@Wishfulthinker580 Ya, those general and ill defined words leave a lot of latitude, don't they. What;s my favorite intervention history lesson?
I like Viet Nam. Killing the democratically elected president, faking the Tonkin Gulf incident, and killing 58,000 Americans. And 1 million children of a lesser God. Worked great.
What's yours? Afghanistan? How'd that go? You happy with the 700 armored vehicles lost to the Taliban? 63,000 Advance Combat Optical Gunsights?
Or how about Libya? That country doing fine after we bombed it? Killed Gaddafi though.
Maybe Haiti? We overthrew the govt there in 2003 (and again in 2004) then "soft intervention" followed by having the Clinton's destroy their economy in favor of Arkansas rice production (look it up) Now it's a paradise, right? 10% of their pop fleeing to the USA
Or maybe Syria. We funded training for 10,000 rebels to attack Assad from 2012 until Trump stopped it in 2017 under CIA operation Timber Sycamore....at the cost of $1 billion per year.
Maybe further back...? Guatemala? Iran? Chile? Cuba?
Visited any of them lately? I have.
Enlighten me. Which of the above do you favor?................FWB