
I Googled her as well.. Interesting you cherry-picked the info and the context to support your obvious bias toward her or her ideology or dislike for her personality.. If you ever want a job at the New York Times, I'm sure you could get one. If you are going to characterize someone, do it fairly..

If you don't like her for whatever reasons, that's certainly your prerogative. However, as a member of this site, I assume you are a gun owner and pro-2nd Amendment? If so, you should also acknowledge that a big part of Bobert's popularity and endearment by her constituency is her staunch advocacy for gun rights. She first made political headlines confronting and embarrassing Dumbo O'Rourke in a town hall gun grab rally put on by O'Rourke.. Like her or not, she's one of the few in Congress willing to go to the mat on gun rights, and that's a pretty big deal these days. Most so-called "conservatives" and "republicans" are political cowards when it comes to this issue. She is not..!

You also deliberately chose to mention that she grew up poor and dropped out of school to raise her kid as if this is something to be ashamed of? I suppose you would prefer to hear she aborted it like the liberals would?

She also worked as a McDonald's manager then became a pipefitter. Is working in a traditionally noble trade field also supposed to be some sort of embarrassment? I would characterize her as someone to be admired who worked her way up from poverty to success. Is the successful pursuit of the American Dream something to mock in your view?

Afte meeting her husband (likely during her time as a pipefitter) they jointly opened up 3 different restaurants, all of which were all but destroyed during the asinine covid restrictions in that existed in Colorado. Her public defiance of these restrictions and outspoken support for fellow Colorado business owners is to a greater extent what propelled her in the spotlight for political office. She defeated a 6-term incumbent in the primaries and then went on to beat the democrat candidate by 6 points. She was recently re-elected to her second term albeit by a few hundred votes. Regardless, her constituents re-elected her because they feel she is the one who best represents them and their interests in west-central Colorado. So, what you and I think really doesn't matter. The voters in her district obviously feel she's doing what they elected her to do..

It also doesn't hurt that she's smoking hot!

I’ll join you on the “smoking hot” point. Also, she deserves credit for her pro-gun position. Defending her husband for public indecency seems a bit much.

You‘re correct that the voters have the last say. She is the politician they selected. That doesn’t prevent me or others from making our own minds up about her.

To illustrate….Google Cori Bush, the Representative for St. Louis‘ 1st district. My home town…I’m so proud! She is also a loon, regardless of how many votes she got.

Four more concessions! You see, good things can happen when you don't bend over and grab the ankles. Taking a stand for issues works!
  • One member motion threshold needed to force a vote ousting a speaker, instead of five.
  • More House Freedom Caucus members on the House Rules Committee (two seats). Important, if you ever want conservative legislation to reach the floor for a vote.
  • Pledges to hold votes on lawmaker term limit and border security bills. Very important. Make lawmakers vote for, or against bills. Doesn't matter if you lose. Lawmakers can't lie as easily during the next campaign if they have a voting record. Make them vote.
  • Major changes to the appropriations process to prevent another omnibus bill by allowing floor amendments to be offered by any lawmaker. Public debate, much hated by the establishment. Wonder why? Obvious win for America.
This is working! Should be the norm. Fighting is the only path to a successful country. Nothing good comes easily.
I Googled her as well.. Interesting you cherry-picked the info and the context to support your obvious bias toward her or her ideology or dislike for her personality.. If you ever want a job at the New York Times, I'm sure you could get one. If you are going to characterize someone, do it fairly..

If you don't like her for whatever reasons, that's certainly your prerogative. However, as a member of this site, I assume you are a gun owner and pro-2nd Amendment? If so, you should also acknowledge that a big part of Bobert's popularity and endearment by her constituency is her staunch advocacy for gun rights. She first made political headlines confronting and embarrassing Dumbo O'Rourke in a town hall gun grab rally put on by O'Rourke.. Like her or not, she's one of the few in Congress willing to go to the mat on gun rights, and that's a pretty big deal these days. Most so-called "conservatives" and "republicans" are political cowards when it comes to this issue. She is not..!

You also deliberately chose to mention that she grew up poor and dropped out of school to raise her kid as if this is something to be ashamed of? I suppose you would prefer to hear she aborted it like the liberals would?

She also worked as a McDonald's manager then became a pipefitter. Is working in a traditionally noble trade field also supposed to be some sort of embarrassment? I would characterize her as someone to be admired who worked her way up from poverty to success. Is the successful pursuit of the American Dream something to mock in your view?

