I'm going to disagree with you here... This is age-old talking point of the democrats who have used this to try and justify "need" to flood this country with poor immigrants who they hope to recruit as the next generation of government-dependent democrats...
Firstly, American citizens who don't want these low paying jobs would likely change their minds if their government sponsored entitlements were to end... Disincentivizing lazy Americans will solve much of the demand for labor jobs from within...
Secondly, cheap foreign labor will no longer be so cheap if workers are actually documented, and employers have to pay taxes and insurance on them.
Cheap labor is not a viable economic solution... Flooding the workforce with cheap labor historically drives wages down across the board...
Covid was a perfect example of supply & demand in the workforce. Wages soared in labor-based sectors during and post covid, and these wages have not come down... This was especially evident in the hospitality and food service industry when American workers being paid more by our government not to work created a huge demand for workers that has yet to be adequately met... McDonald's is now paying $15-20 dollars/hour to start and still can't fill their demand for jobs. The problem is not a shortage of cheap foreign labor, nor will it be fixed by a deluge of more poor, dependent immigrants.
Agreed.... "No body wants to work anymore!" is the worn out battle cry of people who are pissed off that they can't hire an illegal for $5hr anymore; these are the same people who love open borders because it allows them to exploit cheap labor for profit by using "Labor contractors" who are generally first generation Americans who exploit immigrants from their home countries for profit.
U.S. companies are able to skirt labor laws because the illegals are not employed by the company; instead the company farms this out to labor contractors who employee the illegals through their LLC and if caught they just open another LLC and it's back to business.
Remember the "Yes we can!" Obama campaign slogan?... That was stolen from Cesar Chavez a immigrant labor leader - What they don't tell you is that YES WE CAN = Yes we can stop illegals from taking our jobs. That was the message that Chavez was preaching.
Chavez wanted to STOP illegal immigration so that farm laborers would form a field workers union so that they would be 100% legal, paid accordingly, documented guest workers and have collective bargaining.
Chavez hated illegal immigration so much he would send his own followers to the border to catch illegals and beat them with chains and whips made of barbed wire, even going as far as to fire bomb the houses of illegals.
Why the opposition to Chavez?... because if field workers united, that would be the nail in the coffin of the old way of exploiting illegal labor.
Think immigration doesn't affect domestic labor?.... Within 2 years of Carter's Mariel boat lift of Cubans to southern Florida, starting pay for construction workers in Southern Florida fell by 20%.
Then in 1986 Reagan gave 6,000,000 illegals amnesty and the purchasing power of the American worker has been stagnant ever since.
Just two generations ago in the USA you could raise a family of four on a single income from a construction worker, and we had some of the best built structures in the world; and now we have cookie cutter crap houses that fall apart..... go figure when their being built by people who's only motivation is to send money OUT of this country.