
The thing that the low information democrat doesn't realize, is that anything Kamala promises with her lies, may very well require congressional approval if she is elected.
Something that could very well be unlikely to happen. Especially, if Republican's can gain control of the senate.
Spike, this is a huge issue. Wars have and will always be fought over oil and water.

When China builds completes this dam it could spark serious tensions between China and Tibet, Bangladesh and India.

If China weaponizes the dam. These countries will not sit idly. They will be forced into action.

India has an estimated 160–172 nuclear warheads launched from land, air and sea.

Yup big issues ahead with this....same thing going on with the massive dam Ethiopia has built on the nile ....countries down river not happy especially Egypt.....

Overpopulation will be the downfall
I'm with Elon on this one. We're in much greater danger of the nastiness that's going to come with the 1st world suffering Total Fertility Rates under 2.1. Larger populations can engage in very fine specialization, meaning more efficient production costs, than smaller populations can.

It all depends on efficient agriculture and the availability of BTU-dense fuel. If 90% of the population is directly involved in agriculture, which is the norm for much of human history, it only leaves 10% of the population to be specialize in engineering, metal work, framing, plumbing, etc.
From a recent news report:
“The IEA report further said, “In 2023, 26 GW of coal-fired generation capacity were retired globally, 88% of them in advanced economies, while 65 GW were added, almost all in emerging market and developing economies.” China accounted for 47 GW which is 73% of the total global capacity addition, the report added.”

Its common to hear the term existential threat used to justify closure of fossil fuel power plants in the US. You seldom see media coverage of the growth of fossil fuel consumption elsewhere. With closures, prices go up and grid reliability goes down (regional grid operators are acknowledging near term potential for reliability issues).

Full disclosure. I am semiretired from the coal industry (work a bit to fund my Africa addiction) but a very small percentage of our product goes to electrIcity generation. No real vested interest here other than I prefer affordable and reliable power for my home/community.

So my question is this: if more people were aware of the first paragraph above, would it change their view of the fervent calls heard here to close additional coal fired plants in the US to ward off an existential threat?

By the way, I’m an all of the above energy guy (why not use solar and wind) but not in favor of huge government subsidies and overregulation to drive a government favored outcome. Also, I am in favor of bonding and reasonable permitting requirements for green energy sites to ensure that they don’t end up being an environmental mess (yes legacy mines and oil/gas wells in the US demonstrate the need). Green energy is not always what it seems currently (watch “Planet of the Humans” on YouTube by none other than Michael Moore.)
I think I said a year ago ( not that it’s a big revelation, they always have) that Israel will hunt everyone of these people down eventually, it was just a matter of time till they found him.

Just like after Munich
I wonder how many people actually remember what happened to the Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich. I think I was 9 at the time and can remember it vividly!
Kamala was 15 minutes late to the Fox interview, cutting the time from 40 minutes to 25. No doubt to deliberately shorten the interview.
She spent 25 minutes playing dodgeball with the questions.

To this point and Redleg's post above it. This interview encapsulated her whole campaign strategy and why she is currently failing. She did this interview to check a box, to stop a talking point that she can't do tough interviews or she hasn't done an interview with a non friendly media site. Instead of treating this as a check box, she should have seen it as one of her biggest opportunities to reach a massive audience that included swing voters or voters that aren't typically Democrat. She should have been there 10 minutes early, ready to roll and tried to get every second she could to make her case to voters and give details of her plans and why she is different than Joe Biden.

Instead she shows up 15 minutes late, blames Trump for most of it, and has her handlers abruptly end the interview. The best part is when she goes, "Brett come on you know what I am talking about" and he replied 'Actually no, I don't know what you are talking about".

She was late, unprepared, and didn't delivery anything of substance, this is who Kamala Harris is.
So my question is this: if more people were aware of the first paragraph above, would it change their view of the fervent calls heard here to close additional coal fired plants in the US to ward off an existential threat?
I want the coal fired plants to be closed for local environmental reasons, not necessarily to ward off an existential threat. I have been involved in providing emissions monitoring solutions (CEMS) for decades and well aware how much more pollution coal fired plants emit compared to other alternatives.

Seems very close in features, cheekbones, chin shape of head, chin etc.. Guess DNA will be the final arbiter.
I want the coal fired plants to be closed for local environmental reasons, not necessarily to ward off an existential threat. I have been involved in providing emissions monitoring solutions (CEMS) for decades and well aware how much more pollution coal fired plants emit compared to other alternatives.
Agree with this and no one has even mentioned the disposal of the coal ash, it leaches into the ground water, I know there are ways to store it safely but I don’t particularly trust them.
Farmers absolutely need this work force. We have largely lost our rural minimum wage work force. City folks will not and frankly cannot do the work.