Afte meeting her husband (likely during her time as a pipefitter) they jointly opened up 3 different restaurants, all of which were all but destroyed during the asinine covid restrictions in that existed in Colorado. Her public defiance of these restrictions and outspoken support for fellow Colorado business owners is to a greater extent what propelled her in the spotlight for political office. She defeated a 6-term incumbent in the primaries and then went on to beat the democrat candidate by 6 points. She was recently re-elected to her second term albeit by a few hundred votes. Regardless, her constituents re-elected her because they feel she is the one who best represents them and their interests in west-central Colorado. So, what you and I think really doesn't matter. The voters in her district obviously feel she's doing what they elected her to do..

It also doesn't hurt that she's smoking hot!

@BSO Dave you obviously read a lot more into my post than I intended. Up until yesterday, I really had no opinion on her one way or the other. You said I mocked her, which I did not. You accused me of cherry picking the info on Bobert. If you go back and look at my post, it was in context to someone else's post about Bobert's apparent lack of intelligence, test scores, education, etc. That is all I intended my reply to cover. I did add the bit on her husband, both the positive on his income and the negative on his legal issues. Also the legal issues of Bobert herself. Given what I have learned and seen from Bobert in the last few days, I am not impressed.

Bobert's official bio on the Congressional website states in its entirety:

BOEBERT, Lauren, a Representative from Colorado; born in Altamonte Springs, Seminole County, Fla., December 19, 1986; attended Rifle High School, Rifle, Colo., 2004; earned G.E.D., 2020; restaurateur; business owner; professional advocate; elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Seventeenth Congress (January 3, 2021-present).

Given that bio, she would be hard pressed to get hired anywhere. We should strive to elect better to Congress and POTUS!

BTW, I actually have eaten at Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colorado, before they went out of business, and thought it was a great place. I don't think COVID is what put them out of business, it was a landlord that didn't renew their lease. Reopened as a pot shop.
@BSO Dave . . BTW, I actually have eaten at Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colorado, before they went out of business, and thought it was a great place. I don't think COVID is what put them out of business, it was a landlord that didn't renew their lease. Reopened as a pot shop.
I would suspect that the rent from a triple net lease would be more from a weed shop.
I’ll join you on the “smoking hot” point. Also, she deserves credit for her pro-gun position. Defending her husband for public indecency seems a bit much.

If one is being honest in giving an objective assessment, she deserves credit for a lot of more ideology beyond the defense of the 2nd Amendment. She was a rapid opponent of the oppressive and unconstitutional covid restrictions that devastated this country let alone her constituency in Colorado. You should also take a serious look at the very long list of legislation she either introduced or co-sponsored during her freshman term in Congress, the vast majority of which are straightforward-common sense pieces of legislation protecting our Constitutional rights.

As far as defending her husband, what else would you expect of her? This is an event that occured in 2004 well before her tenure in politics and quite frankly completely irrelevant to her own character or her ability to serve her constituency.

You‘re correct that the voters have the last say. She is the politician they selected. That doesn’t prevent me or others from making our own minds up about her.

Of course you as well as anyone else is entitled to have an opinion. But to have a credible opinion, base it on the on facts and not emotion. If you are going to call someone a "loon" state the reasons. Can you provide some specific examples of her making statements that constitutes her being a "loon"?

To illustrate….Google Cori Bush, the Representative for St. Louis‘ 1st district. My home town…I’m so proud! She is also a loon, regardless of how many votes she got.

You are making my point for me in this example. I don't think Cori Bush is a loon. I think her ideologies and actions are very deliberate. She is however, a communist, a racist, and a grifter who hates this country. This is not my opinion or impression of her, but fact based on her public statements and legislation that she has supported. The constituents who voted for her likely did because they are much of the same in that they are also racists, socialists, and professional victims who hate this country.
I would suspect that the rent from a triple net lease would be more from a weed shop.
I think the pot shop went out of business. Just a guess, but I bet all the profits went up in smoke.
@BSO Dave you obviously read a lot more into my post than I intended. Up until yesterday, I really had no opinion on her one way or the other. You said I mocked her, which I did not. You accused me of cherry picking the info on Bobert. If you go back and look at my post, it was in context to someone else's post about Bobert's apparent lack of intelligence, test scores, education, etc. That is all I intended my reply to cover. I did add the bit on her husband, both the positive on his income and the negative on his legal issues. Also the legal issues of Bobert herself. Given what I have learned and seen from Bobert in the last few days, I am not impressed.

