
Can you think of any instances where American intervention has not helped? I can. .......yet at the time, people were soooo convinced that it was right..........FWB
Exceptions to the rule do not disprove the rule. It’s really quite simple when you think about it. Also, you say “the time” and “it”, to which incident are you referring? I can think of more than one
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I agree tanks, nuclear is clean and the answer as I see it , but apparently out of line with the general plan of the elitist klaus schwab controllers, there is a big push too eliminate dams in general, especially on the Columbia river, they already took one out on the klamath in N. CA. now the salmon can die and rot in peace.
Molten salt is the way to go. Thorium is cheap, abundant, 95% of the fuel is used, and there's no good way to convert it to a weapon.

"We" should have started doing that in the 70s when we were kids.
California really should just be it's own Country. It obviously doesn't want to follow the Constitution of the United States.
Still better than places like NJ, NY, IL, MA etc. for gun owners. But yes, a member of CA legislature is on record about CA not following the Constitution. 9th Circuit gives CA a lot of cover.
I specifically said "I am not talking about cheap labor". You seem to dwell on the idea of foreign labor being "cheap". That is not my experience and I'll wager i have a lot more experience with all labor.

I don't believe I have dwelled on anything??

I would never reject your opinions based on your own individual experiences. However, I think you are painting with wide brush in regard to generalizing all foreign workers having a better overall work ethic...

It has been my personal experience that work ethic, as it relates to immigrants, is much more aligned to specific cultures. Without specifically naming or signaling out any particular cultures, I can assure you that while some foreigners come here with a great desire to work hard, others definitely do not... And, while I am sure that a significant percentage the 10-30 million who have come here illegally in recent years are here to work hard, there are just as many who are here for the promised entitlements. They have no desire to be productive Americans because they have not been required to earn the right to be here...

It's also my experience that work ethic and the quality of the character of these immigrants is related to their ability and desire to assimilate to American culture. For example, I am married to a second generation Cuban-American. Her parents fled Castro's regime and came to the US with nothing. They very quickly went to work beginning with manual labor. They also quickly learned English... In short order, and with no help from the government, saved their money and re-established the small business that had been taken from them. They thrived in America by embracing the opportunity with great appreciation. They taught their daughter the same work ethic and instilled the value of personal freedom that is the American Dream that was available to them.... Lack of that appreciation and the blatant unwillingness to assimilate is proof to me that many of these current immigrants have no desire to work hard and become productive, valued citizens.
I don't believe I have dwelled on anything??

I would never reject your opinions based on your own individual experiences. However, I think you are painting with wide brush in regard to generalizing all foreign workers having a better overall work ethic...

It has been my personal experience that work ethic, as it relates to immigrants, is much more aligned to specific cultures. Without specifically naming or signaling out any particular cultures, I can assure you that while some foreigners come here with a great desire to work hard, others definitely do not... And, while I am sure that a significant percentage the 10-30 million who have come here illegally in recent years are here to work hard, there are just as many who are here for the promised entitlements. They have no desire to be productive Americans because they have not been required to earn the right to be here...

It's also my experience that work ethic and the quality of the character of these immigrants is related to their ability and desire to assimilate to American culture. For example, I am married to a second generation Cuban-American. Her parents fled Castro's regime and came to the US with nothing. They very quickly went to work beginning with manual labor. They also quickly learned English... In short order, and with no help from the government, saved their money and re-established the small business that had been taken from them. They thrived in America by embracing the opportunity with great appreciation. They taught their daughter the same work ethic and instilled the value of personal freedom that is the American Dream that was available to them.... Lack of that appreciation and the blatant unwillingness to assimilate is proof to me that many of these current immigrants have no desire to work hard and become productive, valued citizens.
I think you are both correct. I also would never question Bob's pretty vast experience with hiring labor in fairly diverse areas of the country. Generally his experiences mirror both mine and the experience of my brother-in-law in Kansas who has owned a large construction business for decades. Spanish speaking labor tends to be extremely dependable and extraordinarily hard working. There isn't a labor heavy business anywhere in this part of the country that isn't primarily Hispanic, and typically Mexican, and the actual hammer to nail business. What unreliability that does manifest itself is often induced by our own chaotic emigration system as a false SSN or other documentation inevitably is noticed.

He would certainly agree with Bob that the least dependable manual labor is a native born American - black or white. Which is to some extent irrelevant because there aren't enough if them to populate the manual business model in most of the country.

That said, there does seem to be some real differences in some of the more recent emigres arriving from Central America and South America. These people are abandoning failed socialist regimes. I do believe that creates a different mindset among a people fleeing one paternalistic economic and social system hoping to find another one that takes better care of them. it is hard to find individuals more critical of the recent influx than Mexicans - whether citizens or illegals.
I don't believe I have dwelled on anything??

I would never reject your opinions based on your own individual experiences. However, I think you are painting with wide brush in regard to generalizing all foreign workers having a better overall work ethic...

It has been my personal experience that work ethic, as it relates to immigrants, is much more aligned to specific cultures. Without specifically naming or signaling out any particular cultures, I can assure you that while some foreigners come here with a great desire to work hard, others definitely do not... And, while I am sure that a significant percentage the 10-30 million who have come here illegally in recent years are here to work hard, there are just as many who are here for the promised entitlements. They have no desire to be productive Americans because they have not been required to earn the right to be here...

It's also my experience that work ethic and the quality of the character of these immigrants is related to their ability and desire to assimilate to American culture. For example, I am married to a second generation Cuban-American. Her parents fled Castro's regime and came to the US with nothing. They very quickly went to work beginning with manual labor. They also quickly learned English... In short order, and with no help from the government, saved their money and re-established the small business that had been taken from them. They thrived in America by embracing the opportunity with great appreciation. They taught their daughter the same work ethic and instilled the value of personal freedom that is the American Dream that was available to them.... Lack of that appreciation and the blatant unwillingness to assimilate is proof to me that many of these current immigrants have no desire to work hard and become productive, valued citizens.
I am referring to people who specifically come here to work. Most will go back home for a vacation every 3 years or so. Most will go home to live longer term. They come here for the opportunity to work, earn money, many are sending money home to provide for their families. And some have it figured out that with the economic situations back home vs. here, they can work a few years here and retire early and comfortably back home. Not unlike the discussion on this Forum regarding members considering a move to Africa to retire.

I am not referring to the droves of humanity invited here by the Biden administration and/or whatever entity or people are working within and without this great country to overthrow from within our Capitalist society.

I'm sure that within those droves, there are many good hard working people with nothing but the best of intentions. The problem of course is the total lack of vetting and the allowance of those who come with less than good intentions. Or even to freeload off our systems.
Exceptions to the rule do not disprove the rule. It’s really quite simple when you think about it. Also, you say “the time” and “it”, to which incident are you referring? I can think of more than one
Jeez, more like the rule and not the exceptions. All “hiding” in plain sight, clearly visible to all except those historically, intentionally blind. Easy to name specifically. I understand why FWB hesitant to name examples for fear of getting jumped by the clique.

Same players making the same predictions/claims that have been proven to be tragically wrong. Vietnam- 10 years. Afghanistan- 20 years. Iraq- 20 years and still counting. The big elephants are still in the room, China and Iran- with our current dysfunctional (or intentionally complicit) administration and deep state having the sheeple and MSM focus on the shiny object … while knee capping our only true ally in the Middle East holding Iran in check.

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Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia