
Who else thinks the media finally being critical of Harris is merely an attempt to be seen as objective now they see she may lose.

So after the election they can feel they are unbiased. Strictly a self serving play. I don’t believe they have finally become journalists.

More like pragmatists not journalists
Who else thinks the media finally being critical of Harris is merely an attempt to be seen as objective now they see she may lose.

So after the election they can feel they are unbiased. Strictly a self serving play. I don’t believe they have finally become journalists.

More like pragmatists not journalists
A lot of cya and cozying up going on on the left. Look at Zuckerberg
I believe it is correct to say that a meaningful portion of the party has left me and republicans like me. What the "I love Trump no matter what he says or does because I uniquely know what he will really do" crowd refuses to acknowledge is that a critic of Trump can also be totally opposed to the goals of the democrat party. I will not vote for Harris, and will vote republican down ticket. I believe a Republican Senate is the key goal in this election.

I see the same thing happening on the other side of the aisle as well... old blue dog democrats are feeling more and more like outsiders to their own party... centrist D's and R's (who clearly still make up the majority of both parties) are being ignored and left without a voice while the extreme left and right scream and shout and raise hell about minutia as often as they concern themselves with anything that actually matters..

I read an article earlier this week that spoke to the "Bernie Sanders Effect".. where despite him losing handedly to Clinton in 2016 in the D primaries (all while serving as an independent and a declared socialist), that he gained enough public air time to influence and impact the D party and that he is largely causal for the huge shift over a relatively short period of time within the D party... essentially without Sanders there would be no fixation on "the squad" or any desire to appease them, no one would pay any attention to the "green new deal" or any of the outrageous DEI crap that is now in the center of D discussions and legislation attempts... but now that these clowns are all in office and the younger generations are listening to them, the D party doesnt have much of a choice but to play to their whims, or they lose more centrist seats to more people that are following in comrade bernies footsteps..
Who else thinks the media finally being critical of Harris is merely an attempt to be seen as objective now they see she may lose.

So after the election they can feel they are unbiased. Strictly a self serving play. I don’t believe they have finally become journalists.

More like pragmatists not journalists
I think a lot has to due with the more she talks the more they HAVE to acknowledge it. When they hid Biden away in his basement and kept Kamala from talking, they could play dumb. When the world sees it, they're forced to acknowledge what everyone sees. The same reason Biden is not the candidate currently- they could not hide or deny what was seen on the debate stage. Kamala hid for a month after becoming the presumptive nominee and they could tout her greatness; then she started talking and they can't hide that any more than not replaying the clips.

I was just talking to someone last night about what is obvious to me: she is extremely confident and articulate when she is on her memorized talking points. She is equally capable when she talks about anything she really believes. ... the problem for her is when she gets pressed to talk off script. She has to remember what she is supposed to say, or what the voters want to hear, and because that is not her real beliefs or values, she can't do it without the cackle or word salads.
I think the MSM is finally acknowledging that they are becoming more and more irrelevant... viewership is currently +/- 25% of what it was just 8 years ago...

private online information sources like Megyn Kellys daily show, Shawn Ryans online show, etc.. are picking up more and more steam and in many cases have more followership than some of the more prominent and established MSM shows..

While youre never going to find an unbiased source of information/news.. I think the MSM is recognizing that they have gone way too far... at the end of the day, they are a business and have to make money... and without viewership, they will fail... so they have to start making some changes (albeit I am certain those changes are being met with much reluctance and plenty of weeping and gnashing of teeth).. and have to start at least trying to project themselves as "honest" and "fair" (whether they really are or not)... or they will go the way of the do-do bird..
Looks like Montana will flip

I see the same thing happening on the other side of the aisle as well... old blue dog democrats are feeling more and more like outsiders to their own party... centrist D's and R's (who clearly still make up the majority of both parties) are being ignored and left without a voice while the extreme left and right scream and shout and raise hell about minutia as often as they concern themselves with anything that actually matters..

I read an article earlier this week that spoke to the "Bernie Sanders Effect".. where despite him losing handedly to Clinton in 2016 in the D primaries (all while serving as an independent and a declared socialist), that he gained enough public air time to influence and impact the D party and that he is largely causal for the huge shift over a relatively short period of time within the D party... essentially without Sanders there would be no fixation on "the squad" or any desire to appease them, no one would pay any attention to the "green new deal" or any of the outrageous DEI crap that is now in the center of D discussions and legislation attempts... but now that these clowns are all in office and the younger generations are listening to them, the D party doesnt have much of a choice but to play to their whims, or they lose more centrist seats to more people that are following in comrade bernies footsteps..
I agree, and will add that after the Party and media ignored Bernie being more popular and was gaining on Hillary. They anointed Hillary the nominee and pissed off millions of Bernie Bros.

