
12 gauge 2 3/4"
a. 50 + yards
b. 100 + yards
c. 500 + yards
Since I haven't researched any of the other gauges maybe some of you other ballistics guru will post your findings.
Accuracy is agrumentively based on type of sight(s)/scope used, barrel type rifle or smooth bore and barrel length.
If you guessed c. 500+ yards without looking at ballistic charts you are correct.
Now look at the ballistic charts to find out what your favorite slugs have for maximum range.
Going up listening to others and reading which slug was better. I like most (maybe everyone) just assumed shotguns weren't meant for shooting anything past 30, 40, 50 yards. Which was true for the day (era) ammunition/ 2 3/4 inch shots shells. Then the 3 inch chamber followed by the 3 1/2 inch chamber and the ever more better quality of todays ammunition slugs and shot shells.
One night I was running ballistics data on some reloads on one of my rifles and one of my 44 Rem Mag revolvers. I noticed a box of 12 gauge slugs on one of the ammo shelfs 1 ounce slug, 1886 FPS. Roughly 200 fps faster than 44 mag and just less than the 458WM.
After running 3 different brands of 12 gauge slugs ( none were sabats, lead slug only) in 2 3/4 and 3 inch shells through ballistics calculators, I have learned and determined that the shotgun has been the most underrated firearm for big game hunting.
The 410 has been noted for being the best ballistically gauge (because it is a caliber) shotgun for deer hunting.
What are your thoughts and dare I say opinions on this subject about using slugs and taking the shotgun to a whole new level.
500+ yds!? ?? ??? LOL Please be mindful of the Moon, for it controls gravity, which in-turn controls the world's oceans, which once again control the Weather on Earth. What's the Energy of that 1 oz slug at 500 yds, and how does that compare to the minimum required for that ballistic to effectively kill game? And, does Fred Bear's gen. 1 pin sight have enough elevation to keep it on-target???
@Ridge Runner in most states slug guns are restricted to 20 bore and larger. I’d looked into making .410, 28, and 32 bore slug rifles for long range accuracy since they were smaller than 50 cal and brass cartridges exist. No plan.
Been here, done that. I’ve built about a dozen slug rifles over the past seven years. Maximum ethical shooting distance based upon both residual energy and accuracy is about 275 yards. This is with very precisely designed 20 gauge platforms with very prescriptive cartridges. These capabilities are on $5000 rifles
The limiting factors that cannot be overcome are many. Free bore. Inherent inaccuracy of sabots. Velocity. Factory ammunition requirements. The fact you cannot make brass cartridges as they would be illegal (over 50 cal). The challenges are many.
For much longer accuracy in no-rifle states you need to go to custom Muzzleloaders with in-line ignition systems. For $8000-$12000 you can own a 700 yard accuracy Muzzleloader.
At the end of the day, it’s stupid money for a pretty crappy gun in any of the cases above. A $300 .243 and a tasco scope can outperform them all….if legal.
I am going to build a 300 Blackout pistol on an Ar15 converted to single shot. It fits into a loophole in Illinois state law. With a stabilizer brace and low power scope it should make an ok deer weapon.
It just seems wrong to hunt deer with an AR 15.
This is very possible. At which point I’ll sell it sell it someone who gives a darn. Until then it may make a good experiment.Yep. You just need a “kali-key” single shot bolt. The problem is they are likely to outlaw arm braces federally or consider them SBRs at which point the Illinois 300AAC single shot AR pistol loophole will close.
500 is inhumane. 1000 is the preferred min. (Not to mention the Velocity required to put that slug into the vitals! I can assure you a .22 Mag does better at that range.) That puts you at 250 aiming at the North Star. LOLTo be honest I would have to go to the ballistic calculator to give the exact foot pounds of energy at 500 yards, but it was around 300+ which is enough to do the job on most deer size game and feral hogs.
Slug drop is lol something like 5+ feet at 500 yards(?), again I would have to revert back to the ballistic calculator to give the exact drop, wind drift, etc.
I did the ballistics back in 2019(?) in prepping for a quota draw hunt where I would be setting up along power lines: 100+ yards wide by approximately 1 mile long.
I ended up killing (about a 3 year old) doe which is what my license was only good for, (using my rangefinder) at 140 yards on a 15° down angle. Two shots first one high over her back. Second shot hit behind the shoulder. I found her balled up about 15 yards at the bottom of the hill.
500 is inhumane. 1000 is the preferred min. (Not to mention the Velocity required to put that slug into the vitals! I can assure you a .22 Mag does better at that range.) That puts you at 250 aiming at the North Star. LOL
500 fps (a Crossman 760 bb gun tops that!) LOL 500 yds no bueno w/ shotgun. 1,000 ft-lbs E. 3rd sentence don't understand. LOL (What is the bullet mfr's min suggested V to effectively penetrate the animal and have the bullet do its job? A: Not what someone randomly says on an internet forum.) Consult Tesla CEO for the answer to the last!500 inhumane?
1000 is the preferred min?
Velocity required to put the slug into the vitals?
250 aiming at the North Star?
What are you talking about??
I once sat at the range as a guy next to me dropped Lightfield Sabots into a 4 inch circle at 200 yards all day long. He was shooting a New England Firearms Ultra Slugmaster single shot with the heavy barrel and laminated stock. I asked him about it and within a week dropped the $169 (at the time) for one too. Mine shoots just as well at 200 and one hole, 3 shot groups at 100 yards, but now that Lightfields have become unavailable, and my supply has dwindled, I am forced to drop a lot of money to sort out a new load. Currently, the Remington Accutip Sabots are leading the testing but are hard to come by too. I shoot 2 3/4 loads. In SE PA it is hard to come by shots further than 100-125 yards but I have killed many deer at those distances.