Dear Members,
I have read through the apprehensions and concede that I received an email from Jerome (founder) to respond to this thread and assertions in a urgent and timely manner.
I will however only be able (and most definitely want to) respond to each one of the above threads and replies after the burial of a close family member, secondly whilst and with that I have a Grand Mother currently in and out of hospital and terminally ill who needs to be taken care of after as well.
I promise to respond to this no later as to the end of the week, as I do fully understand the complexity and urgency that are required to resolve this matter not only for me and to restore my name but for the whole hunting community, CLIENTS and all affected parties.
I do hope that you understand and ask to please give me time so that I can just get the family doings (funeral) of coming Thursday over with.
Furthermore I am currently acquiring legal advice on this very sombre matter and assertions and will release a full comprehensive statement as requested as soon as available.
Kind regards,