Then Hillary needed Bernie to get in line after the D party stabbed him in the back. So they promised him a seat at the trough.

He got assurances that his policies would be acted on in trade for his endorsement and swinging his supporters to Hillary.
Since federal judge ruled in favor of the left’s suit against Virginia removing illegal aliens and noncitizens from voter rolls, Virginia should do what President Crapshispants does when the USSC rules against him, ignore it and continue to do whatever you want,,,,,,, works for Joe…..
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Or maybe the pack is turning on what they perceive as its injured member.....
Yep, with the marxist/neoliberalcrowd, if you're in, you're in. But if you're not, look no further than what happened to Leon Trotsky. I honestly don't think it's a stretch to say that the US left isn't very far from that sort of thing. And they may already be there. Corpses are stacked like cordwood around HRC, and have been for 3 or 4 decades.
Looks like Montana will flip

View attachment 642591

I just drove through Montana last week... took I90 from one end of the state to the other passing through Missoula, Butte, Bozeman, Billings, etc..

There was A LOT of Tester advertising everywhere.. billboards, radio ads, etc.. I didnt notice a whole lot from the Sheehy camp..

One less D in the senate would certainly be nice though... I hope those polls are accurate..

While I didnt see a whole lot of Sheehy specific support of campaign ads.. what I did see a pretty good amount of was general disdain for the D party.. lots of "Californians go home!" type stuff along with "take your D policies and get out", etc..etc..
Who else thinks the media finally being critical of Harris is merely an attempt to be seen as objective now they see she may lose.

So after the election they can feel they are unbiased. Strictly a self serving play. I don’t believe they have finally become journalists.

More like pragmatists not journalists

I’m more cynical. I think they are trying to motivate their base and the never trumpers by making them feel that it is desperate.
Well, Washington Post not endorsing Harris is big.

LA Times did not endorse either but that is because the owner would like an ambassadorship from Trump and he overrode the editorial board. Bezos (who owns Post) has no such aspirations.
Bezos screwed around with Trump pretty hard the last time around..

and found himself losing out on a $10B contract award to support the US Fed Govt with AWS a couple of years into the Trump administration..

Im going to guess many big businesses have figured out its better to go back to the old ways of sending campaign contributions to both parties rather than picking just one.. and making their "deals" with candidates in private rather than publicly endorsing them in public..

Im of the opinion thats its high time that private businesses stop pushing their social agendas on consumers.. they, like the politicians have done more to divide our country than they have ever done to bring us together..

what I want from Starbucks is a good cup of coffee... I dont need their social agendas forced down my throat (whether those come from their own executive teams.. or from the capital investment firms like BlackRock.. or other places)..

what I want from Disney is good family entertainment... I dont need a "black" little mermaid inserted into my life simply for the purpose of grandstanding and posturing to make sure I know Disney is bought into DEI and isnt "racist"..

what I want from Amazon is for products to be delivered to my doorstep in a timely manner at a reasonable price.. I could care less if Bezos is a leftist, rightist, black, white, green, muslim, christian, gay, straight, or a closet communist for that matter.. I dont need their political agendas rammed down my throat either..
Well, Washington Post not endorsing Harris is big.

LA Times did not endorse either but that is because the owner would like an ambassadorship from Trump and he overrode the editorial board. Bezos (who owns Post) has no such aspirations.
Huge. When you are vying in a long game to be the historical paper of record with the NY Times, looking like idiots or political pawns a decade from now it not a comforting thought.
I just drove through Montana last week... took I90 from one end of the state to the other passing through Missoula, Butte, Bozeman, Billings, etc..

There was A LOT of Tester advertising everywhere.. billboards, radio ads, etc.. I didnt notice a whole lot from the Sheehy camp..

One less D in the senate would certainly be nice though... I hope those polls are accurate..

While I didnt see a whole lot of Sheehy specific support of campaign ads.. what I did see a pretty good amount of was general disdain for the D party.. lots of "Californians go home!" type stuff along with "take your D policies and get out", etc..etc..

