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AH legend
I think he actually reneged on the deal 3 times, Kiev, Munich and Washington.
There have been Worldwide sanctions on Russia since the invasion of Ukraine. What is left for Trump to sanction?
For example: We have not been replenishing parts for their planes. No computer chips. American businesses are out of Russia, we have been taking possession of oligarchs' yachts etc., etc..
Two different systems entirely. Space X Crew Dragon capsule on Falcon 9 is only US system currently getting crew to and from ISS. The Space X Starship with super heavy booster is a future and experimental moon and mars system.Space X rocket disintegrates. Not very inspiring when they are trying to get the other one ready to try and rescue the stranded astronaut's.
Interesting times.
Whether you like it or not, Zelensky had an opportunity to keep the aid/support coming but HE decided to renege on the deal. The American taxpayer needs to get something in return for our commitment. Remember, as a country, we are broke. So broke we can't pay attention. Taxpayers are tired of paying for stuff that doesn't directly affect us. Too much to fix within our own borders to worry about what boils down to a border dispute.
What happened to the EU countries stepping up?He has stopped all aid including stuff authorized previously and was waiting delivery in Poland. More importantly he has stopped intelligent sharing which means Ukraine does not have as good targeting information as before. To be honest I am surprised he also has not stopped Starlink.
On the other side has also has stopped Cyber command functions at DOD targeting Russia.
It could not have been better for Putin and Russia.
Why is Ukraine a major subject for so many U.S. members on the forum and not domestic policy? I thought economic and entitlement reform would be a bigger subject-matter.
Also, the Trump speech was a snooze-fest. Everyone that has listened to him speak for 5 minutes knows how that speech would play out. His tactics were predictable, Democrat response was predictable, MSM coverage was obviously predictable.
Fair enough, what type of reforms to entitlement programs (social security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, etc.) would you like to see happen before the end of Trump’s presidency? He has nothing to lose. He cannot be re-elected and is in the best position to demand change to the largest expenditures on the federal budget.because outside of the tariffs (which have gotten a good bit of traction in this thread), most that participate on AH are very likely very much on board with the rest of the economic and entitlement reform... they may or may not like the manner in which it is being executed.. but they're largely going to be in favor of the intentions nonetheless..
Almost nothing has the potential to affect us more than a resurgent Russia threatening Europe. It is why Xi blessed the Russian invasion of Ukraine to better free his hand in the Western Pacific. Sticking our heads in the sand in no way lessens the importance of that national interest. Making it the payee for our domestic mismanagement is fools errand. We spent over SIX TRILLION dollars last year as a nation. During the same period we spent approximately $50 billion on a critical national interest in Ukraine. You do the math on the percentage of that 6 trillion. And don't say we have to start somewhere. "Somewhere" should never be a critical national interest.Whether you like it or not, Zelensky had an opportunity to keep the aid/support coming but HE decided to renege on the deal. The American taxpayer needs to get something in return for our commitment. Remember, as a country, we are broke. So broke we can't pay attention. Taxpayers are tired of paying for stuff that doesn't directly affect us. Too much to fix within our own borders to worry about what boils down to a border dispute.
Sunk vessels that could join the rest of the Black Sea Fleet protecting the floor of the Black Sea.On the subject of nuclear exchange…Musk sent $80M worth of Starlink equipment to Ukraine to reestablish comms after their network was hacked by Russia prior to the invasion. Not being one to let charity go to waste, by September 2022 Ukraine was attempting to use it offensively as guidance for 6 armed mini submersible drones to attack the Russian fleet at Sevastopol. Musk got wind and personally shut Starlink down, which led to panic calls from the Ukraine Vice PM begging him to turn it back on. Musk refused.
If the attack had been successful, or other subsequent operations, it’s difficult to know what that day would have ended with.
No they would not have. Just like we will never invade North Korea. It is why Iran desperately wants them and why Israel has them.@Red Leg what do you think the likelihood of a nuclear exchange would of been if Z had access to nuclear weapons ? Do you think Russia would of invaded at all if Ukraine still had a nuclear deterrent?
Everyone is acting on the assumption that Ukraine is a new expense when in reality it is just the bill coming due on deal made in the 90s and the Ukrainian people have paid the highest price.
I agree with planting trees, the US has more trees then in recorded history. Trees like CO2. I do not believe that man made activities can change the climate in any appreciable fashion. Please convince me that I am wrong. Tell me if there are lifestyles that contribute to climate change.Fair question. My brother runs cattle and I hunt regularly on several sheep farms in the district. I shoot a lot of foxes and pigs that eat lambs and ewes giving birth.
I do not oppose cattle and sheep, but I don't think it's wise to clear forests for them either. I eat beef and wear wool. In Australia, lots of trees were felled to clear land for cattle and sheep. It's damaged the land, hugely. I am in favour of planting trees to restore the land, save the soil and our beautiful and fascinating wildlife, as well as soak up carbon.
Many of our farmers struggle to make a living on a thousand or more acres. In many places the land is ruined. If being sponsored to plant trees on behalf of city folk becomes a far more lucrative lifestyle than running livestock, then I'm happy for them to switch. I'll be trying to help them with that.
My daughter got her Masters at Columbia and her husband got his undergraduate degree there on the GI Bill after Army tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. They cannot believe what is going on there.Columbia University out of control. Trump cancels $400 million in federal money.
Zelensky did not renege. Where do you get this stuff? He was told to leave the WH after loitering there after the news conference ended. He was hoping to still sign the deal but was forced out.Whether you like it or not, Zelensky had an opportunity to keep the aid/support coming but HE decided to renege on the deal. The American taxpayer needs to get something in return for our commitment. Remember, as a country, we are broke. So broke we can't pay attention. Taxpayers are tired of paying for stuff that doesn't directly affect us. Too much to fix within our own borders to worry about what boils down to a border dispute.
Not at WH. He was told to leave after loitering around waiting to still sign it.I think he actually reneged on the deal 3 times, Kiev, Munich and Washington.