Tubby’s Canteen
AH elite
Agree. Some of my protestant cousins have actually dared to marry Catholics, much to the chagrin of their parents. One of my uncles never married. The woman he was most close to marrying was Catholic and it was for that reason he broke it off.
I personally don't ascribe to Catholic teachings, but I also don't let that impede being friends with Catholic people either. It's similar to not letting myself be so caught up in having a different opinion on politics than Democrats, yet there are those that I call friends. My mother as anti-Catholic church as she was, to her credit did not hate Catholic people, and in fact had several close Catholic friends.
Just my opinion, but amongst my mother and her family, while they had their disagreements with Catholic teachings, what concerned them far more was having the Pope as a sort of de facto ruler.
So the differences between Irish Catholics and the Protestants that primarily lived in the norther part of the country weren't really so much about church doctrine as much as in the end they really were still political in nature.
Watching that video about the Irish school teacher it seems quite clear church doctrine, Catholic or Protestant has much less influence on the island than what it once did.
Catholic Protestant devide was also a serious issue in Nova Scotia up until 30 or so years ago, more so in catholic communities than Protestant ones. Id attribute it more to the residual anger for the expulsion of the acadians who were French Catholics by the English and forced resettlement in Louisiana. Father fished for a gentleman in the 90s who was catholic and married outside the church to a baptist. They were literally forced out of the community by harassment. It also lead to pockets of interbreeding such as pubnico n.s. Where you have an entire population with predominantly two last names. The prevalent ones being D’eon and D’entremont this is partially due to isolation living on a small peninsula and partially due to a refusal by the local catholic priests to marry or give communion to those who married outside the church.