Last I read Tester had raised over 30m compared to Sheehy under 10m. That pays for a lot of signs.

Mitch McConnell despises Lake but she seems to be closing a bit and might have an outside chance. It would have been nice if he had given her some of the Senate money instead of dumping it on Hogan in a race that had virtually no chance from the beginning.
Well, Washington Post not endorsing Harris is big.

LA Times did not endorse either but that is because the owner would like an ambassadorship from Trump and he overrode the editorial board. Bezos (who owns Post) has no such aspirations.

Read there was turmoil at the LA Times as well. Ownership would not let the paper/editors endorse Harris.
I think the MSM is finally acknowledging that they are becoming more and more irrelevant... viewership is currently +/- 25% of what it was just 8 years ago...

private online information sources like Megyn Kellys daily show, Shawn Ryans online show, etc.. are picking up more and more steam and in many cases have more followership than some of the more prominent and established MSM shows..

While youre never going to find an unbiased source of information/news.. I think the MSM is recognizing that they have gone way too far... at the end of the day, they are a business and have to make money... and without viewership, they will fail... so they have to start making some changes (albeit I am certain those changes are being met with much reluctance and plenty of weeping and gnashing of teeth).. and have to start at least trying to project themselves as "honest" and "fair" (whether they really are or not)... or they will go the way of the do-do bird..

I meant to add to this post as a matter of validity for the earlier point...

Consider the conservative side of the house... and the private individuals that have gotten into podcasts, online interviews, etc.. against the more conservative/moderate MSM sources and their more popular shows...

For example... Ben Shapiro... he has 7.1M subscribers.. averages more than 100K views on anything he produces within the first 24 hours.. and has had as many as 6.1M views on a single production... his viewing audience has grown 57,000+ people in the last 30 days...

Vs. Fox News most popular show, The Five, whose largest audience ever was 3.36M viewers... and further consider while Fox is the most popular and watched MSM source overall, that its viewership is in decline (16% loss in viewership in the last 12 months)..

Consider the progressive side of the house...

Look at David Pakman... 2M+ subscribers.. 2B total views in his career.. typically gets between 100-400K views within the first week of releasing anything on YouTube..

Then look at MSNBC prime time show ReidOut with Joy Reid.. which averaged 124K viewers nightly in April and May of this year.. (roughly 1.1M total views in the month of May).. which is down 31% from the same time last year... and down 51% from the same prime time period on MSNBC in 2020...

The MSM is dying a very ugly and violent death.. and they know it..

They have to reinvent themselves.. and very quickly... or they will become completely irrelevant in the very near future...

Instead of CNN hosting a 2028 presidential debate you'll have Ben Shapiro or David Pakman doing it...
Read there was turmoil at the LA Times as well. Ownership would not let the paper/editors endorse Harris.
The editor also quit in a snit as a result. :cry: I am only mildly curious where she expects to find a similar job in today's print world?

I meant to add to this post as a matter of validity for the earlier point...

Consider the conservative side of the house... and the private individuals that have gotten into podcasts, online interviews, etc.. against the more conservative/moderate MSM sources and their more popular shows...

For example... Ben Shapiro... he has 7.1M subscribers.. averages more than 100K views on anything he produces within the first 24 hours.. and has had as many as 6.1M views on a single production... his viewing audience has grown 57,000+ people in the last 30 days...

Vs. Fox News most popular show, The Five, whose largest audience ever was 3.36M viewers... and further consider while Fox is the most popular and watched MSM source overall, that its viewership is in decline (16% loss in viewership in the last 12 months)..

Consider the progressive side of the house...

Look at David Pakman... 2M+ subscribers.. 2B total views in his career.. typically gets between 100-400K views within the first week of releasing anything on YouTube..

Then look at MSNBC prime time show ReidOut with Joy Reid.. which averaged 124K viewers nightly in April and May of this year.. (roughly 1.1M total views in the month of May).. which is down 31% from the same time last year... and down 51% from the same prime time period on MSNBC in 2020...

The MSM is dying a very ugly and violent death.. and they know it..

They have to reinvent themselves.. and very quickly... or they will become completely irrelevant in the very near future...

Instead of CNN hosting a 2028 presidential debate you'll have Ben Shapiro or David Pakman doing it...
I think that is spot on. In some ways Trump is already embracing that new reality by appearing on Joe Rogan who dwarfs them all. It is telling that the chosen (by whatever non-democratic means) dem alternative does not dare appear in that format.

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