I did go back and re-read your post. You either intended to mock her or lend support to the mockery of a previous poster. In any event, you deliberately only included the content necessary to characterize someone in a way to support your opinion.. Just own it..

Like I told the other guy, you are certainly entitled to your opinion... Here's mine:

Based solely on what I have learned and seen from Boebert in the last few days, she has demonstrated more conviction, spine, and fortitude than the vast majority of swamp dwelling scum occupying those House seats. She has got bigger balls than most of those so-called "men" sitting there even though that's not saying much considering her company of peers.
In the last 2 rounds of voting for SOH, Gaetz voted for Trump...LOL..!

That is one giant extended middle finger in the face of every TDS'er in the building.

I don't care what anyone else thinks, that alone was worth the price of admission. :LOL:
Last edited:
If one is being honest in giving an objective assessment, she deserves credit for a lot of more ideology beyond the defense of the 2nd Amendment. She was a rapid opponent of the oppressive and unconstitutional covid restrictions that devastated this country let alone her constituency in Colorado. You should also take a serious look at the very long list of legislation she either introduced or co-sponsored during her freshman term in Congress, the vast majority of which are straightforward-common sense pieces of legislation protecting our Constitutional rights.

As far as defending her husband, what else would you expect of her? This is an event that occured in 2004 well before her tenure in politics and quite frankly completely irrelevant to her own character or her ability to serve her constituency.

Of course you as well as anyone else is entitled to have an opinion. But to have a credible opinion, base it on the on facts and not emotion. If you are going to call someone a "loon" state the reasons. Can you provide some specific examples of her making statements that constitutes her being a "loon"?

You are making my point for me in this example. I don't think Cori Bush is a loon. I think her ideologies and actions are very deliberate. She is however, a communist, a racist, and a grifter who hates this country. This is not my opinion or impression of her, but fact based on her public statements and legislation that she has supported. The constituents who voted for her likely did because they are much of the same in that they are also racists, socialists, and professional victims who hate this country.
I offer the following…..on Oct 19 she addressed a Republican dinner party in Tennessee, and said:

“It is an honor to serve in this time. I believe that many of us in this room believe that we are in the last of the last days and that’s not a time to complain, that’s not a time to grumble, to be dismayed, to be disheartened, but a time to rejoice,” Boebert said.

“You get to be a part of ushering in the second coming of Jesus,”

I am a believer. In my Lord and Savior and his return. I fervently hope to be included in the number who witness the return. For her to insinuate that she, or any other Politician, will “be a part of ushering in…” borders on blasphemy. Anyone who professes to be “ushering” is deluded or more likely using my religion for political purposes. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she’s looney.
I offer the following…..on Oct 19 she addressed a Republican dinner party in Tennessee, and said:

“It is an honor to serve in this time. I believe that many of us in this room believe that we are in the last of the last days and that’s not a time to complain, that’s not a time to grumble, to be dismayed, to be disheartened, but a time to rejoice,” Boebert said.

“You get to be a part of ushering in the second coming of Jesus,”

I am a believer. In my Lord and Savior and his return. I fervently hope to be included in the number who witness the return. For her to insinuate that she, or any other Politician, will “be a part of ushering in…” borders on blasphemy. Anyone who professes to be “ushering” is deluded or more likely using my religion for political purposes. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she’s looney.

Really? This is your problem with her? I don't know whether she was being literal or figurative.. It's sounds to be a metaphorical to me, but in any case, this is all you got?? I honestly don't hear anything offensive or "looney".. But, I guess you could be offended if you try really hard..? I know it's a low bar these days..

C'mon man.. I really thought you were going to dig up some election denial quote or something we could actually debate..
All I got? No, but all I need. I could do exhaustive research and offer more…but I don’t need to. You are supportive of the Congresswoman. I’m not.
I offer the following…..on Oct 19 she addressed a Republican dinner party in Tennessee, and said:

“It is an honor to serve in this time. I believe that many of us in this room believe that we are in the last of the last days and that’s not a time to complain, that’s not a time to grumble, to be dismayed, to be disheartened, but a time to rejoice,” Boebert said.

“You get to be a part of ushering in the second coming of Jesus,”

I am a believer. In my Lord and Savior and his return. I fervently hope to be included in the number who witness the return. For her to insinuate that she, or any other Politician, will “be a part of ushering in…” borders on blasphemy. Anyone who professes to be “ushering” is deluded or more likely using my religion for political purposes. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she’s looney.

