
And yet I'd be willing to bet my next paycheck that the overwhelming majority of not just Israeli-Americans, but also Jewish voters in general will pull the lever for Harris rather than Trump in a couple of weeks..
One of the biggest complaints about recent wave of immigrants is the fact that they have not assimilated into being Americans.

At the same time, it is mentioned that Jewish Americans should support a candidate that supports Israel more than the other candidate.

And we also complain when people like Ilhan Omar support Israel's enemies.

I don't think we should have it both ways. Now, in this case it is in America's interest to support Israel just like it is in our interest to support Ukraine and Taiwan. Unfortunately, just like everything else foreign policy has become more divisive and political.
I dont disagree with you at all...

Im simply pointing out that people tend to vote in a manner that supports their self interest, and rarely consider whats in the best interest of the country at large...

clearly Harris and the D party in general at this point have very little to offer most American-Israeli nationals or Jewish voters in general that would appeal to them on a self interest level..

and yet they will by in large vote for Harris and down the D ticket...

you are a successful businessman and business owner... I doubt you would support a candidate that you thought would purposefully make moves that would do significant damage to your industry or that would run on a platform that you were convinced would do long term harm to your business.. it wouldnt be in your interest to do so.. whether you thought overall they might be better for the country at large..
One of the biggest complaints about recent wave of immigrants is the fact that they have not assimilated into being Americans.

At the same time, it is mentioned that Jewish Americans should support a candidate that supports Israel more than the other candidate.

And we also complain when people like Ilhan Omar support Israel's enemies.

I don't think we should have it both ways. Now, in this case it is in America's interest to support Israel just like it is in our interest to support Ukraine and Taiwan. Unfortunately, just like everything else foreign policy has become more divisive and political.
That's sort of the point.

We have enough home-grown people who don't hold to the principles of Locke, Montesquieu, and the rest of the liberal/enlightenment thinkers. We don't need to import more of them. Our population has increased by just under 50% since 1980, and with our low TFR of well under 2.1 for that whole time, 100% (more when you realize our population would have declined) of our population growth is immigration. No country on earth can withstand that without turning into something other than (worse than) it was.

Calvin Coolidge said:
About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful. It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning can not be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers. - 4 July 1926

I live in a county that 20 years ago was the reddest county in the US. Tom DeLay was our congressman. There has been such a massive influx of Asians that in 2016, my county voted for HRC. We didn't change, we've been overrun.

Politics is downstream of culture. Nearly all of our immigrants come from rotten, fetid cultures. They're coming here and without realizing it, turning this into the place they left.

If you whack your thumb with a hammer, you don't equalize things by whacking the other thumb.
That's sort of the point.

We have enough home-grown people who don't hold to the principles of Locke, Montesquieu, and the rest of the liberal/enlightenment thinkers. We don't need to import more of them. Our population has increased by just under 50% since 1980, and with our low TFR of well under 2.1 for that whole time, 100% (more when you realize our population would have declined) of our population growth is immigration. No country on earth can withstand that without turning into something other than (worse than) it was.

I live in a county that 20 years ago was the reddest county in the US. Tom DeLay was our congressman. There has been such a massive influx of Asians that in 2016, my county voted for HRC. We didn't change, we've been overrun.

Politics is downstream of culture. Nearly all of our immigrants come from rotten, fetid cultures. They're coming here and without realizing it, turning this into the place they left.

If you whack your thumb with a hammer, you don't equalize things by whacking the other thumb.
Yes sir!… Just like the California tidal wave to Texas.

“Look at this place with low taxes, high quality of life and low regulation…. Now we just need to make it like the shit hole we escaped from!”
Just when the moment arrives that I can bear no more from the vacuous nit from California, I am reminded what two terrible candidates we have. Vance on the other hand is a truly positive surprise. He is obviously extraordinarily intelligent and very quick on his feet. Shame he is burdened with Trump.

Gotta love Hilsdale. They should be tasked with writing a better Social Studies curriculum for all American High Schoolers. Maybe Elon Musk or someone will latch onto that if given the authority after election...

Steve, that would be nice. And our country would then turn out, properly educated, functional citizens.

The major hole in that is Hillsdale College refuses to accept one penny of government funding.
Steve, that would be nice. And our country would then turn out, properly educated, functional citizens.

