Study: Limited lion hunting better than outright ban
Study: Limited lion hunting better than outright ban
by Dan Vergano
Limiting lion trophy hunting in Africa, rather than an outright ban, would better benefit the species, report conservation scientists.
"Although few reliable data exist, it is suspected that the (African) continental lion population has declined by at least 30% in recent decades, while the species' geographic range has shrunk by as much as 82%," begins the PLoS One journal report led by Peter Andrew Lindsey, now with Panthera, a New York-based conservation organization, citing reports finding perhaps 20,000 wild lions remaining. On top of the lions' other woes, they are also still hunted across Africa.
"Commercial trophy hunting of lions represents an additional potential threat (or opportunity, depending on how it is managed)," say the study authors. "Lion populations are particularly sensitive to trophy harvests due to the social disruption and potential for infanticide by incoming males following removal of pride males." (In other words, shooting a male lion kills not only that one lion, but also all its cubs, soon killed by next male to move in with a pride's lionesses.) European animal welfare groups have called for a ban on lion trophy imports for this reason.
On the other hand, trophy hunting may be a way to spur conservation of lions, with trophies worth $13,000 in fees and daily hunting rates of $1,800, a lot of money in lion regions, often home to poor herders who may otherwise try to kill the lions themselves. So, the study team tried to find out whether trophy hunting was good or bad, overall, for preservation of lions.
Weighing economic costs and benefits of lion hunting, the team concludes that for some countries, lion hunts help conservation efforts, and for others, they are a losing proposition:
"Estimated mean returns on investments (ROIs) from trophy hunting were highest in Tanzania, Namibia and Zimbabwe, and were negative in Zambia and Mozambique. The majority of hunting blocks in Tanzania and (to a lesser extent) Zimbabwe were estimated to be viable, whereas the majority of those in Zambia and Mozambique were estimated to be unviable regardless of the status of lion hunting."
Rather than banning hunting, the team calls for limiting the number of lions bagged by hunters, to perhaps one lion per 772 square miles of territory in a hunting reserve, along with restrictions on shooting young lions:
"While trophy hunting could survive without lion hunting in most areas, the species is an important financial component of an industry which is marginal in some areas and vulnerable to reductions in profitability. Blanket trade restrictions would unfairly punish countries where lion hunting is well managed, and could be negative for lions by undermining the competitiveness of wildlife-based land uses and by undermining tolerance for lions which are typically a high-cost species due to their tendency to kill livestock."
For countries where lion hunting is poorly managed and is harming the species, temporary halts to hunting would allow the populations to recover while better management systems are put in place.
"Lion populations recover quickly when the pressure of excessive harvests is removed. Consequently, over-hunting is likely to pose little threat to the long term persistence of lions so long as interventions are made to address excessive quotas where they occur. Conversely, if lion hunting was banned, and wildlife-based land uses were replaced by alternatives in some areas, the long term prospects for lion conservation in those areas would be poor and reversing negative trends would be unlikely."
So overall, they find that, "(p)recluding lion hunting may therefore be a greater long term risk to lions than over-hunting. That said, urgent efforts are needed by range states to reform lion hunting management, and temporary moratoria could be considered for use as levers to promote such changes."