The theology is obviously wrong, but I really think you’re splitting hairs. She seems to be saying that she hopes to witness the second coming of Christ, albeit with a poor choice of wording.
Someone should tell her not to mix religion and politics.
There are politicians all along the political spectrum…left to right….who desperately seek to be relevant nationally. They‘ve chosen to become flame throwers. Push the envelope. Speak truth to power. Be heard!

There‘s a catch. In pushing the envelope they sometimes cross the line into bat$!t crazy territory. Defund the Police may be the best example…but there are others. There’s a thin line between outspoken and looney.

This is the dynamic that led Trump supporters to claim that they take him seriously but not literally. Since words are a politician’s stock in trade, their words matter.
So @BSO Dave to summarized in your own words:

It also doesn't hurt that she's smoking hot!

She has got bigger balls than most of those so-called "men"

We obviously don't agree on the Congresswoman-elect's qualifications or intelligence and I also don't agree with your selection or rating criteria for woman.
I did go back and re-read your post. You either intended to mock her or lend support to the mockery of a previous poster. In any event, you deliberately only included the content necessary to characterize someone in a way to support your opinion.. Just own it..

Like I told the other guy, you are certainly entitled to your opinion... Here's mine:

Based solely on what I have learned and seen from Boebert in the last few days, she has demonstrated more conviction, spine, and fortitude than the vast majority of swamp dwelling scum occupying those House seats. She has got bigger balls than most of those so-called "men" sitting there even though that's not saying much considering her company of peers.
To be clear, I did intend to mock her. I am underwhelmed by her intellect and the notion of her offering meaningful representation on any number of critical issues to this country Is laughable. But yes, she does support the 2d Amendment. Her district is welcome to her.

But back to your response to my post. Thank you for the lengthy reply and the impassioned defense of America First. With the exception of term limits, I think most republicans would agree with most of your definition. And yes that Is Reagan’s famous comment explaining his vision of a large republican tent. It is why I used it. Today, we seem to take exactly the opposite view in this party. Your belief that everyone seemingly has “to go“ who disagrees with you is a perfect example and the road to political oblivion.

I am convinced that sort of intransigence cost us dearly in November. The same thing is happening now where 10% of the caucus is willing to hold 90% of the people‘s representatives hostage (a rather convoluted inversion of the democratic process). I am not entirely comfortable with 10% of regionally elected representatives determining who is number three in line to the President. Particularly if Boebert and Gaetz are leading the process. And a vote for Trump? It simply makes a joke of what should be serious.

Perhaps one of the more eye-rolling bits of sloganeering that has emerged over the last six years has been to ”drain the swamp.” Sounds great, everyone can shout it and wave their fists while the politician leading the chant chuckles to himself. If we mean term limits, then that will never happen. As part of a deal to become speaker that it be brought to the floor, it will still go nowhere. Nor should it. We have a system for term limits. It is called an election. And if a particular constituency is happy with their representative who are you or I to dictate how long that representative can serve them?

If you mean those evil Rhinos, again people who vote your vision 80% of the time (judgeships come to mind), do you really think a Freedom Caucus candidate is going to fare particularly well in half of the country? I don’t think so.

Or perhaps it is the bureaucracy that needs to be drained - all those federal employees. Which ones do we fire? And do not suggest privatizing the VA or Social Security. Even Trump recognizes those programs are sacrosanct.

I personally believe what the bureaucracy actually needs is competent oversight. It starts with heads of the Federal Departments. For instance, I think Trump’s selection of Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State was a terrible choice. On the other hand, the selection of Mike Pompeo was inspired. The Department of State functioned very well under his leadership. The root of the issues with the FBI, real and imagined, are clearly it’s leadership. And who appointed the director? The staggering incompetence of the current administration in so many areas can be traced directly to the likes of Buttigieg and Mayorkis, not the federal employees. Nevertheless, as a party we seem determined to malign them and their work to our growing loss in Northern Virginia.

I think our differences are really over issues of pragmatism. Idealism is useless if it is unachievable. The founders gave us a set of tools. Tradition gave us a two-party system. At the moment both current incarnations of those parties seem determined to embrace the extremes of their respective ideologies. I remain convinced that the majority of the American people lean only slightly left and right of center. They find both Gaetz and AOC offensive. Whichever party sorts that out first will gain a meaningful march on its opponent.

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