Ole Bally
AH fanatic
Spike don't be so judgmental! perhaps you have never watched the TV program NEXT? Obviously Capstick has strong opinions about something he very clearly knows nothing about. Yet everyone continues to defend a position (and get their blood pressures up!) that doesn't need defending! Hunting on farms is what it is. Canned hunting is what it is - distasteful as it may seem to some. Capstick should just go and hunt Tanzania or the open areas of Botswana or Zim if SA is not to his liking. However, I do find it a bit strange for a Brit self professed and qualified PH and Guide (Gamekeeper?) to be so critical when bonny Englands 'farm's are postage stamp size by comparison to anything in Africa at all. What they call farms in the UK, we call urban plots! How and what would you 'Guide' or 'PH' there?
I do enjoy the discourse but NEXT!!! Thanx Docman!
I do enjoy the discourse but NEXT!!! Thanx Docman!