I can understand it and it sure ain't ignorance.
I use a non premium for 99% of my hunting and range time.
The game I shoot feral animals like pigs goats and deer can't tell the difference when hit with a bog standard Hornady round nose,SST or Interlock, let alone a Barnes TTSX or swift AFrame. The game dies just as dead with the cheaper bullets and sometimes quicker.
I can't see the sense of using premium bullets for volume feral control. Besides that I just plain can't afford premium bullets for all my hunting. A box of Hornady 25gn round nose or spire points for my Whelen are 65 bucks for 100. A box of 50 Barnes are 140 dollars, AFrames dearer again and the last time Iooked 25 250gn partition was 140 dollars.
Woodleigh and Atomic 29 are 66 to 80 dollars a box of 50 so that's not bad for premium.
Basic cup and core give me more shooting for my dollars.
In the good ol USA Speers are regarded as cheap bullets but in Australia the last box of speer 250gr hot core was 88 dollars for 50 and that was a few year ago.
Woodleigh PPSP bonded are cheaper.
To me it's a matter of economics.
For my hunt in Namibia I used Accubonds, Woodleigh and the good old fashioned plain Jane basic Hornady round nose.
I can assure you my oryx didn't argue when that cheap arse round nose tore thru him and left a golf ball size hole out the other side.
To me it about marching bullet to game and in Australia we don't need the premium for 99% of or hunting.
But hey that's me.