You may be right about American city folk not willing or able to do this type of labor, but the fact is that Ag labor is a very small fraction of the labor force in the US economy... Since 1969 to present day, the jobs for Ag labor have steadily decreased by half of what they once were... This number will continue to go down as farm automation continues to grow in efficiency and affordability...

Additionally, there are no accurate numbers available to determine how much of these Ag labor wages paid in the last 50 years were on the books where taxes were collected and insurance paid. I think we would all welcome more taxpayers into the fold, although the problem with this is that under the current tax US brackets these folks likely won't make enough to pay any income taxes at all, but depending on the state, their employers will have to contribute plenty in tax and insurance by employing them....

I understand farmers want cheap, undocumented labor, but their regional solution to keeping labor costs down kinda f's up the rest of the legitimate job markets...
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I want the coal fired plants to be closed for local environmental reasons, not necessarily to ward off an existential threat. I have been involved in providing emissions monitoring solutions (CEMS) for decades and well aware how much more pollution coal fired plants emit compared to other alternatives.

Don’t put all coal plants in the same bucket. Coal gasification plants are every bit as clean as gas fired plants. Every time I hear a politician say we need to invest in clean coal technology it makes my blood boil. We’ve had clean coal technology for decades. I’ve actually testified before congress on this exact issue.
I'm going to disagree with you here... This is age-old talking point of the democrats who have used this to try and justify "need" to flood this country with poor immigrants who they hope to recruit as the next generation of government-dependent democrats...

Firstly, American citizens who don't want these low paying jobs would likely change their minds if their government sponsored entitlements were to end... Disincentivizing lazy Americans will solve much of the demand for labor jobs from within...

Secondly, cheap foreign labor will no longer be so cheap if workers are actually documented, and employers have to pay taxes and insurance on them.

Cheap labor is not a viable economic solution... Flooding the workforce with cheap labor historically drives wages down across the board...

Covid was a perfect example of supply & demand in the workforce. Wages soared in labor-based sectors during and post covid, and these wages have not come down... This was especially evident in the hospitality and food service industry when American workers being paid more by our government not to work created a huge demand for workers that has yet to be adequately met... McDonald's is now paying $15-20 dollars/hour to start and still can't fill their demand for jobs. The problem is not a shortage of cheap foreign labor, nor will it be fixed by a deluge of more poor, dependent immigrants.

Agreed.... "No body wants to work anymore!" is the worn out battle cry of people who are pissed off that they can't hire an illegal for $5hr anymore; these are the same people who love open borders because it allows them to exploit cheap labor for profit by using "Labor contractors" who are generally first generation Americans who exploit immigrants from their home countries for profit.

U.S. companies are able to skirt labor laws because the illegals are not employed by the company; instead the company farms this out to labor contractors who employee the illegals through their LLC and if caught they just open another LLC and it's back to business.

Remember the "Yes we can!" Obama campaign slogan?... That was stolen from Cesar Chavez a immigrant labor leader - What they don't tell you is that YES WE CAN = Yes we can stop illegals from taking our jobs. That was the message that Chavez was preaching.

Chavez wanted to STOP illegal immigration so that farm laborers would form a field workers union so that they would be 100% legal, paid accordingly, documented guest workers and have collective bargaining.

Chavez hated illegal immigration so much he would send his own followers to the border to catch illegals and beat them with chains and whips made of barbed wire, even going as far as to fire bomb the houses of illegals.

Why the opposition to Chavez?... because if field workers united, that would be the nail in the coffin of the old way of exploiting illegal labor.

Think immigration doesn't affect domestic labor?.... Within 2 years of Carter's Mariel boat lift of Cubans to southern Florida, starting pay for construction workers in Southern Florida fell by 20%.

Then in 1986 Reagan gave 6,000,000 illegals amnesty and the purchasing power of the American worker has been stagnant ever since.

Just two generations ago in the USA you could raise a family of four on a single income from a construction worker, and we had some of the best built structures in the world; and now we have cookie cutter crap houses that fall apart..... go figure when their being built by people who's only motivation is to send money OUT of this country.
Then in 1986 Reagan gave 6,000,000 illegals amnesty and the purchasing power of the American worker has been stagnant ever since.
Most of those had been here for decades. My housekeeper has been working for me since 1994, she and her family were some of those people. Her sister and BIL own a very successful machine shop. She owns her home and drove a nicer car than I did until recently. Her daughter is a dental hygienist and son is an attorney. These are much more productive members of society than hell of a lot of native-born citizens that live on various government subsidies.

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