The major hole in that is Hillsdale College refuses to accept one penny of government funding.
Hillsdale can teach the way they want only because they take no Federal money. The minute you take federal money, you have to teach all the woke crap.
Just when the moment arrives that I can bear no more from the vacuous nit from California, I am reminded what two terrible candidates we have. Vance on the other hand is a truly positive surprise. He is obviously extraordinarily intelligent and very quick on his feet. Shame he is burdened with Trump.

Your TDS is boring... The guy you constantly refer to as "terrible" was the best POTUS in my lifetime, certainly in terms of prosperity, and restoration of personal freedoms... His re-election will benefit you and your posterity no matter how many times you wish to deny it... Trump is the nominee and God willing, the next POTUS... That was determined by the vast majority of republican voters... Your party... If you cannot understand why, maybe the republican party has left you?

If I recall at the time, you were questioning Trump's pick of Vance calling him a wasted pick and a Trump clone... LOL... The real shame is that Trump is burdened with RINO's in his party...
Your TDS is boring... The guy you constantly refer to as "terrible" was the best POTUS in my lifetime, certainly in terms of prosperity, and restoration of personal freedoms... His re-election will benefit you and your posterity no matter how many times you wish to deny it... Trump is the nominee and God willing, the next POTUS... That was determined by the vast majority of republican voters... Your party... If you cannot understand why, maybe the republican party has left you?

If I recall at the time, you were questioning Trump's pick of Vance calling him a wasted pick and a Trump clone... LOL... The real shame is that Trump is burdened with RINO's in his party...
Have you considered that your unquestioning faithfulness is equally boring? As I readily admitted in my post, Vance has been a real surprise - Trump not in the least.
Vance on the other hand is a truly positive surprise. He is obviously extraordinarily intelligent and very quick on his feet.
I was impressed with him taking a narcissistic question and turn it into a positive answer with a personal story. Too bad the media and Democrats have vilified him so much that quite a number of people never gave him a chance.
I was impressed with him taking a narcissistic question and turn it into a positive answer with a personal story. Too bad the media and Democrats have vilified him so much that quite a number of people never gave him a chance.
I can imagine his very intelligent wife rolling her eyes at the question. And Vance did indeed handle the childish nonsense perfectly. It must be frustrating to deal with both a hostile press and that sort of cluelessness.

I believe it is correct to say that a meaningful portion of the party has left me and republicans like me. What the "I love Trump no matter what he says or does because I uniquely know what he will really do" crowd refuses to acknowledge is that a critic of Trump can also be totally opposed to the goals of the democrat party. I will not vote for Harris, and will vote republican down ticket. I believe a Republican Senate is the key goal in this election.

There is nothing more likely to get me to cast a vote for Trump than both the sanctimony of so many democrats - a popular sign in Austin at the moment is "Harris Waltz - of Course" - or this dangerous and desperate effort to label him Hitler or a Fascist.

Dennis Prager does a superb job of describing the narcissistic mind of never Trumper Republicans.

Shots fired, so keep your head down. :LOL:

For Prager, I think that is pretty accurate commentary with respect to many of the Republicans who oppose Trump - though he does ignore proportion. After all, Hillary supporters did not storm the capital.

However, he does not describe me. I will not vote for Kamala Harris and will not support the democrat party's Sociowokism doctrine. But, that does not mean that I have to believe that Trump is necessarily a better alternative.

Again, the critical path for me is a republican senate. It will be capable of thwarting the more nonsensical legislative proposals and appointments of a Harris administration, or limit the potential economic or international relations damage of a Trump administration.

Is it just me, or does Prager sound like he is struggling with chronic constipation?
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All this back and forth bitching is truly boring. These are the candidates. These are their VPs. If you lived in a parallel universe you might have something to say about it but you don’t. Pick who will be best for you, your family, your country or your desire to kill unwanted children, whatever is most important to you. Work to get that candidate elected and then live the best life you can.
I fail to see any real damage resulting from that video. Should Trump have done that? Absolutely not. I’d rather he not say or do a lot of things. Vance obviously handled it masterfully. Honestly it may even help the campaign given how Vance responded and the fact that it didn’t go on forever or get into truly cringe worthy territory.Trump is Trump. A known quantity. The sky is blue. Grass is green. Kamala would be a disaster of nuclear proportion. Nothing to see here. Time marches on.

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