There is a very calculated reason Buffet drives the old car and portrays himself as a sweet old man.....
Public perception, because he is cut throat as hell and it's easier to get one over on people with an unthreatening smile.
Example - One of Buffets granddaughters was interviewed for a movie called "Born Rich" where an heir to the Johnson & Johnson fortune made a documentary about him and his friends that grew up in extreme wealth.
Buffets grand daughter gave a really good interview and expressed how her family paid for everything through school but she had to earn her own keep and works as a nanny for another wealthy family.
She was well spoken, mature and honest. I thought "Wow Buffet must be proud of her!"
WRONG!.... He disowned his grand daughter for participating in the interview and did so with a REALLY shitty letter, which she later shared in the documentary.
It's really an inciteful film.
Remember - the Uber wealthy spend LOTS of money having people sculpt their public image.